Stop looking so normal

Elle Reeve, a journalist for Vice News who filmed a viral documentary on the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, last summer, says neo-Nazis continue to recognize her in public and make themselves known.

Reeve has been covering white nationalism in the US for several years. By the time she arrived in Charlottesville last year, many of the neo-Nazis who were present already knew who she was, as well as intimate details about her life.

"Everywhere I went, they knew who I was,". "There was no slipping into the crowd as anonymous reporter. And they knew who I’ve dated; they knew my boyfriend’s Jewish, so they would yell things about that to me."

Since Charlottesville and her widely viewed documentary on what occurred there, Reeve says she has been approached by neo-Nazis in unexpected places – including airport security.

Reeve said she was going through security last Christmas and a male TSA officer recognized her.

She thanked the officer, went through the security process, and as she was putting on her shoes Reeve said he came over and "tells me this little joke that lets me know that he’s a Nazi."

"It was just really creepy," Reeve added. "It was just like this sense of, 'Oh, they’re everywhere.'"

Reeve said it was reminiscent of scenes in Charlottesville last summer — because, she said, neo-Nazis in attendance "did not look like the people upper-middle-class white people in the East Coast think of when they think of racists or white supremacists."

"I think that’s a really hard reality for people to accept that a lot of these white nationalists are from New Jersey, they went to prep school, they live in nice neighborhoods, they look like people you know," Reeve added. "So, I think it’s really important to show that."

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>So, I think it’s really important to show that
I agree lets me know where I should move.
Thanks based cunt

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She has obvious fetal alcohol syndrome, she would pig been a 10/10 if not for that and I think she knows it.

Why is she so ugly?

>i peed and shidded and farded

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>"tells me this little joke that lets me know that he’s a Nazi."
So what did you say to her, Jow Forums?

>She thanked the officer, went through the security process, and as she was putting on her shoes Reeve said he came over and "tells me this little joke that lets me know that he’s a Nazi."

What was the joke?

bugmen have no gender, so they are correct about that one. they also don't have souls

that’s right, little girl
nahzees are everywhere, better not leave the house anymore
roastie were a mistake

Most white supremacists don't shave their heads, and they purposely tell people they vote democrat. You'd never know who they are, which is why this kike bitch is afraid. It's like the white version of Islam's "taquiyya". Why should we let the enemy know who or where we are? Hell, at my job I pretend to hate white people and niggers look at me like I'm a god. Dumbass monkeys and liberals love underestimating their enemies.
Only idiots and larpers wear trump hats or shirts in public.

>"It was just really creepy," Reeve added. "It was just like this sense of, 'Oh, they’re everywhere.'"
You better believe it.

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That'll be $14.88 plus tip.

Oh boy I would hate fuck that fish something fierce

>Hell, at my job I pretend to hate white people

>plus tip
You know damn well that the "tip" is actually a form of rabbinic revenge

>So what did you say to her, Jow Forums?
>What was the joke?
roses are red
commies vote blue
kill yourself
kike bitch

Honestly different glasses would do wonders to make her look normal.

>"Have you seen Kyle? He's a friend of mine"

Is that thing supposed to be human?

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Do you tell your boss how much you hate Jews? I wonder how quick you'll lose your job. I'll be the manager bossing niggers around soon.

>they recognize her everywhere
it ain't that difficult with those sloth eyes

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Remember Reeve was fired from her previous real journalist job for literally making up stores. Her Jewish husband, also was caught making up abuse stories he 'personally witnessed' in Iraq. They're both proven liars so the TSA officer with his secret Neo Nazi wink wink or w/e never happened.

>this thing has a boyfriend

Guys will fuck just about anything, wont they?

Golden one?

Lol i do the same, I'm so good at it I make unironic racist jokes and they think I'm just being sarcastic but I'm not.

Are neo-nazis real or are they just a blanket term for Jow Forums anons and it's a larp

I tell myself there is a level of land whale I wouldnt take but honestly if it just dropped in front of me I might.

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because she's a woman and she doesn't know how to accentuate her beauty so instead she chose the worst frame for her already sloppy eyes

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They are, in general, far more realistic about their feasible prospects.

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I guess me making this picture has had partial positive effects.

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Some are real but she is using it as a blanket term for any person who would tell her to fuck off.

yeah lol

>caught making up abuse stories he 'personally witnessed'
Just like the WMD's in Iraq, there tons of evidence showing Americans abused the fuck out of people there.

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lmao they really do look alike, now that you mention it.

what kind of shit was her mom doing when she was in the womb

the true aryan is borned

She offended people while in the public limelight, and she wonders how people know her?

Wow, not too bright this one. She should lose her job and be forced to apologize.

Probably flashed the ok-wp symbol and told her she was good to go through

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wtf america is secretly based now?
fascist uprising when?

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>they're everywhere
No shit, retard. That's the whole point.

We lead quiet, normal lives. The tedium of our jobs, the car payments, a mortgage, the kids braces, the taxes we cheat on as much as we think the IRS will miss, just like you.

We're your neighbors, your coworkers, your fellow church goers (or not), we're your family. You see us at birthdays, at Thanksgiving, on Christmas morning when you unwrap our presents and we unwrap yours.

We give easy smiles to our differently colored family and coworkers, they smile back at us. We laugh together, trade jokes, discuss the office gossip, grouse about the news.

We're not covered in swastika tattoos like some jailed ape, we don't march in jackboots like some LARP retard, we avoid the spotlight where possible, and present a moderate face when we have to stand in the glare.

And we wait, patiently, for our time to act.

There's a lot of whites that want an ethnostate and believe jews control the media yes.

Large portion of them are in law enforcement or the military too.

Even the CNN faggot is going

> what the hell am I looking at right now

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yes, they've seen her

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strategic cucking is still cucking faggot

It's a work in progress.

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That's what is usually seems like in news reports. They probably coin the term against anyone who slightly shifts the away from the left. That's a very distressing fact since it's the media who 'writes history.' We're not going to wake up one day and they report that "neo-nazis aren't real"

Perhaps a change of frames could help her case.

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No he made up absolutely ridiculous over the top fiction that nobody in the military could corroborate which resulted from Reeve getting fired from the New Republic.

It was textbook Hey Rabbi Whatcha Doin in Iraq soccer kicking babies and genociding a gorillion Judaism

Accusing white democrat co-workers of being racists isn't cucking, it's genius. All the niggers believe me.

oops wrong reply

She has some kind of congenital birth defect. How could you not notice her?

>Have really droopy eyes
>Wear giant glasses that extend downwards
She's just accentuating the problem. Why are women so fucking stupid?

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Cantwell lives inside this bitches head, rent-free.

No one had the heart to tell her it's because it's impossible to forget those ridiculous glasses?

Kavanaugh is the final piece of the puzzle?

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So there's as many "whites" that want that as much as there are "blacks" or whatever that want the same thing, but one is deemed supposedly evil.
So they do exist, but not as much as the media reports it.

That prescription in those frames do really unfortunate things to her face.

Holy fuck that's perfect. Couldn't breathe for a moment there.

yo, who has that comic of her masturbating while thinking of alt-right dudes?

Democrats can't triforce

the grandma glasses don't help

Things that never happened.

Didn't mean to imply that, but for the time being, conservatives control all three branches of the government.

She looks like that fish faced mouth breather swedish girl who cried on the airplane over the Muslim criminal. Same person?

Mordechai, his wife and their three children have just finished their shopping and decide to get a taxi back home. So he hails a cab and says to the driver, "If you turn off the meter, how much will you charge to drive us to Brooklyn?" "For you and your wife, I'll charge just $12," says the taxi driver, "and I'll take the 3 children for free. Is that OK?" Mordechai turns to his children and says, "Jump into the taxi, children, this nice man will take you home. Your mother and I will take the bus."

I personally can't do that shit. It disgusts me too much.
But so long as your heart is in the right place I wish you well.

Why no dogs? Thats evil!

Her mom drank

The joke is she thinks she's a journalist.

Oh shit she's onto me. I work in the arts surrounded by the woke sat of the woke but I think they are starting to suspect that I say nigger a lot

vice news is on the fake news blacklist

You do not talk about fight club.

If anything they're underestimating the type of people and education of the whites that are in it.

The group that i'm part of has a few hundred people in it. They're all in college or already have a degree.

lol bitch really thinks white nationalists are project mayhem

She's thin and blonde, so that puts her well ahead of most hominids I see regularly.

I chuckled

I know a few folks in fairly left-leaning fields (academia and entertainment) that do this to fit in and avoid being blacklisted. I can't say how common this is as I only know a few people involved.

Is she a downie?
Or is it because of how much of a mutt she is?
Wtf is going on in America you guys need to sort yourselves out before you end up like us

Shocker guys, propaganda looks way better than the actual thing


Does anyone find her unconventionally attractive?

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She's like Nicole Kidman if she was made out of wax and someone melted her juuust a little bit with a blowdryer. So you can see the intrinsic cuteness and attractive foundation but then kind of pull back and realize something isn't right.

>Don't hide from us goys!


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No its time to start coming out and changing the course of the country.

We can't keep letting them get away with dictating entertainment and academia to destroy us.

the problem is her glasses actually perfectly accentuate her slightly weird eyes.

Remember when the vice cameraman took pics of her legs after a marathon run.

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You wouldn’t fuck Reeve?


Elle Reeve doesn't look normal, so we know she's not a Nazi.

Jesus no.