do black people really rape more on average or do they just sensationalize it
Do black people really rape more on average or do they just sensationalize it
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White people are going to die because of the "ask the fish what's water".
You have no idea how horrible is the world outside your comfortable developed world
Blacks have about a 500% increased rate (versus whites) of the 2-repeat MAOA gene which has a proven link to violent behavior.
They really rape more.
They're really stupid.
They really do hate white people.
They really do steal more.
They really do initiate violence more.
They really like fried chicken.
And they really are lazy. It's all true.
Rape is genuinely the patricians' fetish.
Transhumanism is to give the Beast the power to harness fire.
let us be rapist cavemen with death rays
We don't know the truth because a not insignificant number of rape kits just sit in evidence lockers without being processed. Blacks rape more, but they could be raping way more than we even know.
Niggers are 13% of the population and commit 28% of rapes.
yeah i think it was around 5 times higher per capita
All statistics point towards 'yes'. It is likely that they rape far more than we think. The per capita murder rate for blacks is much higher than the per capita rape rate for blacks. So it is likely that most are not being reported. Likely is is black on black rape that is being missed the most.
This. I cannot leave my house without some nigger asking me for change. Its getting fucking obnoxious seeing niggers with nicer clothes on than me with the audacity to ask me for change. So yes they do. They are inferior in every way.
goblin slayer is trash
having a rape fetish is trash, having a non-human rape fetish is MEGA trash
First episode was bretty gud
Goblin Slayer
>rape fetish is trash
only if it's a non-human/ugly old fat bastard doing it
if it's your average salary man it's sexy as shit
>what are statistics /thread edition
Last week I stood and watched one steal veggies from the community garden. When he saw me watching, his response - What choo lookin at?!!
The goblins are a cross between Jews and Niggers in the manga. The MC spends his entire life holocausting them. How is this not a Jow Forums approved story?
Be honest anons.
How many times have you fapped to the GS rape scenes ever since you saw them in the manga?
they just sensationalize it
that's an opinion cooked up by your Jow Forums meme saturated brain.
>5 second rape scene
>You don't even see anything
>People freak the fuck out.
It's one thing if you genuinely don't care for the anime but everyone's being a little baby bitch about it. Is this your first anime since graduating from Pokemon?
Does it count if a nigger rapes a sheboon?
statistics prove otherwise
kys nigger
>mock a shit fetish
>say an anime/manga is trash
>"WOW you're so immature you cant even handle rape"
That’s just reported and prosecuted rapes. For every one nigger that gets caught you have to imagine there are many more that go free. They live in places with a “don’t ever talk to police” culture and where crime is so high that the cops don’t even have the man power to investigate most of the crimes.
Niggers are Savages! They are VERY low I Q and most are uneducable! They perpetrate MORE of every Crime! I vote to exterminate them,sterizle them at birth or relocate them to Mother Africa so they can build Wakanda out of mud and Feces ! Integration is a failed social experiment! GibsMe don't work! Back to the drawing board~ Buh~Bye NIGGERS !
Ok Goblin
On the statistical level yes, but it's also a fact that there are plenty of black people that are average or above average intelligence, and exhibit perfectly upstanding citizenry. Not saying there aren't biological factors, and cyclical cultural problems that stem from within the black community, but there are also, not in a meme way, actual systemic factors like schools being funded by the property tax of the surrounding area, and ghettos forming because of the aggregation of low income housing in a sequestered area. Not that I have the solution to all this, but even given that blacks are statistically worse on just about ever metris, it is still a fact that individuals that comprise those stats vary wildly, and we should still encourage those that beat the odds. If there were an ethical way to practice eugenics that would be the best, but idk if there is a good way to execute that. The best we can do is provide good education with good after school programs and proliferate birth control methods. While it's bad that the left has made it taboo to look honestly at the problem, rendering it impossible to diagnose and remedy it, it's also bad to be too reductive and callous.