Who will win?
Who will you vote for, Cruz or O'Rourke?
Texas Senate Race
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If you have to ask this question on Jow Forums you really must be new
Cruz will win imo, not the best though, but better than Beta.
Irish are white, so him.
Cruz is a spic.
Cruz will win by 10 points when all said and done.
How delusional does someone have to be to think O'Rourke has a chance of winning?
I can't fucking wait for the GOP to put Cruz in the driver's seat and watch all the Trump fags here fall on their knees in line behind Cruz and begin to shill for him, because you can't not ultimately be guided by whatever you think will piss off whatever you think a liberal is.
It will be glorious to watch you contort yourselves spinning and shilling 24/7 to be Canuckholded by a Cuban Canadian Cock Conquistador.
It's absolutely true, you will all do this, you can deny it all you want now, but I remember how the last few elections have gone since the fringe right started spamming this site. You WILL fall in line, just like you did for Mccain and Romney.
And then a Canadian will be the most powerful man in the world, and we will rule you all without even firing a shot, and I will never let any of you forget it for one second.
So what you should be doing is deciding how best to support Cruz, because that is exactly what you and all of Jow Forums is going to end up doing.
Yes Ted is ugly. He seems an odd choice to send, when ones efforts are to organize a bloodless coupe through a peacably installed leader.
But here's the thing, we're doing this for fun. We don't do it for your pleasure, we do it for ours.
Canuckholding is not always about you, uh uh.
1/10, needs the LEAFED pictures to go with it
Reminder that Cruz is a half-breed thinlip.
A thinlip is a particular subset of anglo that is most heavily represented in Canada in the new world.
Look at his eyes in juxtaposition with his mouth. What you are feeling is a primal revulsion due to an abnormal amount of activated DNA that is usually dormant in humans but activated in rodents.
A thinlip can be amiable enough, even friendly and useful. But they have no souls and can never truly comprehend humanity as they exist separately from it.
Pic related is another example of the Thinlip phenomenon.
My fucking cruz edit got me banned during some of the funnest parts of the primaries so I deleted it
That's a disappointing proposition. Were you spamming it like a dick?
Are the delusional or just unable to see?
It's what gets them through the night. His supporters are mostly big city dwellers who live in filter bubbles anyway
Former dem here, I recently jumped ship and will be a cruz missile this time.
But ultimately who knows?
O'Rourke wants to bring colored people to the country to pick cotton.
Why aren't the racists fully backing him?
>Voting for beta
Sure if you want him coming after your guns and wanting open borders
Cruz is not a spic are you kidding me?
No, I caught a porn ban from it for being a leaf.
And then I got another one for discreetly helping anons to receive their daily dose, so I purged my folder of anything not g rated.
only in blue states
cruz will win, but im voting beto because cruz is a cunt
One of them is a lyin' snake who has an ugly wife and his dad killed JFK.
They are coming...
based and ratopilled
hillary has 98% chance of winning the presidency over trump
Yes and?
Straight. Republican. Ticket
Beta will win
Cruz will literally rape him with the constitution.
They are really trying to sneak this guy under the radar.
>fake hispanic name "Beto" (real name Robert Francis O'Rourke, irish background)
>black and white campaign logo so Texans won't see hes a blue democrat
Won't work. People of texas can see through this shit
Didn't Cruz's dad hang out with Lee Harvey Oswald?
>Trump said he did
>People of texas can see through this shit
All of the sudden you need the beaner vote to win.
Beto and Cruz are both Zionist neo-cons. Only Israel wins.
Probably Ted Cruz.
Senate 85% R
House 67% D
Sen Ted Cruz R TX 79% chance of reelection.
Sen Jon Tester D MT 65% chance of reelection.
Sen Heidi Heitkamp D ND 19% chance of reelection.
Sen Bill Nelson D FL 52% chance of reelection.
Sen Clair McCaskill D MO 40% chance of reelection.
Sen Joe Donnelly D IN 52% chance of reelection.
Sen Bob Menendez D NJ 79% chance of reelection.
Unless he hung out with Malcolm Wallace it's nothing to worry about.
Majority of them don't even vote and the ones that do are more likely to vote Cruz. Lot of beaners in texas are secretly based and don't like dems pandering to them.
Irish fag wants to take my hi-cap magazines and open the border. He can get fucked
None of these people are from Texas, just hopeful liberal trolls
Are you sure?
a spic or a white man who do you vote for Jow Forums
lmao, this is what the blue wave is...
now imagine the average voter in texas.
Donated to cruz yesterday. Shits in the bag after kavanaugh and him getting chased by antifa.
You're a disgrace to your Irish blood line. I hope you end yours by watering it down with a nigglet.
Ted Cruz because he reminds me of 'The Munsters' and of a more innocent time in America
They brought chairs for them lol. At trump rallies you have to fucking stand.