Is the Trump curse fucking real
Is the Trump curse fucking real
Ask McGregor.
Did he cry after Kav too?
yes absolutely.
to check for yourself, pray to Trump for a gift offering. it takes between 4 adn 48 hours for his prayers to be answered.
Digits confirm yes
explain please
his son died a few days after he made fun of trump's diseased father
his son died?
Yes it's real you nigger
did he actually died? big if true
theres no source though
I don't get why people are blaming Kimmel for the dead father thing, he's just a mouthpiece that goes onto stage and says the words his handlers have written for him
>Did he cry after Kav too?
Uncontrollably. Guillermo had to give him a Midol and a Snickers then spoon him for a half hour.
Personally I'd call it a blessing. But yeah its real.
There is only black and white in this world kraut. If you are not with us you are against us. You are evil for sympathizing with a degenerate.
Kimmel's son grows up to be Sam Hyde?
He's not just a mouthpiece, he serves his tribes interest. He's a jew.
Sorry to hear that his son has died. The only thing the poor kid has experienced in his life is the torture of being circumcised without anesthesia :(
the baby is suffering from bad jokes
When everyone in media hates you there’s bound to be people who have unfortunate events.
He keeps getting away with it!
A little messed up, even for my tastes. Don’t like this.
At his funeral, they should play that Alice in Chains song. "Some say that we are born into the grave".
Wow. It's indisputable
AND Trump gets to remain president?
please, mercy!
Them bones.
Fuck off Ben
of course it is how new are you?
hell look at your digits
>he doesnt think magic is real
Kek giveth, and Kek taketh
>Jow Forums is actually wishing death on a child.
I’ve been with you through a lot of stuff but I can’t back you on this one.
If you seriously wish harm on this kid you’re a fucking piece of shit. In the grand scheme of things Kimmel is a fucking nobody. His opinions mean nothing. The 2016 election proved that none of the late night propagandists have any real power. They’re culturally impotent and their opinions are meaningless. Preaching to an ever shrinking choir.
Sort yourself out Jow Forums. Get your shit together.
yes, his son dies check 'em
Run back to redd*t you faggot
I agree, we can't let jimmy kimmels baby get access to the nuclear codes!!
Blessings. Praise kek
Oh, what’s the matter you pathetic little edgelord? Feeling triggered? Clearly I rustled your jimmies. Shit bag.
Jimmy Kimmel's grandparents have a message for you him.
>t.redd*t NPC
Holy shit you just cant stop
>pol is one person
of course
You can’t even write a decent reply you laughable imbecile.
lol. Got him high 5
Didnt mark rufio or whatever the fuck his name is that plays hulk on avengers just het fired he is vocally anti trump but maybe its just a publicity stunt?
it explains where he got his shit humor from
Damien dies. World saved.
No, but the brain cancer gun is
Get a load of this faggot
Jow Forums is a hive mind when it wants to be.
What’s sad is that Jow Forums could have easily ruined this guy with his black face sketches and clips from the Man Show. There’s more than enough stuff out there to ruin him with the libtard crowd, and for some pathetic reason Jow Forums has failed to capitalize on any of it. Baffling. Such a massive fail.
Kimmel is a jew case closed
Are you not entertained? Is this not what you come for?
What happened. I know his getting is getting memed to hell and back before that retarded skit he made.
Found the newfag you seriously think this is edgy? Poor summer child
>Rustled your jimmies
>little edgelord
>Redd*t spacing
>DEBATE ME user!
I would rather chop my own dick off than put any effort into communicating with someone like you.
He means his scriptwriters. @Besskalb is one of them. So shoot her a nice message.
It’s not about wishing harm on the kid you shithead, it’s about fucking with Kimmel.
It will be
so you would say that he is just following orders? ;)
Within the hour. It's sad but it's been willed.
Jow Forums‘s sperging has done nothing but increase the exposure for Kimmel and the video that triggered your collective autism. Baited hard like total newfag amateurs.
Dear Trump, can you bring me a qt 3.14 gf who loves me/ likes the same shit I do and also a lot monies so I dont have to work my soul crushing job anymore and also health, lots of health. Pls I pray in you name, a memes.
Yawn. You couldn’t do that if you tried.
Literally no source you misinformative faggot
Stfu Jon Stewart. Nobody feels sorry for your faggot buddy’s problems.
Former \poltard\ here. Not gonna lie, it's been fucking hilarious watching this board unsort itself. But seriously, we can't let these guys get their hands on the babykilling digits.
>I’ve been with you through a lot of stuff but I can’t back you on this one. If you seriously wish harm on this kid you’re a fucking piece of shit. In the grand scheme of things Kimmel is a fucking nobody. His opinions mean nothing. The 2016 election proved that none of the late night propagandists have any real power. They’re culturally impotent and their opinions are meaningless. Preaching to an ever shrinking choir.
he's not a jew, he's an italian catholic/german
You can’t deny the truth, fish bait.
Jimmy does skit bringing back trump’s dead dad as a hologram to berate his son. In reaction, Jow Forums photoshops a picture of Jimmy holding a hologram of his son, who at the time was sick. Then his son actually died. I say GG.
kimmel's son grows up to be fucking dead, kek
Oh no a jew less in this world.
Top kek
Most definitely.
Ironic that the NPC meme and the boomer/zoomer meme from which it sprang are literally the tombstone marking the creative death of Jow Forums memes as a whole.
Dear Trump, give me the strength to give up my coastal life and set up in a South western valley. Praise be.
>calling out a piece of shit is getting triggered
Fuck off moralfag
Forgot pic
i mean we're hiding behind the internet
the grief doesn't affect us
Jow Forums is going to make of things without limit, you must realise that
Yeah, cause that’s what you’re doing sweetheart. Quick! A chinaman is about to buy up your home!
he's a retard that thinks shaming people is an effective strategy on Jow Forums
Can't find a single source confirming his son is dead, but I'm sure op is correct.
>Jow Forums is muh edgy sekrit club!
jesus pray for ONE THING AT A TIME greedy sepps
I miss the Man Show Kimmel
Trump has whats called the evil eye. Most of the worlds great men had it; Alexander, Napoleon and Hitler are examples of men with this condition. Its similar to the powers of a 7th son, but destructive. Its one of the reasons why globalists are so scared of him.
>11 posts by this id
>Literally has a fag for a prime minister.
We're obviously being baited but I suppose there's no stopping it
> bu...but if you fight back, they win!!!
kys kike
They don't hold their own to the same standards and none of their antics are a boat wouldn't be beneficial to our image of being the cooler heads of two insanely polarized sides
the kid looks retarded. death would be a welcome respite.
Why do you faggots fall so hard for fake news? You know you're all going to end up feeling really stupid when you find out you've been trolled, right? Better start revving up that goldfish memory and memory-hole this blunder of yours so you can maintain your egos.
>quit making fun of my comedian sweety