Why the FUCK do conservatives resist trying to make the USA more like Scandinavia?
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why would we want to import rapists and incentivize losers to not work while stealing even more money from working people?
you mean majority white and homogeneous?
It would never work in the US because the US is not culturally, ethnicly or racially homogenous.
And it will fail in Scandinavia the more diverse their countries get.
Why are americans obsessed with Scandinavia and epic Vikings
We're not, it's the globalist kikes among us that look up to you faggots for god knows what reason. They see it as a first step towards communism and they keep glorifying it because the average Joe doesn't know any better.
We have our way of doing things, we don't need uniformity, we don't need to follow anyone else and what works for some country across the world or even the state next door, doesn't mean that it will work for the whole country.
Also, keep in mind that one of the biggest hurdles anyone with authoritarian tendencies has in the U.S. is the decentralized nature of our country. They simply can't pass legistlation to mold the character of the whole country to their liking, whilst in almost every other country out there things work from the top up.
Ironically enough, the best chance they've got to make us warm up to socialism would be through the states, if they could put their ideas down on the local level and prove that they work, so why don't they advocate for more states rights?....
Americans are obsessed with Europe and her problems in general
Our sacred revolutionary country
Is the ancestral hearth of all Mongols,
No enemy will defeat us,
And we will prosper for eternity.
Our country will strengthen relations
With all righteous countries of the world.
And let us develop our beloved Mongolia
With all our will and might.
The glorious people of the brave Mongolia
Have defeated all sufferings, and gained happiness,
The key to delight, and the path to progress -
Majestic Mongolia - our country, live forever!
The opposite is true really. Most people could care fuck all for your existence just like you care fuck all for ours. People out here mind their own business and are more concerned with what happens in their own state more that anything, more than the country itself usually.
It's raging socialists and people who spend their whole life online that either fetishize or demonize europe. They just look at the sales pitch and depending on ideology see a paradise or caliphate waiting to happen
Purest whites live in Sweden, leave them alone, amerimutt
I guess you are right. Here its just people shitposting and not actually caring about anything.
I forget countries outside the USA exist sometimes
Were not?
We already have a mass welfare system it doesn't fix anything niggers and spice continue to b criminal animals just like the ones Sweden imported
I suggest you visit them sometimes, there's a whole world to see outside the US. But its up to you, of course.
I’m just glad the Denmark hard-on everyone had, has worn off. That shit got old real fast.
Beats me. Just forget we exist.
I lived outside of the U.S. for most of my life and we'd do the same in Europe too, forget that other continents existed. What was happening there was more relevant to what was happening across the world. Then the U.S. would go full gestapo on some goatfuckers or bomb some hospital or a Brit for the lulz and it'd be big news for weeks and suddenly everyone would become an expert on America.
And then I moved here and haven't heard any news coming from Europe except for the occasional barrages of Farage. It's just human nature anons.
i'm glad they stopped talking about "norwegian immigrants" and are now talking about "danish socialism".
our politicians are fucking mentally unhinged at this point.
There is no stopping the lunacy except armed insurrection, especially since the top military are just as deluded as the politicians.
It will not end well here in Sweden, that's for sure.
Please invade...
I was talking less about the news and more about the world out there. I just can't help feeling bad for so many Americans that limit their travelling to the States. I mean, yeah, America has lots of wonderful places, but the world has much more to offer. But then again, if most don't want to, that's fine too.
America doesn't just have lots of places as in climates. Different states have different customs, traditions, mentalities etc. I was legitimately shocked on my first trip outside of the city by how different things were and I was still in the same state for crying out loud.
I do agree that Murican anons should go abroad though, get a feel for the world, see how people do things in other societies,compare living standards or just escape from life.
Same goes for you eurofags too btw, setting foot on this country for the first time was wild, literally everything was different from what I was used to from the sidewalk to the way people treated me to the outlook everyone has in life. Come over, have some fun and hopefully understand us better. We're a very friendly country and you can have any type of vacation you can possibly imagine. Just don't stay in tourist traps for long
Sure things, America does have lots of stuff to offer. I would really like to visit one day, but its mostly been Europe for me for now. The US is great, but... (1) Its pretty far away from me, so a trip would be a bit exhausting, (2) the US is huge, one can't see half of it in a month, I'd need 2-3 months to see and experience it all. But one day I'm definitely setting foot on the continent. You've got too much stuff I can't miss out on.
We'll see how the people will react when the republicans almost eliminates corporate tax and regulations and raises income tax.
Pretty sure everyone will accept that change.
Vikings are cool, but honestly I don't know too much about them. I can't even name 5 Norse gods.
Berniefags like it because Bernie mentioned Denmark, that's about it as far as I can tell.
If i was nordic everyone would worship me but i'm italian instead
4 days of the week are named after norse gods
Aye, damn right
>Moon's day
>That's day
>Odin's day
>Thor's day
>Freya's day
>Washing day
>Sun's day.
Jesus, not that's day.
>Tyr's day
The myth that Americans don't travel internationally isn't supported by fact. Obviously they travel internationally less than Europeans where there are dozens of countries in th same land area where North America only has three, but they still travel abroad more than people from any other continent overall.
And as in most cases with American statistics, you can't make the mistake of applying the total averages to white Americans; the 40 million niggers are not doing a lot of international trips.
USA will never be like Scandinavia dumbass, your not white enough.Your fucking retarded if you think that any country in world can achieve same level of life with few shity political changes, aside from mass deportations of spics and niggers.
Do you have any source on your outlandish claim that Americans travel abroad more often when people in Europe literally travel across borders for work every day?
Ethnostates are BAD and FASCIST and RACISTS!!!
Do you really want to end up like us?
Maybe back when you had the old true social democrats, not the shit you've got right now.
"Free healthcare and free shit, what's not to like?"
>Shitty healthcare system
>Degenerate population
>Corrupt politicians
>Shitskins streaming in
All we have are good looking people for the most part.
Define "back then". When the social democrats changed name they also implemented social democracy but failed because we staggered behind other countries. (This was in the. 70s).
They later came to the conclusion that capital and wealth comes from the private sector and unregulated the market and made corporate and the tax on the market low.
Social democracy is a scam just like socialism.
Our income tax is still high and consumer tax aswell. This is what funds our welfare state.
>old true social democrats
Yeah, but Sanders is about as far away from that as you get.
Pic related, this is what our universities used to study. Now it's all gender studies and shit.
Social Democracy worked just fine in the 30's. Read the Center party's political program from 1933 if you want to see an even clearer example of a political U-turn.
there's a lot of ethnically scandinavian people here, those are usually the people who are viking crazy.
The Alt Right want exactly what you’re asking for, user.
Egalitarianism will never work outside of an ethnostate.
Yeah and it would only work then! It's an ideology that only work up until that era.
If it were to be implemented today, just like we saw in the 70s, it would be detrimental because innovation, wealth is made in the private sector.
If we can't get that, the whole country slacks behind.
Back then, the private sector was more domesticated, while now it's way more international.
>now it's way more international
Trade happens internationally more now in the private sector.
Before, international trade was more dominated by the state.
This is thanks to the world being more connected.
Simple economics.
>from the top up
How exactly is that supposed to work? Your IQ is probably the same as your BMI: 55.
It's a good question. If we were more like Scandinavia we'd
>have no minimum wage (Denmark)
>have a sovereign wealth fund (Norway)
>make based historical vidya exclusively (Sweden)
>fuck our moms (Finland)
Oh, maybe Finland is the problem here.
Danish ”socialism” is like ours before it failed due to import of negroes. You never hear the american left mention this!
The reason, and only reason scandinavia had a sucesfull left wing system was becuase of racial purity and janteloven (which probably is connected with genetics as well)
The eternal mutt strikes again.
Sorry, meant to say down, but i was afraid it'd cause mass hysteria and reminders that rapefugees are indeed welcome
It is not Russian clay, Ivan.
We're full of Mongols already.
>I lived outside of the U.S. for most of my life
You have to go back, Jóse.
more like the other way around faggot
>When murrilard has nothing bad to say, he brings out the elementary school bants
Heh, every time.
I said:
>Obviously they travel internationally less than Europeans
But they travel more than people from any continent other than that
I thought Tatars got cucked by the BRC
>cries amerilard as he makes another EU thread
We have $20 trillion in debt.
Also webm related.
fuck no, it's always some finn mongoloid making "are americans really like this?" threads
>cries amerilard as he makes more threads crying how he is the victim
Why would you downgrade to being like Scandinavia?
Did you know that the distance between Ukraine and a Mongolian clay is less than 200 miles?
I don't want the US to change too much. Different countries should be different. That way you have options.
Politically we're fucking retards. Importing rapists in the tens of thousands. We're all taxes through the roof for a healthcare system that doesn't even fucking work.
Like at this point I love Sweden and what Sweden used to be so I want to stay here to try to get back to that. But I'm slowly edging closer and closer to just move to fucking Texas.
Yeah, who wants to be like Scandis? Thank god Finland isn't.
Whiter than YOU Mohamed
I wasn't aware of this Republic, but I knew you had them somewhere near that area. Didn't realize they had their own Republic.
Soumi Finland perkele! Best country in the world. Swedes don't admit it but we all look up to you.
Debt is not bad, it's the deficit that's bad.
this is not for free. you pay it with your taxes. in germany you have to 50% taxes from your earnings.
Sweden is a capitalist country Sweden make the structural steel for most of Europe . the tool steel for the industrialized world . They have huge wealth in minerals yet the Globalist pay little in tax. USA invested in Sweden after the war . Sweden votes for the capitalist pigs.
Thats not a map of Scandinavia
Hollywood, it shapes their entire existance
>"But only rich people will have to pay their fair share!"
I was just quoting the shit Berniebros and DSA faggots say.
because american neo-conservatives dont serve people they serve corporations
>invades every country that wants to try socialism
>That's not a map of scandinavia
S-sir, are you dumb?
They moved there through Kazakh steppe from Mongolia in XVI century. The fuckers should be deported or genocided.
I dunno user, are you?
I dunno, did you notice the shadow that's casted by scandinavia and the small globe in the corner of the image?
I dunno mam, maybe I am really dumb.
Yes it is, moron.
Didn't see the globe, oh well. People post Fennoscandia extremely often and pass it off as Scandinavia.
>country full of people of european descent
>many with family in europe
>"obsessed" with their heritage
god damn chink posters
too many niggers