Explain to me like I’m a retard from another planet or something.
Why do leftists hate white men?
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envy and daddy issues
You mean Jews? They see us as competition, and their Talmud tells them they are superior to non-Jews.
What competition? According to pol logic they still run the game.
Postmodern writers conflated white identity with colonialism. It is an archetype that was never intended to be taken seriously.
I hate LDR. She sexualizes mental illness caused by getting molested. She is toxic and can't sing for shit.
I made a tinder account for fun to see what’s going on in the dating game (am 30, white as fuck conservative, married, 2 kids)
Every single girl with a
>trump supporters swipe left
Or something of the like swiped right on me. Black girls. Asian girls. Blue haired college students. Didn’t matter.
Kid you not. Hundreds of young liberal girls swiped right on me, an absolute obvious white boy; 30 year old lifted Chevy and a Gadsden flag on my wall in my pics.
They still love white dick.
Post flag and come to Romania gay marriage is legal next week.
The Left is made up anti-men feminist, anti-white "minorities", anti-white Jews, anti-West Communist, and anti-Society anarchist. Of course they hate white men.
Be careful. I’m sure you’re better than that but my husband was exactly you and did that and ended up having an affair while I was pregnant. Randomly met a “conservative” chick (just pro-Trump and guns basically and could hold a conversation, but still Tinder, so take that for what it’s worth) and ended up on a path of progressively worse decisions.
you're observing the phenomena of the difference between what women say and what women do. Women inherently have no loyalty to anything but their primal desires. They'll abandon any belief system as long as they get some dick from some one they consider of genetic worth.
It's the same mental gymastics that allow sjw leftist women to view Islam in any sort of positive light. Promote their immigration, whatever the fuck.
they think they have the most to gain from guilting them but are too stupid to know it's the jews they should be hating and the white man they should be praising.
Jealous of muh dick.
Promise to transfer money from group A to group B by force. Keep all the money.
Because they know shit about the universal history. it's pure ignorance and stupidity. if they had bother to read a book, they would had seen that the western civilization was by far the less barbaric and most forgiving of all. they know shit about the huns, the mongols, the otomans, the persians, the aztecs, the mayans, the japannese empire and many others. if any of those will had come on top of the west, the world will had been much less developed than now.
I am happy for you faganon. I hope you’ll be able to marry your butt buddy happily in the coming years.
It makes them feel like heroes.
Tits and timestamp or GTFO
>Jews like to steal other people's stuff but not directly
>white men have a lot of good stuff
>White men love women
>the Jew has found his in
They see white men doing things that they are incapable of doing and their inflates egos cannot handle that someone is objectively better than them
Look up Ted Kaczynski's manifesto. He explains the leftist mind quite well
Whites are cooperating with kikes. That's the real issue. Look how quickly they fall apart when somebody stops playing along. I think Jews just open the door to degeneracy which attracts the shittiest people of the white race.
we arent just in competition with other races, we are in fact in competition with even white women. they want to dominate us like all other creatures. we are their biggest threat so they target us while we are weak
Stfu she’s a honourable married woman.
>Why do leftists hate white men?
because they are egalitarian and white men have excelled past all the others
>explain to me like I’m a retard
Unfortunately I don’t speak French
This is not the proper time to invoke tits or gtfo, newfag.
Because degenerates always want to step in and run shit after the hard work is already finished
excelent analogy. also checked
Tits or GTFO
Tits or GTFO
15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image
of being strong, good and successful. They hate America,
they hateWestern civilization, they hate white males, they
hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating
the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real
motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike,
imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but
where these same faults appear in socialist countries or
in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them,
or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas
he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly
exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western
civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the
leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He
hates America and the West because they are strong and
They don't. It's just a villain they've painted up for themselves. Most those leftists are white men themselves. Why don't they kill themselves. They only hate Republican white men, not Democrat ones
Newfag autist detected
Pro tip, sparky: tits or gtfo is for when a woman uses a hole in place of an argumwnt
White men are unique in their opposition to expansion of government control. Opinion polls consistently have white people as the only race where the majority wants less government. Leftists don't like that for the same reason they don't like Christianity or strong families, deeply religious people with strong family ties tend to oppose government authority. White, Christian, American families are probably one of the biggest obstacles to leftists establishing their "paradise".
because most leftists are people are failures in life despite having wealthy stable backgrounds, and feel jealous of white men who have to work triple as hard in this day in age where a overweight brown lgbtq female will be award CEO position just for not being white, and they hate it, they hate it that Whites in general are superior specimens, depiste being put down all the time.
It is a necessary consequence of essential leftist activity. Leftists organize and obtain power by uniting disparate groups that can't obtain power on their own and scapegoating the group that is perceived as most powerful. In our society, that's white men. Consequently, leftists denigrate white men and values associated with white men, while praising other groups and their values--but only insofar as such actions are useful at building the coalition they use to obtain power.
It all starts with marxist ideology claiming that the class at the top oppresses the class at the bottom and that everyone should have the same wealth. When you use this ideology and interpret culture through its lens, you will then conclude that white males are the oppressors in white countries and that they oppress everyone else. They want to destroy the oppressors, so they want the world to be rid of white men. Once all white men are dead, they will find some other "oppressor" to eliminate.
Here's my take on it:
The left's main gameplan comes from Marxism, that can be summed up in "divide society into oppressors vs oppressed" and siding with the oppressed..
Sticking to that gameplan implies that you will lose all the "oppressors" votes, so you have to minimize the amount of people you categorize that way all while maximizing the impact they will have on your narrative.
White straight males are a tiny speific group. Subdiving the whole society in subcircles by sex, gender, ability, race, origin etc etc etc, enables them to easily conquer small sections of society. And they can even attract white males if they are fal into one of the subcategories of the oppressed, or are plain and simple guilt ridden retards.
huh? they hate america? now this is bullshit. they maybe hate trump since he got elected but leftwingers (here in germany) love the U.S. and it's consume culture.
if i tell people i hate america (sorry ameribros i know you guys are alright) people call me a nazi, kek.
Absolutely wrong, to them flag waving and even the anthem is racist.
drop the flag Romanian
well nevermind, that was just my experience with polish lefties in germany. and this was many years ago.
Thanks. I don’t post often for that reason but that story hit close to home and I couldn’t help offering a word of warning.
They want a homogonized ignorant slave population with little intelligence that is easily manigable the only strategic threat to this is whites maybe eventually chinese namely american whites because religion is opposed to globalism and have guns to back it up. Look at inner city ghettos africa the middle east they can not and will never stop a global power america and europe as well as russia definitely can
leftist here
I don't
I will fuck you in the ass until you do.
sounds pretty nice desu
Modern liberalism has a massive jewish influence. And jews tend to oppose nationalism (except for themselves), so they naturally target the biggest ethnic group in the country.
It's as simple as this meme.
these women are either too easy or too desperate
can't be trusted
only if virgin, perhaps
No problems M'lady.
*nods respectfully towards you*
White men give females and minorities a scapegoat for their own failures. It's well known among people who were there that the reason the whole Occupy movement failed and became a joke is because the white males who stepped in to fill a leadership vacuum with the intent to organize and establish a political-media strategy (you know, actually leverage the movement toward making change) were forced out by the more radical leftists. It took about one month for the movement to collapse and become a laughing stock as soon as those white males left were forced out.
because they're a miserable bunch and want everyone else to be as miserable as them. it angers them to no end to see others happy.
I actually consider myself to be somewhat nationalistic
I'm very proud of my country's history of religious tolerance. I'm very proud of the fact that we were the first modern day country to legalize homosexuality and the first country in the world to legalize gay marriage. There are other parts of our history that I'm less proud of but I honestly wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
They really don't.
you are confusing leftists with sjws.
fact is most people be it left or right wing are just normal human beings like you and me and have a shit job to go to in the morning and have the weekends off.
This. Even the white leftists who kiss the ass of all non-white males still get told they're the scum of the earth for simply existing, because of their "white privilege" and whatever other horse shit they like to concoct.
Its 2018, we dab respectfully now
It's a culture that even many mainstream liberals are trying to accommodate. It's this culture that's going to kill the Democratic Party in 2020. Trump will get reelected because this culture and the Democrats aren't palatable to the majority of the electorate.
They hate themselves due to the void left by religion collapsing.
Psychologically they have been raised on the doctrine of original sin for a couple of centuries. Now that that is replaced by science the guilt is easy to turn inward.
Turning the guilt inward is the engine driving all clickbait articles and not allowing whites to stand up for themselves.
that's a bit rude
Leftism is about destroying traditional "evil" civilization and society and leftists believe that white men are the only ones keeping tradional civilization intact.
Of course in reality traditional civilization has existed around the world for millennia and when whites are dead they will just be replaced by Arabs or Asians or some other tradionalist system
Who gives a fuck what women think
learn how to respond to multiple posts at once newfag