Can we all just admit that getting rich has nothing to do with skill, societal contributions, or work ethic...

Can we all just admit that getting rich has nothing to do with skill, societal contributions, or work ethic? Rich artists are often the worst artists. Rich business people are usually the scummiest, blood sucking, greediest pieces of shit business people. Most rich people are just living off interest on inheritance.

We've built a society that doesn't grant rewards to the best citizens. Instead, it rewards people based on their looks, their popularity, or in many cases, just their straight up psychopathy. Making money in America is mostly a matter of knowing, and leeching off of other already rich people. The old machine shop Joe will never be rich running his own business anymore.

I know many of you will call me a poorfag, and that's fine. I make pretty good money so that doesn't bother me. I just worry that one day this will come back to bite us in the ass. The inventors, the engineers, the scientists, and the doctors aren't valued as much as the Jay Z's, the Steve Jobs's, and the Bill O'Reilly's. It's a sick reality.

Is American capalism damaged beyond recovery?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're not wrong.

fuck, kill, kill, fuck, marry

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Yeah, it's crossed my mind I work my ass off 50+ hours a week and manage to make 40K a year while fucking clowns like Post Malone and niglets like Tekashi69 are the elites. My recommendation OP, don't play by the rules.

Everyone else seems okay with it. I'm not gonna be a wage slave like this my whole life. Time to activate my inner psychopathy.

100% Correct

tl;dr go fuck yourself commie.

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>Rich artists are often the worst artists.
but then you say
>it rewards people based on [...] their popularity
either one or the other, fag, also
>their looks
plenty poor qts if you know where to look
>just their straight up psychopathy.
they need to emulate something, can you guess what it is and when?
>aren't valued as much
there is a use to all that, you are complaining about the real life equivalent of a circlejerk

70% of millionaires are self made enough of this meme

It's easy to get rich. You just have to be motivated and believe in yourself. Ultimately in a few years you become rich

Source: Been rich twice. Apathetic af right now but I know a way I can get rich again

I mean you can get rich off playing options on the stock market using leverage. Not sure what that has to do with psychopathy

What’s the next scheme

I sense slave morality.

Now you know which God is governing this reality and hence why the Jews are doing fine.

Online marketing using social media

Yup, i agree op.
I think American capitalism is a bubble that isnt gonna burst but its got some holes and its fizzling out and dying slowly.

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>marry a roastie

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Nah. In America you still have a good stock market, good bankruptcy laws, good labour laws and "caveat emptor"

Ya there is no such thing as a self made billionaire.

I'll tell you the real secret of getting rich:

Skill at the job helps but is not strictly required. A good work ethic helps but is not strictly required. It's good connections that really lands you the sweet positions and high pay you may not really deserve.

Think of it in terms of the music industry. There are surely thousands of people who are good enough to compete with the top performing artists. They would be just as popular and just as rich. The only thing that's stopping them is getting noticed by the right people -- the only thing stopping them is lack of connection. That top 10 artist is good (maybe) but the reason they are top 10 is because they made the connections needed to get placed there.

The good news is that it's possible to make connections.

The real problem of failures isn't lack of talent or lack of work ethic. The problem is they sit at home, don't meet people, don't connect with their coworkers and never build connections.

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>We've built a society that doesn't grant rewards to the best citizens. Instead, it rewards people based on their looks, their popularity, or in many cases, just their straight up psychopathy.
And how would you fairly and objectively measure who deserves what?

income is genetic, wow so epiphany. much eye opening yes. very blackpill

in that exact order

with public cameras, whereby people can pay for the footage at auction to the highest bidder.

some ~80% of millionaires are self made, dipshit.

We already know this. Jews literally prove this. You’re preaching to the choir newfag. SAGE.

Some real depressing math:

If you managed to save 1000 dollars every week, for the next 20 years, you would still not have 1 million dollars to your name.

You're just denying reality. You think that you can CHOOSE who the "best citizens" are. You can't. Nature does. Stop having a subjective worldview. Evolution does not reward those who meet your standards, it rewards those who meet the standards that truly matter.

>You can't. Nature does

The media does. The bankers do. The already filthy rich people do.

Before Jow Forums I was a lolbergtardian, now I'm something like a national socialist. Th-thanks...

Then why not act in a way to make them choose you, rather than act in a way that you THINK you SHOULD be rewarded for, when your own eyes and brain tells you you won't be?

>life isn't fair
what an original thought.

1000 x 52 weeks in a year x 20 years

52000 x 20


Because you aren't supposed to save it, you are supposed to invest it. Sitting cash does nothing but lose value over time.

Because I value productivity and progression. I value things that actually make our country and our society better. I do not value being a rich man's lapdog, and I fear living life to serve this purpose, not only bears no fruit or honor, but is damaging in the long run.

So gambling it is a better idea?

Amusingly, the brainlets fail to realize life being unfair is in fact fair.

>pic related
do you think those who control the money do anything? then everything is just acting like it

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Hence what I said here.
Either stop having a subjective worldview or else stop complaining. If you want to live in the world you have created, that's up to you, but if you think that will somehow effect the real world then you're just utterly foolish.

>when you become so blackpilled about this rat race and slave morality that you start admiring bank robbers and heisters for refusing to be good goys and going against the herd

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there are laws and they're there for a reason. if you dont like any laws then you like lawlessness and you are a scum bag pioece of shit filth like hte OP said. and you should get whats coming to you. we made thsi shit cause we like it if you dont move
monopolies, >like I
said here are not capatlist and theyre aggressive and destructive nad do not make a productive or fruitful society. you want to live like a dumb fuckgn nigger go over there back to the islaand you came from.


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it's cause humans aren't rational when it comes to managing their capital

and that's exactly what the free market does

artists or sports players wouldn't make dick if people didn't see some value in what they produce and willingly give them their money

They also make good crash test dummies too

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That is exactly what he said you fucking brainlet. If the USD is worth 98% less today than it was in 1913, would it have been better to stack 1000$ in the bank in 1913 and wait, or to invest 1000$ and try to get returns?

We need a purge for the upper classes. Merit is dead.

Yes but the Jay Z's, the Steve Jobs, and Bill O'reilleys all put in the work.
You casuals think they just magically had money handed to them buy all 3 spent a decade working their assess off in obscurity in order to get what they wanted. As a foreign observer, the US's fascination with celebrity is simply due to the fact that you don't have royalty like most other countries, so your Hollywood and pop singers have become the new royalty.

Of course shitty elites exist who grow up with trust funds and never have to work but for the most part everybody you know of who's rich worked their ass off to get there. For example, the Jew's favorite rapper: Eminem. He could've easily just stayed flipping burgers but instead he travelled around to unknown 'rap battles', where he handed out his demo to anybody who asked. Eventually he handed one out to the right people but it took like 2 years of unpaid work meanwhile all his friends are out being weekend warriors in nightclubs and living the wagecuck life while he has to hitchhike to some shitty competition

>there are laws and they're there for a reason.
Yes, they are subjectively created by humans. Which is why the same thing, for example, alcohol, weed, can be illegal or legal depending on where you are. Because legality is a subjective construct.
There are natural laws, which are the laws the world works on. They are just descriptions of something that has always happened, not a description of something you WANT to have happen. And they say that those who take, have, and those who get taken from, do not. And success is success, regardless of how it was obtained.
>and you should get whats coming to you
Does this happen in nature? Does this happen in the real world? Does this have any effect on anything? Do you really think that by thinking "Bad things should happen to this man", bad things will happen to this man? Do you ACTUALLY think the world inside your head matters, that reality will just conform to your expectations because you REALLY want it to?

Utter foolishness.

False on business people. Wealthy families tend to lose their wealth within 2-3 generations. More than half of all billionaires in America are from the middle class and lower. Easily confirmed with a google search.
Artists are a different anomaly. There is no objective measure for good or bad art. Successful artists seem to succeed based on the mere act of convincing people that their artistic output is valuable, usually via social capital that fall outside their “skill set.”
Reminder that the richest man in the world right now is a Jew who used to sell used books, and became more successful by constantly refining and expanding his business model while exploiting the arbitrary government rules that applied to him to the best of his ability.

>You casuals think they just magically had money handed to them

I'll take what is the federal reserve for 100 Alex.

Bezos became successful by living off loans so he could afford to sell inventory at a loss to establish a monopoly. He was a former finance VP with rich connections so he could easily continue to get operating capital while never turning a profit.

>working their asses off
>literally a drug dealer through out much of his teenager years
>according to several other rappers, he was already rich before his record deal just off drug money
>decides to link up with a guy with some connections in the music industry, becomes big
>Steve Jobs
>literally some hippie that never worked much in his life and just had enough charisma to make people do shit for him
>Bill O'Reilly
>maybe the anedoctal case you needed
What people miss in the argument is that you need to convince either the ignorant masses or some uneducated elite of your worth in order to be rich. Most of the true genius of arts and thought always end up dying poor until some random phony cultured guy decides to shine some light unto their names after decades of their passing.

if life was fair, scientists and engineers would be the richest people in society as they're the ones that actually improve the lives of the masses with technological growth

Buying houses in 1960 doesn't count

No social honor, only capital power

It's not that there aren't ways to make it, its' just hard to shift your lifestyle to one oriented around success. Either that or plebs will marry young and that cuts off a lot of time. It's like the 'clean your room' thing except you needed to start way earlier than you did


It's not really a matter of fairness. It's a matter of cost/benefit. We have probably tens of thousands of people making a shitload of money doing nothing productive for society. How is that a sustainable economic or social model?

>Can we all just admit that getting rich has nothing to do with skill, societal contributions, or work ethic?

I work for an engineering firm, and we are the contracted city engineers for one of the most affluent neighborhoods in the state. Ive learned from city meetings, site visits, home owner surveys, etc that wealth totally correlates to IQ and charisma. Common professions are lawyers, doctors, business owners, oil and gas managment, etc and I have yet to meet anyone who plays to any negative stereotype, i.e. pompous/trust fund retards/terribly disconnected with the world. Sure, I bet there are outliers, but I havent met them yet. Affluent areas are also the closest thing to an enthnostate. Im convinced that those stereotypes exist as a means for Hollywood to push a meme that makes the NPCs feel better and avoid rationalizing their inferiority.

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>wealth totally correlates to IQ and charisma

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Women, who are easily subverted by the jew, and many other lobby groups, have destroyed the education system... and in turn have destroyed the west, family and any hope of coming back UNLESS we ban colleges and stop all zionist education .....

we need to end universities .,.,.,..,,.,.

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>IQ & Charisma

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>IQ & Charisma Episode 3

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>IQ and Charisma grand finale

Reminder: Tesla died poor.

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If shes so unfunny and ugly, why wont any of the hundreds of millions of cunts take her place?

Literally the greatest autismo in our generation.

Go ahead and cherrypick hollyjew entertainers like it disproves what I said, whatever lets you sleep at night. If its so easy, why arent you in a mansion right now?

Neither of these faggots ever robbed anything kek

Go to heaven for 72 virgins? Ehhhhhhh
Go to heaven WITH 72 virgins? BASED

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>why wont any of the hundreds of millions of cunts take her place?

her radical political alignment is too retarded for most normal people, but fits perfectly into CNN fairyland... plus she probably sucked off Weinstein

This post is super red pilled and based. This is why we NEED National Socialism implemented ASAP! There are millions of talented and highly intelligent young Aryans of good blood who are prevented from achieving their greatest potential simply because they lack wealth. Judeo-Mammonism needs to be opposed just like Judeo-Bolshevism.

You forgot the part about all of the failure Jews who just keep getting government bailouts and affirmative action thrown at them. Then they claim they have a right to tell everyone what they can and can't say on social media. Goldman Sachs should have been liquidated with its assets divided up between its creditors, instead its a key shareholder in the political arena demanding that everyone but rich Jews believe themselves to be unfairly privileged.

>If its so easy, why arent you in a mansion right now?

see my post here

kill, your, self, virgin


>this an American "elite"

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>Can we all just admit that getting rich has nothing to do with skill, societal contributions, or work ethic?
Yep, have known so for years. Dr Layman has a pretty good video on the subject.

>leeching off of other already rich people
I disagree, it's about leeching off the tax-payer and scamming the little people who are too stupid to protect themselves.

>I just worry that one day this will come back to bite us in the ass.
It will, and it's just years away.

>Is American capalism damaged beyond recovery?
It will only be "fixed" by collapsing, same in Australia.

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Sorry but what you say is retarded, you are implying that the people with power and on top don't have power at all, its just stupid, a logical impossibility. What actually is going on, and what you wish to say is:

>"the way this people get on top is not by following the values they claim to stand behind", "when they tell me that X and Y is important, i believe it, and then i get frustrated when i dont get to what they get!! when i actually look at what is actually going on, they are doing Z!!" Wtf!!!

The society does reward the best citizens, you just got a warped understanding of what a best citizen actually is,not your fault though, its slave morality, is how the weak shield their ego, come up with an imaginary game in which they win by essence

laws are a lie

>The society does reward the best citizens
In my country and essentially the entire anglospere the "best citizens" profit massively by dismantling (destroying) the country and selling the parts, sometimes back to the tax-payer who payed to build the parts in the first place. Calling these people "best citizens" is retarded. Good (let alone best) citizens don't destroy their own countries for profit.

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Yes they do, the nation state is falling, of course the people selling the scraps are on top

heres your problem: you believe the system should be a judge of morality; you derive this from the role of police in controlling violence , you think there are such things as ethical crimes, and you extend the role of police to the ethical plane and expect the executive to use its political structure to act as a moral police

because you believe this, you dont understand that power is not something transferable, is something that is built, and that everyone who has any sort of power in the society, has it because he is excelling over others

I support capitalism so I have to work less. I don't see it as wrong I see it as smart to get more for less. Why work for my money when the money can multiply itself? You want everything to be harder because of muh morals.

>We've built a society that doesn't grant rewards to the best citizens.
Wrong. What is popular tends to be what is best; I'd say 9/10 times it is. Amazon, for example, really is the best online shopping mall. Which means we ARE granting rewards to the best citizens.

>you believe the system should be a judge of morality
Duh, you're describing the quality of members of a team. If a guy on your football team scores twenty own goals: is he the best player on your team because he scored more goals than anyone else? Should he be crowned most valuable player? Twenty goals is a shitload of goals after all!

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You are posing it wrong.
Say the guy makes twenty goals, but another guy, who plays horribly, and is fat and smokes in the matches, go behinds the scenes and arranges for a shady dealing that gives a cup to the team.

Or lets make it less illegal: it gets the team a better contract, or it gets it to play on a better league.

Who of the two is the most quality member of the team?

You're learning, padawan. The original American System of capitalism as set by the founding fathers is what built this country. Sadly, like all systems of economy it gave way to corruption. What we have now is crony capitalism. Needs a complete reset to what it was originally.

The spoils system accounts for the vast bulk of the economy. It has been in evil hands for decades.

is a non-crony system even possible?

Nope. Not unless Christian virtue is dominant in the culture. But any system of economy can function as long as it is small. Bloat inevitably begets corruption.

what would you define as crony, in my view its just a fact of life that people are friends, and groups of tightly knit people are more capable of maneuvering than a group of atomized individuals only joined by personal gain overlapping

The posing isn't wrong because its only purpose was to emphasise that there are ways of scoring goals (getting wealthy) that benefit the country and ways that harm the country. Whilst up to this point it would seem that you draw no distinctions between the two. In your eyes one billionaire who made his wealth by creating millions of jobs, amazing technology and bringingt prestige to his country is equal to another billionaire who who made his wealth by signing massively lopsided contracts with the government to build useless infrastucture to the detriment of the country's citizens whilst accpeting money from foriegn powers to promotes their interests. It would seem you would label both of these billionaires "best citizens".

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Yes, because i see "best" to mean more capable, not more morally aligned to me, if the game is fucked up that has nothing to do with the capability of the men on top, only with their character, we circle back again to morals

And again, scoring goals is just one way of making the team win, the one implied by the game, but the game occurs in a context and there are ways of affecting the game's outcome from without the game, and these have more operational range, and is where true power is always located.

It's not capitalism, it'd human nature. M
Man with big stick is leader until man with bigger stick hits man with big stick.
Only difference is we've found ways to turn that stick into tools etc.
Life is fair and it never will be

You first. Unless you're a woman, then get rapped by a pack of niggers and then kill yourself.

>Can we all just admit that getting rich has nothing to do with skill, societal contributions, or work ethic?

No, we can't. This attitude is just you trying to convince yourself that you don't need to better yourself.

Then there is no purpose in your labelling them "citizens". Best businessman or best capitalist perhaps, but not best citizen. Being a citizen indicates your allegiance to a particular country that you've sworn not to betray, so you cannot possibly be “best citizen” if your actions work to the detriment of your country. Let alone it's deliberate dismantling for personal profit.

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many people I know are rich because there parents are rich, however they aren't able to become richer than their parents were in their prime, because they don't have the same ability.

>I work so hard! 50 hours a week! CEOs sit around!
Anyone can dig a fucking ditch, moron. CEOs have to manage money, legal issues, markets, etc and your typical Fortune 5000 CEO works 70 hours a week
>I play by the rules and cant get ahead!
You mean you lack ambition and creativity so you do as your told.
Mike Dell dropped out of college to expand his custom computer business; his classmates who did as they were told worked for him if they were lucky. So if you mean
>I will be creative & ambitious
good. If you mean
>I am going to whine & steak office supplies
fuck off.
Fuck off, loser

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>life is unfair
whoa dude. for reelz?

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implying sucking off Weinstein is a way to better yourself.

>start your own business
Pick one

here is your response:

>concern trolling ftmfw
lol kys

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