Take the Offensive

Look, ladies. Maybe you are being unfairly represented in the media as of late, but I can't get over how stupid women are. I used to believe in all of this everybody is equal nonsense. That is clearly not the case. Know what I believe now? I believe women are largely responsible for ruining this country. I believe men are to blame for giving women TOO MUCH freedom and that the only hope for the future of humanity is for men to reign in the freedoms of women. I don't know exactly what you think is so bad about the equality and rights that have been granted to you by men, but you act like children and live in a fantasy. I will now oppose womens rights and support repealing them until we can bring civil discourse back to this nation. You threaten to burn this nation down? This nation was built by men and we will rebuild anything faster than you can destroy. You have kicked men out of your lives and the lives of your children while hiding behind the state to mandate that we pay for your lifestyle of whoring. I am not an outlier here. I write on behalf of a growing sentiment. We welcome your batshit insane screaming through your vaginas. It only helps garner support for the repeal of the very freedoms that led to the sorry modern state which is a mere shadow of what it once meant to be a woman. Women absolutely should nit have the right to vote and it's time this fundamental flaw in our society is addressed.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>stop fearing women
>don't discuss politics with women
>speak out against unchecked female behavior

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Could agree more OP, but what's our next move? How can we possibly keep up momentum?

Cuck Norris ironically shows how mouthy broads should be dealt with.

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women were a mistake

The next move is simply stating things as plainly and straightforward as possible. Be forthright and unyielding. Let it be known and felt that the fear of whore withdrawing their easy access to their vaginas is no long perceived as a threat. Simply stand and be seen. Others will follow.

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Isn't it possible that going too hard right now with simply radicalize females even more?


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metoo is the clearest example yet of the inferiority of females.

>strip women of their rights

welcome to 2015 me. this will never happen. the only ones who stand against degeneracy are too busy being wage slaves. the political LARPing we’ve seen since the obama regime was planned for academia for a reason. college has never been more attached to the welfare state’s teet than today

take the black pill and realize there is nothing we can do to combat jewish propaganda against white males. we won’t even organize due to fear of losing our careers

What are they even doing there? If there was a room full of dude grabbing their cocks and screaming we'd assume they were so mentally ill they'd devolved into apes or something

Nope. Know why? Nothing gets the pussy moist like a fight. Know how many commie wenches I hatefucked in college? They all had these sad little beta orbiters waiting on them too, thinking that memorising Marx would get them in lel. You'll be amazed that once you "come out" as an actual man & proud how quickly they'll turn. I actually blame weak men for the whole feminist thing, women lack self determination to the same extent as men - if they'd been getting properly treated by real White Men none of this would be happening. You don't blame a beaten dog for misbehaving, and a women that's childless & unsatisfied is much the same way.

>take the black pill and realize there is nothing we can do to combat jewish propaganda against white males. we won’t even organize due to fear of losing our careers

As depressing as this sounds, I agree.

This is mainly why Islam will win in the end, The west is in decline and I don't think anyone argues against that. The left have figured out to the T how to manipulate women and exploit their emotions for political purposes and it is completely ruining us. The "elites" CFR/Bilderberg/Tri-lateral commission know exactly what they are doing and it's pretty obvious they want to collapse the west in favor of a more controllable religion like Islam and a more Totalitarian communist system like China. This is just their big goodbye and fuck you to the west before it implodes.

Just wanted to let you know that you're saying what I've been thinking for a while now. Things need to change.

I remember the shitposting from like 7 years ago on pol. Those ideas from then have become part of main stream culture so it makes me hopeful we'll see some of this in the future. It's really the only way.

You know, after thinking for a few months about past experiences with women I... want to agree with you. Women CANNOT think for themselves even the highly intelligent ones. When they misbehave you have to put them in line quick and they shit test you subconsciously. I honestly think that a woman should fucking fear you so that she has respect for you. The amount of women who are truly good are very few, so it's very unlikely that we will meet one like that so I honestly think that slapping a woman in private is actually good for her and for you too. They are like kids - you cannot reason with a kid when he does a bad thing, maybe with a boy who is a teenager, you can't do that with women and certainly with younger kids. If they do something wrong you have to punish them for their deeds and the punishment has to equal the bad deed they have done. The worse the deed, the greater the punishment.

This is fucking stupid, fixes nothing and just plays into their agenda if you do this now. Fix the political system and laws and the rest will follow naturally.

This is absolutely true.

>fix the political system
that's a long term solution. Like the Aussie said, men have allowed this behavior from women. Yes, we need to fix political system, but do you really think women are going to help us? No. We will have to ignore what they say and do as we always did. We will have to start putting them back into their place and at this point they are leaving fewer options besides physical violence.

If you ever had to deal with women, you would know what I am talking about. Man on man interaction is radically different from man on woman interaction. With the first interaction there can be reasons, arguments etc. with the second those are mostly based on feelings. If the facts don't agree with her feelings no matter how good you are at argumentation and no matter how polite you are, she will not respect you unless you do it slow and gradually, but then again you have to make sure that she is not bombarded by the media 24/7 and you have to have sort of a closed system so that she doesn't get exposed to crap. I've seen pure girls becoming corrupted from media, their friends and society in general. Their downfall from qt virgins into literal whores is absolutely disgusting to watch and heartbreaking.

>We will have to start putting them back into their place and at this point they are leaving fewer options besides physical violence.

I think Russia works a little different than the west. You can't hit people here and not expect to get into big trouble. If you do that here, you just hurt yourself. Women will even try to provoke you so they can play the victim. So no I don't see that being a solution at all.

Every white man should be smoking pipes.

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Nope. Outlive those bitches.

They're screaming at Trump through their vaginas. Not even joking.

>I think Russia works a little different than the west. You can't hit people here and not expect to get into big trouble. If you do that here, you just hurt yourself
Cuck. I lived in US for a few years and I've seen how an american Trump supporting guy treated his gf who cheated on him. You know what he did? He threw her around the fucking apartment like garbage can. I could hear her crying and weeping and him continuing to do that. Guess what? Did he get into trouble for that? No. Did she leave him? No what happened was the following
*one week later*
>rings bell
>can I please come to your place?
I fucking kid you not. And this was done in America where the laws are stacked against a man. Again, you can do it, just be careful on how you physically punish your woman.
>Russia works a little bit differently
Not really, it's the same. Same divorce rate, same feminism (albeit not at the same stage yet, more like 2014 levels in comparisons to US), same rape-divorce laws, same female privilege when they get jobs etc. Russia is not far off on degeneracy scale, I'd say in some ways it's even worse (our HIV rates are the highest in EU thanks to whores and drug addicts).

Again my friend, choice is yours, you either be a cuck and watch your woman be fucked by dozens of men, possibly niggers, or take your fate and your woman in your hand and literally beat the shit out of her when she deserves it. And if you are scared gather blackmail on her (nudes, her friends contacts, her family contacts, her job information, passwords to her social accounts) so just be a turbo jew on her and if she ever tries to wiggle out from relationship let her know that the consequences of her actions are going to be devastating. That alone should petrify her if you have good enough blackmail. You have to gain complete control of her.

People keep talking about how this shit exposed the left. It really exposed women, and how easily they are lead and shouldn't be allowed to vote.

avoid the tobacco jew.

not just the left. capitalists have found that the most capitalist bitches live in communist china.

they are ultra katalyst harpies for being ultra demanding, because of the ultra ego inflation due to the shortage of them.

and what does the west? import young men...

>inb4 a monster
To beat the monster (which nowadays modern women are) you have to become one. There really is no way at this point. Women have done this to themselves. Look, I tried to be nice to them and every single fucking time I was dropped and accused of being abusive. Might as well earn that title and actually destroy her life instead of her stomping on your man pride and ego.

All of the oldest men here seem to smoke cigars though. It's weird. Usually World War II vets.

Dude, I have no interest in hitting people. If a girl is a whore, I move on and remove her from my life. I'm not wasting my time and energy on trash. It's a show of weakness that she made you so angry, you lose it. Just let her be. But you do you.

Yes. This is what I'm seeing. It should be made clear that these women are going to be responsible for all women losing their rights. Let them be ostracized and take the blame for what is to come.

You literally achieve nothing doing that. They don't care. They are just happy that they got to you.

and they dont even have to settle with imports. the constant rl attention, paired with social media, makes them ultra arrogant and ultra delusional.

i have never seen more young men in shape, with nice hair, designer clothes etc and most are still single.

they all have to try so hard to impress mostly average women who cant do shit, like cooking.

capitalists inflated them.

I agree with you. Never let a female manipulate your emotions. However, I also fee that they need stern discipline and that it should be conveyed that it is not coming simply from unstable anger, but from a desire to correct their behavior. As long as they don't get the sense that you are just acting like an emotionally unstable female, they really seem to appreciate it. Recently, somebody mentioned how dogs need to be trained or they become anxious. Similarly, women seem to crave male leadership amd they are going crazy without it.

Anyway, I've posted this as an open letter to friends and family. I don't give a single fuck who has a problem with it. Nor will I stoop to debating with women. I am willing to sacrifice anything that wore will attempt to use as leverage over me. Certainly their vaginas won't be enough. Threats of unemployment are not enough. I'm taking a stand.

My belief is that you have to have your own life in order first if you want longterm successful relationships with women. You need a career and positive outlook. From here you go after your goals and don't let a woman distract you. She needs to know that she needs to make you like her for the relationship to work. If she doesn't do what you want though, you remove her from your life. They are all the same mostly anyway so you can just replace her. But this is just the personal level.

>Recently, somebody mentioned how dogs need to be trained or they become anxious
You're not supposed to hit dogs no matter what. Same goes for humans. There's no benefits. It creates resentment.

Other than that I agree with you completely.

But the more important thing is to stop this from the top down and get rid of their voting rights. Shit needs to change.

user, I've been around a lot of women in my life, and I can tell yah, I feel where you're at.
I'm right there with yah.

Women aren't women anymore, all bought off and brainwashed into acting like defective men.

I want pic related back. I fear what measure we may have to take to get there.

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>I want pic related back. I fear what measure we may have to take to get there.
The funny thing is that if all men agreed to go back there today, it'd be a done deal. Women hold no power whatsoever if we would all agree on this.

Or how about we hope and pray that everything collapses? How about that, burger?

you don't get anywhere by blaming

you simply have to make the corrections where they are due

you won't get anywhere by blaming, trying to make all the corrections in one small part of the problem

14 captchas to be able to post this
google hates a bad goy

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that's true
except dogs can't vote and aren't treated "equally" by law, so there's a problem

Good thread, goys.

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Women should not be voting. It was a terrible mistake to give them that right.

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Honestly as a baste and blackpilled woman I would prefer to have have one vote per household, aka having only men vote

Have you heard of hybristophilia? Basically, women are attracted to violent men. The worse, the better. Think drug lord, gang leader, warlord, even mass murderer.

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>if a girl is a whore
Tell me Hans, which modern girl is not a whore? In the west we have 2 choices currently
>marry a whore
>stay alone and be MGTOW
There is no "bbbbbut muh trad girl" no. That shit is tainted too. only half million girls in the US from 18 to 29 are virgin. HALF A MILLION out of 160 million women. Do you fucking realize the odds of american men getting a chaste woman? Do you even comprehend what you are talking about? It's not about a woman, it's about YOU.
In the past, manipulations were cut by force very swiftly from men such as slaps.
>how dogs need to be trained
and again, what do you to a dog that misbehaves? That's right, you use physical punishment. You cannot, CANNOT just reason with them or give them "stern" discipline without using physical force. If you'd interact with females you would understand what I mean.
>Carrer and positive outlook>
>in this day and age
Omg not the fucking boomers again with their shit tier advice. Also, I feel sorry for you if you think that a good job will attract a woman. What will happen when you lose that job? Hm? Ever thought of that? And going by your principles of not beating a woman what are you going to do? Will you let her walk over you when she divorces you and fucks another man while you sit down in grief and half way to suicide from your destroyed life?
>You're not supposed to hit dogs no matter what
FUCKING LOL dude, what the fuck. Grow some balls nigger. Good luck not beating a dog and have it behave. If you can't discipline a dog, you will never have a wife and kids respect you.
>get rid of voting rights
you really think women will just allow this to happen without referring to use of force? Look at the police, they still have to manhandle women. You don't understand - physical force is inevitable at this point it is just a matter of when. Maybe a few decades earlier the physical force wouldn't be necessary since women could be reasoned with. Not now.

It's fucked up that female nature selects for violent and sadistic psychopaths. It's no wonder women are fucked up mentally.

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New pasta?

True but unfortunately there are and will always be "male allies"
If this were Sparta they would have been killed off early. kek

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>sorry - the all boys freemason club is the origin of most of our probs. Men acting like dumb bitches for kikes

>implying I smoke tobacco in my pipe

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>In the west we have 2 choices currently
>>marry a whore
>>stay alone and be MGTOW

It's not true. You can just date. I don't care that much unless it's about having a child or making her my wife. Very different standards for that and I don't know how to find a girl like that either.

>It's not about a woman, it's about YOU.
What is that supposed to mean? How are you going to make a a virgin qt appear with the power of thought?


Fuck a career. You shouldn't be contributing your labor to this sick society. Go homestead on a small plot of land. Quit making cheap plastic shit so that you can afford to buy cheap plastic shit. I would love to watch the bitches and the browns try to run this machine on their own.

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I mean, I agree wholeheartedly, but feminism was a one way portal. Once women were given the right to vote, the war was lost. How do you reform that away? The people that need to be disenfranchised make up the majority of the franchise. And they know it, which is why feminism has been on an uninterrupted march through our institutions, with female suffrage as their flaming sword. The only remotely viable solution is total collapse of the institutions that have been captured by feminism, which is to say all of them - all institutions have been captured by feminism, right down to the fucking Boy Scouts. Sorry, "Scouts."

>Omg not the fucking boomers again with their shit tier advice. Also, I feel sorry for you if you think that a good job will attract a woman. What will happen when you lose that job? Hm? Ever thought of that? And going by your principles of not beating a woman what are you going to do? Will you let her walk over you when she divorces you and fucks another man while you sit down in grief and half way to suicide from your destroyed life?

You're literally retarded. I don't live my life so I can appeal to a bunch of whores. I'm saying that you need to be in peace with yourself and know what you want and then you can guide another human. If you are yourself aimless how are you going to lead? Just think for a second.

Based and Red Pilled.

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I think we should focus on division even more and get the men on our side.

That is disgraceful. You don't have to be a beta orbiter to recoil in disgust at your positive description of spousal abuse. I do not need to abuse my girlfriend in order to earn her respect. Maybe you're just compensating for your insecurity.

>Women absolutely should nit have the right to vote
Married women should have the right to vote, because for the most part they duplicate their husbands' votes. As the head of a family, my vote should have at least twice the value as the vote of an unmarried sōybōy. This would also disenfranchise nigger culture.

I'm honestly suspecting this is a huffpost tier troll so they can write an article about how Jow Forums conspires to abuse women.

You're pretty fuckin with it Hanz, but heres the problem, those men don't follow men they follow women.

Hence a beta orbiter meme.

Red pill the women then the onions boys will follow.

Problem is that women are now married to the state and its agenda pushed through the media.

Though to convince a being incapable of male rationality that the state is not their friend while they're getting a drip feed of gibs and self righteousness.

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This doesn't make any sense and is functionally just crypto-feminism. If you think married men ought to have more electoral power, we could just weigh voting. Which is what the Romans did, you know. Roman elections were weighted. There's no reason tig ive any women the right to vote, especially not, as you say, if they're just duplicating their husband's votes. That's nothing but inefficiency for the sake of pleasing the female ego.

>Married women should have the right to vote,
No. Politicians will try to appeal to just one of the two to divide and conquer like they've been doing this whole time.

Meant for:

High quality post is high quality. Women are not people. Sad that only barbarians understand this in modern times.

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They turned women against men. Now they are turning the men against women. They are one step closer to winning. We need organization, and a clear leader, or we will lose.


In other words its ...

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Tough to convice*
Reminder that voting was originally tied to property ownership and not gender.

Women were loyal to their husband who was the primary property owner, since he had the lions share of competitive and dangerous labor out side the home.

The hierarchy was and really should be:
Men control society
Women control the home and children while obeying their husbands.

Important but different roles

>Red pill the women then the onions boys will follow.
In theory yes, but I doubt you could easily convince women of this. Especially since you'd have to appeal to young women who actually have orbiters. And these women are in college getting brainwashed by their profs.

>Though to convince a being incapable of male rationality that the state is not their friend while they're getting a drip feed of gibs and self righteousness.
One way to fix that is to lower taxes so much that there wouldn't be any money for that shit and go from there. The state holds power because we give it our money. That needs to stop. Whoever holds the money has the power. So it needs to be in our pockets, so we can decide which woman is good enough to receive it.

You don't convince them rationally. You convince their pussy. Orbiters are servants and non-sexual entities in their "minds". Women are not rational beings.

These men are like that because they were raised by single mothers, they never had a male role model except maybe their lefty college prof.
I have little hope for them but the next generation will probably look for father figures on the internet and become completely radicalized in any given direction.
Fun times ahead honestly.

>You don't convince them rationally. You convince their pussy.
Okay... What's your plan of action exactly?

>t. leftists
Family is the fundamental unit of society. The individual is a free radical that only causes destruction, erosion, and chaos.
Ideally, only married men should be allowed to vote.
Practically, unmarried women should have their voting rights stripped first as a stopgap measure.

>One way to fix that is to lower taxes so much that there wouldn't be any money for that shit and go from there. The state holds power because we give it our money. That needs to stop. Whoever holds the money has the power. So it needs to be in our pockets, so we can decide which woman is good enough to receive it.

Agreed. The income tax was a trick. I think here in the US we may be moving away from it. I hope.

Right now women are OP.
They don't need men, they can weaponize the state at any time. Leave their husbands and get gibs any time.
This Kavanaugh thing was a watershed moment and hopefully redpilled a lot of men.

But women's temperaments lean them towards increasing state power.
Great in the home, horrible in the nationstate.
IF we could repeal the 19th (take away their voting rights), even for a time, it would be better for everyone.

Alright apparently you've taken too many blue pills and D.A.R.E. classes so lemme clear things up
Tobacco, when used MODERATELY in a pure form has legitimate health benefits, such as preventing to onset of Alzheimer's and has the potential to exercise and strengthen lungs and memory. The issue comes from faggots smoking 2 packs a day of cigarettes, that are 90% chemical shit and 10% tobacco. If you smoke a pipe once a week or month, you'll be better off. Smoking a small amount through a pipe also is much less likely to get you addicted. Be a man, smoke a pipe, faggot.

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What’s that shooting stuff at the bottom I can’t read shit

After a few months of marriage, my brother told me to just go on the premise that women are crazy, and just accept that what they say and do will never make sense.

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Fucking lift, get money and give absolutely zero shits about her opinion or anyone else's.

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I hope you're built sturdy you crazy broad!

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>property ownership and not gender
It was tied to both.
Property ownership is too easy to game. The best practice is that only the male heads of household should be allowed to vote, on behalf of their whole family.

Oh and join a mensur club and get a badass scar. Bitches love badass face scars.

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>if you are yourself aimless how are you going to lead?
Sorry man, but lots of betas have goals and yet they end up getting a wife that is trash. Goals mean nothing to a woman, unless she is 30+ and she can't support herself. And besides, goals aren't really that hard. Just having a job and improving oneself is enough and honestly, a real man doesn't give a fuck about what woman thinks about his goals. Do you think women think about goals of a man? LMAO. YOU as a man value another man because of his goals. Roasties don't think that way. They think of money he currently has and a potential to feed her and how he looks. That's it.
>You're literally retarded
Yeah sure, says the one who believes a dog can be trained without physical punishments and just sole kindness. LMAO. Grow some balls and stop drinking onions. Your ancestors would've beaten you up for being such a coward.
>That is disgraceful
Oh, so you are defending a cheating whore now? Am I getting this right? What was he supposed to do to her? Kiss her on the cheek and invite the guy to fuck her in front of him?
>I do not need to abuse my gf
Good luck dodging her manipulations. At some point in time years down the road she will test you. You might be in a good position, have a job, career etc and she is ok about it. But when the waters are rough, that's when you will see how loyal she is. Again, I've been too nice to women in my life and I've seen how they walk over my good friends and in the process ruin their lives whilst she was crying victim and trying to make sure all her friends would turn against the guy and hate him. No. You faggots go defend pussies somewhere else, i suggest reddit, especially the r/cuckold

Honestly, I'm going more and more right as I'm getting older. However I feel this is wrong.

I feel that there's tons of based women out there. I feel there's been several brilliant women who have been just as capable as men in any number of fields and pursuits out there. In my own personal experience, I've seen brilliant women and worked under brilliant women. The best boss I ever had was female.

The problem is that about 10-20% of women have been absolutely radicalized and are so busy drowning out everyone else queefing pussy blood over everything they touch that it's hurting the value of women in general.

Let us not be defined by onions boy faggot cocksucking cuckold leftists. Let them not be defined by evil yammering feminist cunt leftists.

Let's not forget 53% of white women voted Trump even with the great female hope running. Don't become prejudiced because Jews are trying to fuck you with this identity politics faggotry.

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What? I didn't say anything against family. I said your reason for allowing married women to vote is nonsensical. And it is.

>They don't need men, they can weaponize the state at any time. Leave their husbands and get gibs any time.
This is the problem. It has created security where there shouldn't be any.

>IF we could repeal the 19th (take away their voting rights), even for a time, it would be better for everyone.
I don't think that's realistic right now. Unfortunately. But that should be what we aim for.

In the mean time: Taxes should be cut to the bare minimum. No free healthcare.

>This Kavanaugh thing was a watershed moment and hopefully redpilled a lot of men.
We need more of this. That was the strongest mass red pill in a while. Division is key for now.

That doesn't fix anything that we're talking about. Maybe on a personal level but society is still fucked.

You want to cut your face so women like you? wow.

Your brother needs to man the fuck up before he gets divorce raped.


It's fucked. Do your part by being a man.

Only s0yb0ys give a shit what women think. Martial arts are badass.

I'm glad that even my nationalist countrymen dislike this nowadays. That shit was just vain.

>Sorry man, but lots of betas have goals and yet they end up getting a wife that is trash. Goals mean nothing to a woman, unless she is 30+ and she can't support herself. And besides, goals aren't really that hard. Just having a job and improving oneself is enough and honestly, a real man doesn't give a fuck about what woman thinks about his goals. Do you think women think about goals of a man? LMAO. YOU as a man value another man because of his goals. Roasties don't think that way. They think of money he currently has and a potential to feed her and how he looks. That's it.
Yeah. You as a man need goals. That's what I'm saying. This has nothing to do with women per se. You need it though so you don't rant on an imageboard about how being a violent idiot is somehow the way to go. I'm done talking to you.