Jow Forums dynamics

Jesus holy Christ! The things that you guys type...
Seriously. Jews,like them or hate them, whatever.
They are not the goddamn problem.
The problem we have in Europe (can't speak for the US) is a mass migration attempt the likes of which hasn't been seen for hundreds of years.
The problem are women! And soft men who think that all these 'poor people' must be taken in and helped.
The problem is that you cannot say you think otherwise, or else they call you a Nazi.
The jews did not do this.
We did it to ourselves. By just always being social and nice and wanting everyone to be happy.
Fuck that you know?
We must begin to openly realize that socialism is nothing but legalised robbery.
And next time you see some pink haired fat idiots make banners that say 'refugees welcome' go and fuck them up.
Don't come here like a bitch and blame the world.
Europe, it is our own fault. Vote differently and all can be well.
Fuck Merkel, fuck Macron, build a wall against Sweden and Africa , and be happy.

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... and spain too?

pay attention more bro. the jews are responsible for everything you wrote

>mass immigration into Europe
>jews aren’t behind this

Do you even sorros bro?

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You parents did this faggots.
Whilst I tried to warn them.
And now, that I have made Austria elect a right government, and now that Hungary, Poland, the Czech, and others are there... now.. I ask you:


Women, who are easily subverted by the jew, and many other lobby groups, have destroyed the education system... and in turn have destroyed the west, family and any hope of coming back UNLESS we ban colleges and stop all zionist education .....

we need to end universities


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You absolutely do not understand what I am trying to express here.
We Europeans shouldn't be cowards and carry on like this just every lazy fag gets his free tax money.
Vote the fuck right already.
Blaming the jews for the niggers that come here will not change a thing

>hello fellow Europeans

And you may take three wild guesses now who made it public that the left in Austria was using Silberstein the jew as a proprietor.. and thanks to us therefore LOST!
So do not take me for a jew.
I am right nonetheless. Blaming the jews is idiotic.
We did this to ourselves
Lets change it faggots

I did for Austria what the Russians did for America.
Nonetheless, why is Germany still faggotry?

Must I make a Germany thread?

And that is why they all enrage me... they know the words jew, nazi, fag, wtf, and so on... not much brain though. I was hoping to reach the thinkers


yesss blame your womenfolk goy.. you don't need to talk about merkel or kalergi plans blame the bitches.

fuck off

me pay attention roar? what a joke. Be well stranger

Dude, if you really are British, you must laugh at yourself reading your own reply here?

>immigration is the problem
>jews are not the problem
These two not being related somehow

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And be glad that the French are quiet.... UK, France, Sweden, Germany, the left wing idiot countries that have made it possible for the muslim nigger invasion m8

I never said the jews are innocent.
I said that we cannot blame hem for our own wrong choices

To be honest, most countries are to blame themselves for voting left. You know why that happens? Because people think they get an advantage thereby.
And in the long term they do not.
I live in a socialist country. Theoretically, all my medical bills are covered.
But what if I want a hospital room on my own?
What if I want that one surgeon that was recommended?
I pay for it, plain and simple.

And to be brutally honest, if you are a Syrian or other 'refugee' that sneaked his way into my country, and if you fuckin dare get criminal only once even, you go home (before I kill You) .. that is what Europe needs, not hey somebody else fault

And Brits, whilst I can understand your sentiment of leaving the EU, it is also a big shot in the leg for yourselves. Do you think that London will keep being the place of high finance? rather not, will it

Turn off your meme flag you retarded cunt.
If you've got something to hide behind, you've got nothing to say.

Dear fellow Europeans, we have the problem of millions of Africans and Arabs wanting to come to our countries. Let me ask you... does it make more sense to complain on 4 chan or to change politics? I am looking at Germany

Please stay on subject will you

Merkel... wir schaffen das... a nightmare of rapes, drugs, crime and insanity later...... germany votes merkel w t f

You can't blame this on jews or aliens or whatever... it is ze Germans :p

It shows you... Germans would rather be lazy living off their free money than be proud and straight

And what does 4 chan do? blame the jews? Weak, wrong fuckin fail m8s... I am not a jew and I tell you what the problems are.. the jews are not gonna change a thing

Can't tell if boomer or NPC.

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the real redpill is that you have no idea who is pulling the strings

whats with the meme flag faggot?

>Jews are not the problem

Fucking finally. It’s funny how (((we))) are responsible for refugees when their first target is us. Sure, some Jews overseas are pro refugees, but most of them aren’t. Even more so over here in kikeland, where 90% of us (except the p*lestinians and commies) oppose them.

Who prints your money, dummy?

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Fuck the jews who do support the migrants tho. They just make the situation worse and should basically get isis’d