Jimmy Kimmmel BTFO!


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But I wish it wasn't.

I wish this was real it’d be the most savage tweet yet

Even though fake i actually died

Has anyone sent this to him!? THIS IS PURE GOLD!

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It's real to me!

Does Trump even need to say anything?

Look at the clips dislikes, even liberals are tearing into him since that's his audience in his own comments section, that many dislikes can't come from conservatives alone.

He has a lot of videos on youtube with a very pro-kimmel comment section and a large amount of likes.

This one not so much, but don't worry, it's just the butthurt conservatives, can't take a jok-
>make comment about his son

Family that have nothing to do with it has always been considered off limits, nobody gives a shit if Jared and Ivanka get dunked on as they're pretty involved, but people get annoyed if Baron does because he just wants to chill out and contemplate the universe or whatever the fuck he does with that 9000 iq.

Mr.Trump, I don't feel so good...

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Good God. Please let me see this in Timmies time line

I still jejd

Hahahahhahaha git fukkd


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it is real in my heart, that is all that matters. just like my marriage to Avril and our 6 kids

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obviously fake but the thought of it is so amazing i checked anyways

>Talking about (((Avril Levin))) in current year 2018

2001 called and it wants you to upgrade to DSL.

Hey Gordon, you still teaching English?

i know it's fake but DAMN!

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She is not a Jew you nigger. She is a German / French Christian beauty.

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fuck Kimmel

found the kike

holy shit

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cringe but based

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>tfw you will never fuck Avril in her prime

She is better now. Maybe that is because we are the same age, not sure.

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would give left nut to be real

time to slave them joos

no way!


>tfw you are finally free

Avril friend.

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Leave Jimmy Kimmel's wife's son out of this. No need to bring anyone's kids into political attacks.


you fucken assholes, you basement dwellin, I-just-stiffed-mom-for-the-rent and bought some meth nazi bastards ... poor little jimmy, how will he ever recover

does Jow Forums not have a heart?

That look when you just stiffed some ho for her 5$ for a blowjob

Is she Wilson Phillips now?

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excellent taste. she is my waifu since i'm 14 years old.

however she is also starting to burn coal with an arab guy

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what if trump photoshopped his own fake tweets to post to Jow Forums?

Pity about the tats. She has a surprisingly good figure for a 40 year old woman

when will you trumpanzees understand. its always better to be classy in the face of ignorance. the last line is not classy. im glad this is fake and i dont think trump is this bad.

Trump's dad doesn't exist.
Jimmy Kimmel's kid exists.
Learn the difference consevatards.

the funny part is that I thought for a few seconds whether it was real or not. Proof enough of how awesome Trump is.

shes hot

I wish someone would shrink it down to under 2 MB so I can host it on my site.

Not for long

somehow I suspect that hat wasn't in the original picture

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Odds that he tweets this out at around 3 AM?

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bless you

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Use webm/gifv or animated png or whatever

Don't mess with my waifu or you get the knifu.

lol it's a 3 day ban for posting this OP, but it was pretty gud