Where the fuck are my declassified FISA warrants and 302's?

Where the fuck are my declassified FISA warrants and 302's?

He met with Rosenrat today. Where's my happening. FOR FUCK SAKE NOTHING EVER HAPPENSSSSSSS

Attached: muh302sw.jpg (637x683, 64K)

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Trump walked that back a few days after it was mentioned. I don't think they're going to do it now.


It's well past time

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brett kavanaugh boomer posted on here and says he will drop them november 2nd

>he will drop them november 2nd
>literally 4 days from midterms
So in theory he wants to give the american people just enough time to process what they've seen before they head to the voting booths. fucking master strategy

I'm really getting pissed off about Trump always cucking to the left.

No wall
No arrests
No declas

Where the fuck is 2016 campaign Trump? As president he's been shit

Trump the cuck is draining the swamp, goy. Trust the plan and clap like a retarded seal.

The wall is being built. Illegal immigration is at an all time low. Kavanaugh just got confirmed. America is feared and respected again on the world stage. What more do you want?

Given the stupidity of americans and the fact that early voting starts in october, it's retard strategy. But who are we kidding, they'll never release them.

>walked it back
You mean cucked, like a pathetic bitch

Trust the plan

>he doesn't realize Trump has weaponized the FBI against the Democrats and a proven rat and easy patsy is the perfect guy to blackmail into doing your bidding
payback is a bitch

>t. qoomer

this will be one of the october surprises.

Kavanaugh is a pile of neocon trash. He's a Skull&Bones puppet just like John Kerry and Bush JR. They create their little drama to get you to choose sides when NO ONE is on YOUR side, you absolute retard.

I agree with Sundance. There's limited reason to do anything before the midterms. People are already fired up because of Kavanaugh and the blue wave is DOA.

Meanwhile, firing Rosenstein will provoke the lame duck Never Trumpers, rile up the Blues and Dezis more than they already are, and shift the media narrative which is in a rare state of favoring Trump and the GOP. The real objective is ending the Mueller farce and Rosenstein is the only person who can do that without backlash at Trump.


>For the Office of the President, the Mueller probe is the immediate thorn. Ergo leverage over the DAG toward the removal of that thorn is a priority. Exposing the previous and current DOJ and FBI corruption is of less importance to President Trump.

>However, from the perspective of President Trump supporters, especially those who have done deep research into the former and ongoing abuse, the aggregate DOJ and FBI corruption is the priority; and exposing the soft-coup is the ultimate goal.

>See the difference?

>The ongoing efforts of the FBI and DOJ to hide their malfeasance, does not interrupt or impede Trump’s MAGA agenda; the special counsel does. Having leverage over the special counsel is more valuable than exposing the soft-coup plotters.

>If the corrupt current and previous FBI and DOJ officials are laid naked to their enemies, great; but from President Trump’s unique perspective it’s not actually a priority.

>Exposing the FBI/DOJ dirty deeds is a major priority for a contingent within congress and a multitude of Trump supporters – but for the office of the President, in the immediate future, not-so-much. Our Cold Anger is a beneficial weapon in the 2018 mid-terms. ‘We The People’ are the people we’ve been waiting for to restore the nation.

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Early voters are usually hyperpartisans. Trump is the swing voters' President.

I think you need to kill yourself, it's the only way you're going to cope with the future.

>What more do you want?
I want all the minorities gassed but unlike the user you were replying to I understand Rome wasn't built in a day. For now I'll settle for the Deep State kikes executed by firing squad and the Mexishits deported, preferably by catapult.

>The wall
No, portions of the previous fence are being replaced with a better fence. Calling it a wall doesn't make it a wall

>what more do you want?
The things I said, and the things he campaigned on.

If Trump allows all the crimes to go unpunished then he's just as bad as Hillary.

No arrests = Trump is a traitor = he deserves the same fate that all traitors deserve

Every sad kike makes me a happy user.

I think you need to go tell Washington why Nat Soc is the real red pill.

>trust the plan
The non-existent plan?
The plan where all the bad guys get away with everything?

The plan where we sit and wait for something to happen but nothing ever does?

That plan?

If this was true, then Democrats would not have fought this nomination so fiercely.

>using the FBI for dirty shit instead bringing justice is ok
Wow, it's almost like you approve of the Clintons' and Obama's method of running the FBI

>Democrats would not have fought this nomination so fiercely
They just used the opportunity to drum up cunts for donation shekels. Democrats are unsalvageable and will eat it up without questioning. Kav is a neocon and will virtue signal just like roberts and kennedy.

>using the FBI against the enemies of the nation is the same as using the FBI against the nation
not quite.

To be fair he has no control over wall funding, Congress does. That's why we need to vote next month, badly. If the GOP has a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, and maintains the House, then the votes are there for full wall funding and if the votes are there then we just need to get them. Undoubtedly a bunch of Reps would rather cuck but if Trump and their constituents bully the absolute shit out of them, and the choice clearly becomes either fund the wall or lose your seat, then they will absolutely fund that wall.

>every thing has to be sneaky, underhanded, and involve leveraging people
No it fucking doesn't.
Fire people who ignore direct orders, fire/prosecute people who are covering up crimes and obstructing justice.

That's just trying to play the deepstate's (dirty and illegal) game, and trust me when I say the deepstate is much better at playing.

Arrest criminals

If Trump doesn't do that then he's as much a traitor as hillary

The wall is useless and easily replaced by drones and increased border presence. The real problem is the visa system overstays and chain migration. It's nearly irreversible at this point.

>Fire people who ignore direct orders, fire/prosecute people who are covering up crimes and obstructing justice.
t. doesn't know how hard it is to fire government drones

>hey we are gonna release all the evidence of these fucking traitors
>use NSA to listen to all the actors panic
>learn their plans, leran new info
>just kidding
now you have a giant bargaining chip and even more information to convict them in the military tribunals

I think he will declassify. It makes sense to me to do it after the midterms now. If the Kavanaugh thing hadn't happened I would have said the declassification was necessary to rile up the Republican base but dems somehow managed to piss off the entire red base despite that. And I can definitely see the argument for not firing Nosenstein until after the midterms and we all know that once those documents are declassified he has to be fired.

>not quite
It is if you are blackmailing and using underhanded tactics.

You're either a retard or a POS if you think that being bad is good if your cause is good.

Arrest criminals, demand that documents be made public, let the country know the truth

>no goy, it's better to use lies and blackmail and make sure no one gets arrested
Fuck you, and I hope you hang on the DotR

>If Trump doesn't do that then he's as much a traitor as hillary
ah yes the outsider they've tried to destroy for 3 years is just like hillary, the insider they had to prop up (literally) just to make it to election day
that's the correct takeaway

what faggots the demoralizers are

They said they needed a little time to declassify everything. I translate that to: we're waiting until a week before the elections so we can fuck the Democrats so hard their assholes implode.

> It makes sense to me to do it after the midterms now

Then that means we won't see it until 2019. Fuck this. I'm tired of waiting. I'm here because I want to see criminal politicians go to jail, period.

I'm perfectly happy with the punishment for being in the US illegally being summary execution. The wall is us being "humane" and if we don't get that we move on to the next plan, which the left isn't going to like nearly as much.

>he thinks the wall is a real thing we want and not a way to "oversell" of securing the border.
>dems deny wall funding but we get a shitton of border improvements that they never would have given in the first place
art of the fucking deal retard

>I'm here because I want to see criminal politicians go to jail, period.

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Trump cucks to the right and the right cucks to the left, this is why he only gets things done that he can do without the cooperation of the other branches
This may change after midterms but stop pretending that POTUS is some absolute dictator when our govt is deliberately designed to avoid that

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>happy with the punishment for being in the US illegally being summary execution
Sure, I'd like to be a billionaire and be blown by swedish twins as well.

>Then that means we won't see it until 2019
What makes you think that? Trump obviously wants to ax The Nose he just doesn't want to give the left another reason to show up to vote. Once the midterms are in the bag he can release it right then and subsequently shoah Rosenstein with cause.

>Sure, I'd like to be a billionaire and be blown by swedish twins as well.
You just described Trump. He'll get his wall.

>after midterms
Why? What reason is there to wait?
>Kavanaugh happened so he doesn't need to!
But what does he actually gain by waiting? How the fuck does RELEASING THE DEEPSTATE'S OPERATIONS hurt republicans in the midterms?

Don't you think the American people should have important information before voting?

There is no election right after the midterms. What the fucking fuck do we gain by delaying this EVEN MORE?

I guarantee not a single one of you thought that if Trump won, 2 years later we would have nothing but republicans arrested, with not even one teensy weensy bit of justice for deepstate criminals.


I know I'm not the only one who refuses to vote for republicans again until justice is served. Republicans are NOT gaining voters by protecting the deepstate

He needs approval from the senate to appoint nosenstein's replacement. Dems have stalled nearly every way they can. Pray the midterms don't see any repub losses or he's fucked.

>Why? What reason is there to wait?
Because once it's released you have to fire Nosenstein, have to, everyone knows this, and firing Nosenstein is going to rile up the left's useful idiots right when you want them as little motivated as possible.

>more stupid bullshit
PROTECTING HILLARY makes him as bad as her you amoral retard.

People who protect bad guys are also bad guys. Protecting bad guys makes you a bad guy.

How the fuck does this need to be explained in 2016 +2

Technically if they refuse to confirm a replacement the IG can appoint one as Acting Deputy AG when the kike in question is fired with cause.

Tough to say where the IG's loyalties lie though so that could both go really well or backfire horribly.

that's the point you fucking faggot
democracy is the worst form of government
he should should have declared martial law from day 1 and become a dictator

this timeline is fucking trash and America will turn into Brazil 2.0 because Trump is a fucking faggot who wont genocide niggers and other subhumans

>I know I'm not the only one who refuses to vote for republicans again until justice is served. Republicans are NOT gaining voters by protecting the deepstate
Your yarmulke is showing.

>I know I'm not the only one who refuses to vote for republicans again until justice is served.
we can see through this, it's not working

>art of the deal
Trump LITERALLY won by promising a wall

The rural and suburban retards voted for a wall. If Trump just campaigned on increased security them welcome Madame president.

Trump will lose 2020 if 2016 was just an "oversell"

Hillary and many others in jail

If those don't happen, democrats get to choose the president in 2020

That's wrong
He needs to do it now
People are treating it as a foregone conclusion that Republicans will keep the House which is the exact same type of error the deepstate made when they assumed Democrats would win the presidency.

Cool your jets, my glowing friend. Trump leverages everything, but he's not sneaky or underhanded about it. He forecasts his plans 3-6 months in advance, sometimes longer, on his Twitter. I am constantly amazed when he catches people by surprise.

Just kill yourself already, democracy is only shit because idiots like you are given a voice in it
Cooler heads will prevail fortunately

I don't want him to be a dictator, but Congress has had no problem telling the president to go fuck himself, AND IT'S A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS.

Our form of government calls on Trump to push back, but he doesn't.

If any of the 3 branches becomes too afraid to assert its constitutional powers aggressively, our form of government becomes absolutely fucked.

Trump has powers that he can exercise, but he is afraid to either because a) he was always a cuck, or b) because he is afraid to fight against republicans.

The irony of Trump's failures is that he might actually start acting like a real president after democrats take control of the House in the midterms.

That's a bingo

>If Trump doesn't do that then he's as much a traitor as hillary
Unironicly this.
What in the world would he need ‘leverage’ over Rod WeaselFace Nosenstein for? It’s absurd. The FBI tried to pick the winner of the last presidential election. If that isn’t punished truly all hope is lost.
Makes me wonder what’s actually in that FISA app and what muller may have found.

Again though you run the risk of firing up the dem's base if you do it now. The Nose has to go when this stuff is declassified, has to, and we all know they'll go into conniptions. It would definitely have been worth the gamble before the Kavanaugh shit show, now I'm not so sure.

I'm starting to think Rosenstein and Trump have compromised, Mueller's clearly got nothing except maybe some tax violations and Trump doesn't want the trouble, so both will just move on and pretend it didn't happen

>Why? What reason is there to wait?
It's called politics. If you folks spent more time learning about it and less time practicing your shitposting, you might win an election again. It's only been 10 years since you did it last, only 6 counting the Presidency.

It's my understanding is that is not correct. Trump can appoint an acting one if Rosenstein resigns, but can't appoint an acting one if Rosenstein is fired for any reason, but I may be misremembering.

Not Jewish, you faggoy, but I am happily circumcised
>we can see through this
I'm not encouraging anyone else to stay home. Go and vote Republican to hopefully get Rs elected.

I'm just personally not voting because republicans have controlled Congress and the white house and I got none of the things that I voted for or Trump campaigned on.

I don't reward people who lie to me

>People are treating it as a foregone conclusion that Republicans will keep the House
What planet are you from and how do I get there?

>lock her up

>only republicans locked up

I'm amazed at how he forecasted that...
How ever does he keep catching people by surprise?

He doesn't do what he says he will do. INSTEAD he uses what he said he would do to do something different.

At the highest levels of government, zionists are arguing that justice for their treason could create a dangerous spike in antisemitism

Makes sense. Use the 11th hour strategy that is apparently acceptable now.

no he didnt, they are going to be released by the IG

>Not Jewish
Got a funny way of proving it with all this blackpill faggotry.

I really don't understand what world these people live in

>crimes were committed
>evidence of the crimes is gathered
>arrests are made
But no, we can't arrest the criminals! That's way too hard and going too far!

How in the fuck can Trump let even an army of kikes prevent the arrests from happening?

It's not fucking complicated. Arrest the criminals for their crimes!

Trump appoints the deputy AG directly. If they're pending senate confirmation then they're 'acting' which means that they can't do anything without the approval of the senior official who has been confirmed by the senate, which in the case of the deputy AG is Sessions

Interestingly the third in line at the justice department is still pending confirmation and is acting, and has been for 8 months

Yeap. It's amazing people haven't picked up on that trick yet.

>I'm just personally not voting because republicans have controlled Congress and the white house and I got none of the things that I voted for or Trump campaigned on.

This is simply retarded and also how you lose. Trump can only do so much, they do not have super majority yet which is what he needs. Either go vote or fuck off. You are either a shill or actually fucking retarded.

>he has to go
>The left will go nuts if he goes
There's a bit of s contradiction there, although we know the left goes nuts over any thing.

If nosenstein NEEDS TO GO then it means the shit is bad enough that sanest 70% of voters would see what happened and why democrats cannot be allowed to win.

The 2016 election crimes are perhaps the best positive election material the republicans could ever ask for.


And this Mueller stuff? Made up bullshit that was a continuation of the 2016 election crimes.

Trump would be the most sympathetic president in 100 years.

>we need to wait til after midterms

I fuckin love the autistic fuckers here.

No JFK files
No 9/11 truth
No Onigger bith certificate

>retard forgot that Trump won
1. We've been winning almost every election so you can go suck Obama's dick

2. Playing politics with justice makes you a bad guy. If you cover up crimes because "politics" then you are a bad guy.

Sorry, I didn't vote for Trump so he can cover up crimes. Justice must be served whether you retards know it or not

The Kavanaugh thigh has really taken the wind out of the sails of the left. Republican support is skyrocketing in polling.

You don't interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake and you certainly don't give him something to be motivated about.

And Trump is listening to them

I think this will happen:

1) No FISA declass

2) Rosenstein announces all Trump-Russia investigation is over

>we can't do anything without a SUPER majority
The democrats don't need a supermajority to advance their agenda. They make due with a simple majority.

>we need a SUPER majority
That was the neocon cry for why they couldn't seem to advance any of the things their voters care about, except tax cuts which just get reversed later by democrats anyway.

Democrat voters get what they want WAAAAAAAAAY more than republicans, and it's not because of a supermajority

I agree with every fucking thing you wrote in this thread

>vote for political parties that do NOT advance your interests
Hey, why not vote democrat then?

If I have my choice of parties that don't support what I support, why vote GOP?

2016 was the first time I voted (out of 4 eligible presidential elections) because it was the ONLY time I actually felt that I was voting for someone who will fight for what I want.

Silly me

>firing up the dem's base if you do it now
The Dem base is already fired up, they're not gonna not get fired up. Throughout American history the party opposite of the incumbent president gains seats during midterms. Thus, the purpose of declassification is to fire up the Republican base.

I wouldn't say he really campaigned on those things. I think he briefly mentioned JFK files but 9/11 was just wishful thinking

>cmon it’s totally current year
gas yourself kike

Trump isn't up for election this midterm
Stop being lazy and look up your candidates and decided if they're worth voting for.
I live in Missouri and I think Hawley is a much superior choice than McCaskill.

>people learn RR tried to set up trump
>people will be angry he gets fired

>no FISA declas
>Mueller investigation ends

1. The 2016 election crimes are real
2. The Mueller investigation is deepstate bullshit

The deepstate always knew that even if their coup attempt failed, they could always use the BS Mueller investigation to protect the criminals from prosecution

>Trump is tired of Mueller investigation
>makes deal to protect the criminals in exchange for Mueller fucking off

This is the opposite of justice if it happens

He explicitly said we'd get the truth on both. Fuck that nigger. Hope he meets the same fate as Johnny

>we don't need justice anymore
Found the deepstate shill

Rosenstein pledged his loyalty now to Trump. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Trump is still our best chance of getting what we want, but yeah I will treat Trump with nothing but hatred if he fails

OMG Rosenstein is our guy again!!!

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>Rosenstein: hey Trump, I'll be loyal to you now if you help me cover up the deepstate crimes so no one gets in trouble
>Trump: ok
Art of the deal, amirite?

Rosenstein pledged his loyalty now to Trump. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Timing is everything. Rosenstein is neutered. Entire investigation is officials exposed as a hoax effeclty killing the Mueller inquest.

Crowdstrike is still the biggest one for me. We're supposed to believe the word of a company with tons of swamp ties that won't even let the feds look at the server?