White people did this.
White people did this
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Jews did this.
I know, and it's beautiful.
Do you actually believe the same thing hasn't happened to black men? They have the highest rates of obesity in the world and are the least likely to eat right, abs are made in the kitchen and not at KFC.
The plan, it works so well!
Post this onto feminist forums and declare white feminists are racist by marginalizing black women from their own. Further divide feminists and demonize white women among the Left.
wanda sykes btfo
I'm literally shaking at how immediately I knew this niggameme was niggerly in origin. Straight outta meme-Compton. Thx Rasheed!
This desu, put them in a corner
Its because they consider anything that is made at home and even remotely healthy or nutritious is just "whyte pipol food" and "it ain't got nun of dat spyce or flava dat soul foood 'as"
Source - Twitter every Thanksgiving and Christmas
>encourage niggers to procreate with nigresses exclusively (ironically promote black pride, along with abortion specifically among niggers)
>mate with all the least-apish niggresses
>produce race-mixed children
>have your children marry whites only
>niggers continue to stagnate
>nigger population getting bred out of existence
Usually you're supposed to kill the man and take all the women - which is why niggers killing each other at an alarming rate is better for everyone, all you need to do is get the coon women and mate basically remove bleach them out of existence.
>a european country has european beauty standards
imagine my shock
now show me the cosmo mag in botswana
>draws black woman with huge tits and hips
>draws white woman as a troll
They're not even trying to be objective.
You're not getting my hint, that cartoon shows a black man with abs. That's inaccurate. The media might have a thing for white women, but it also has a thing for black men and has convinced every millennial woman that their fat is actually muscle.
Works both ways. It's nice that black women are noticing it's not in their favour.
>their looks
>not their attitudes, behavior, 7 unruly children, and horrible social mores
Doing me a big think, OP.
*ghetto ass music play*
>black man with abs
Not even.
You're missing the true level of dissonance in the artist.
I thought everybody was beautiful
That black dude is a flaming homosexual.
>Black women being that skinny
Umm, no sweetie.
I love that the black drew a white woman as a hag
I ride the bus daily and the things I see disgust me on a fundamental level... 280lb+ broodmothers with all-fake hair and violent temperaments. Garish makeup, universally yoga pants over chunky beastlike thighs. No motor control over their tone or volume of speaking and easily confused while speaking in monosyllabic, stuccato ebonics. Someone says something contrary to their immediate need for constant affirmation, and it furrows it brow, twisting its face into a caricature of an ape perplexed by a fighter jet's control console. It works its jowls; "Dat's ray-set. You neva wuz been judge by yo skeen culuh."
It disgusts me. No wonder black men want white women.
Or is it a jew?
white women that go with niggers are absolute fat hogs or feminist dyke witches with beady eyes like depicted in the image. the author of the comic builds upon the notion that black men will choose white skinned hogs no white man want above a curvacious lascievious shanaynay.
Not every black woman is a hoodrat. Within the last 10 years a lot more black women have went to community college and have become educated. A lot of black women in nursing and similar fields. You don't hear the typical hoodrat babble from those types.
You stupid fool, niggers prefer white women because they are weaker and easier to beat the life out of compared to their own, dont associate any human mating strategy to niggers.
all niggers are niggerfaggots
because their "males" have estrogen rates through the roof
They already do this on their own.
>niggers prefer white women
>Black women's shitty attitudes and personality did this
Same thing really.
those ones ironically go for white guys
Im not into black women because:
>8 AM
>high school lunch room
>dead silence, few people having a morning coffee
>muh beauty standards mothafucka
Why did white people do this?
>Arab women
>not a fat, smelly whore wrapped in a bin bag
Im willing to accommodate
you did it ti yourself
This is unironically the WE WUZ version of the wmaf memes
Can we meme that interracial dating is cultural appropriation?
>bag of taki chips opens
>turns on caps lock
Not when they are at work around white people. They revert to their old ways when among their own kind.
Who did this?
What do you do in Zambia?
How is spain hispanic? Hispanic means from latin america.
Iberians + Aztec(Maya?) = Mestizo = Hispanic
You ever seen someone step on a black girl's shoes before? It's like watching a starved gorilla find food for the first time in six months. God save all the clumsy high school kids who have to share a cage with Shaniqwa and La'trine
Fucking white patriarchy making me think that's not a gorgeous blaque goddess
who is this, jew chan?
>How is spain hispanic? Hispanic means from latin america.
No it doesn't, retard. It's from Hispaniola. Hispanic means Spanish speaking, which is why Brazilians and Portuguese are not Hispanic.
No the didn't White beauty is the only beauty.
OP is a nigger
Fucking niggers. We should off them when we get the chance.
Only way to fix it is if you go be with your own ppl in Africa / Wakanda.
Yes, and?
Almost, it's from Hispania (Hispaniola is an island in the Caribbean that I lived on for a couple of years).
it's not my problem NPCS cant decide for themselves
now you're thinking like a jew
Black men are also pushed as attractive by the media. I'm dating a white girl who had unprotected sex with a black man shortly before meeting me and about to break up with her over it (despite her willingness to do anything to serve me). She responded to my refusal to date outside my race, or a white woman that has dated outside her race, with a comment that she does not find Asian men attractive.
I always thought this shit about white women being brainwashed to find black men attractive was a meme. It isn't. Fuck the dating site statistics. If you do not exclusively find your own race attractive, you have been brainwashed, and by God have white women been brainwashed.
>they made the nigger as muscular as possible and gave him a bulge
wtf is this?
something like 65% of black women are obese.
There bodies literally aren't meant for a western diet
The factoid about black women being the modt educated has a core of truth, I foeget exactly what the ramifications were. Granted they all take shit courses and get in on lowered standards, but they are apparently getting (shoved) into colleges.
Who the fuck would date a black bitch? I'd rather take a chainsaw out to dinner. Quieter and less dangerous.
Dat's right, we is queenz an sheeit!
beautiful. inspiring. funny. powerful.
at least the latter is true
>that mustache
>that earring
>that limp wrist
The man drawn here is clearly gay.
Too subtle, it was already not funny by the time I made out what you were getting at.
>Not having super hairy arms
>t. brainlet
I live on the poor side of town, I'm white btw, but there's nothing about this image I haven't seen in real life.
kek subtle
What severity of victim complex do you have to have to think like this?
This is like the ooga booga section of the BBC news site.
I have never seen an attractive black girl in person.
I did, once. She was married to a white guy.
Ill be taking that flag thank ya
It's from Hispania, the Roman word for the Iberian Peninsula.
You're just as dumb as my spic English teacher who said that Hispanic was used because of the "panic" suffix at the end. I forgot to report him to ICE, desu, since iirc he's not legal. Should do that.
>teacher who said that Hispanic was used because of the "panic" suffix at the end
Niggers living in white countries be like
White is right and white is good
Keep those niggers out of my hood
Yeah, we'll get right on that fucking black chicks thing schlomo. Do you want to offer us a nice high interest student loan or credit card while you've us all here?
whites = jews
caucasians = europeans
so dumb