Fuck Christopher Columbus

In honor of all the indigenous peoples suffering around the globe--from the Native Americans to the Palestinians to the Native Europeans--the alt-right says "FUCK YOU" to the racist, imperialist, shitlib, colonizing Jew known as Christopher Columbus.

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Did people really breed with those? Please tell me it’s all we wuzzing and myths for gibs.

>”the alt-right”
the fuck are you babbling about you memeflagging faggot
>in all fields

based and redpilled

Fuck the Indios, I wish the Iberians had killed them all

Imagine what a paradise Latin America would be if the Indios and Mestizos were all dead or on reservations


Hundreds of thousands of Iberian men fucked those things and created Mestizos. It was all because the Catholics thought it was better to breed with shitskins than kill them

>caring about the opinions of F-tier races

He fucked your shit colored people good din't he.

>Anglosphere Hemisphere
God damn spics ruin fucking everything

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lol but thats a blasian

>this kills the injun

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>Trying this hard

kek. this dumb gook bitch is not even a noble savage. 2/10 would only rape if drunk.

American injuns look like Blacked chinks.


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Spaniards deserve to lose they’re right to be called white just for that.


why be gay when you could just be straight?

What the fuck did you just say about Columbo?

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Get the fuck off Jow Forums, we don't like lefties here.

First off, Christopher was actually AGAINST hurting the native population.
Second, Chris wasn't a fucking jews.
Third, just go watch "Knowing Better's" Columbus video you dumb kike.

Si, mamacita. Onions Columbus. Te amo se culo todo el noche. Jajajajajajaja

Seriously though. What does a white boy have to do to reenact Pocahontas with one of these rain dancing savages?

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Disgusting shovel toothed savage bitch.

Holy shit, Columbus never stepped foot on USA soil dumb fuck indians.

why are shitskins so bad at war, how do you lose to malnourished whites with bang bang sticks in your own jungles?

Fuck you nigger the only thing wrong with Columbus was that he brought Jews with him

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>Jews didn't know about the New World before 1492
>OK Kid.jpg

Kill yourself faggot, sage

Why so upset? You know someone would have found the Americas eventually. He sailed across the ocean at a time most people thought was impossible and validated that the mythical land across the ocean actually existed. Seriously, what's the problem?

Columbus landed in Central America, he has smithing to do with North American Indians.
They just want something to be offended about

I wonder what would have happened if Ghengis Khan or some African king had discovered America and exterminated all the natives. The fact that hes white is such low hanging fruit as if every society wasnt slaughtering each other back then.

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>I wonder what would have happened if Ghengis Khan or some African king had discovered America and exterminated all the natives.

Are you implying Christopher Columbus was a nigger?

>still butthurt
>completely irrelevant other than casinos for degenerates and old westerns
>bigger alcoholics than any other group

How do you let one man fuck you up so badly?

hey op, want a free blanket?

fucking cringe

Fucking conehead abomination wouldn't even be around complaining if Columbus hadn't happened.

I know why Americans have a Columbus Day, it was created in the early 1900's by the Democrats to appease Italians but really Columbus has no relevancy to America, he never stepped foot on it

>The Truth About The Native American Genocide


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We all hate him

hey now, they at least had a caste system

the fucking french were marrying then as equals

Yeah! How dare he come to North America and put an end to 10,000 years of intertribal warfare, slavery, and neolithic subsistence?!

How dare fuckin' whitey raise your average life expectancy above 35?! Don't they know Amerindians are supposed to eke out lives of near-starvation and die of easily treatable diseases while not bothering to learn to write shit down?!

let them go back to tribal wear, esoteric shamans instead of doctors, blood sacrifices, living in mudhuts and being work and sex slaves to the strongest tribe.

The french were marrying them because it was either marry the Great Canadian Longback or resort to getting caught buggering cattle.

lol - no one cares about your bullshit, perma-virgin.

Conquered, we conquer.

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Red Skunk Lover

>Muh Racism
If you represent the Alt-Right then fuck the Alt-Right

"Native" Americans can't grow facial hair.

No, we bred with qt injuns. The ones that still exist with that phenotype are the ugly ones we didn't want to impregnate.

t. some odd % of Creek and Choctaw

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You're still around to say fuck you. Isn't that nice?

Red Skunks are compared to Kikes for a reason

I mean he was Italian...

In Napoli, lot of people are not so happy for Columbus. He was from Genoa...north of Italy always have the money and-a the power. They punish the South for years. Even today, they put-a they noses up at us like we are peasants.

I ate the north.

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>puritan euphemisms

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>I ate the north.
You must have been very hungry

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>native tribes, empires, people were in war with each other
>the aztecs used to eat soup with meat of prisoners
>human sacrifices were common in all of mesoamerica. they'd remove the heart of a living person for religion purposes
>step pyramids used to be red because of the blood of all the sacrifices they made
>and more

But let's forget all of that and fuck white people

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Honestly as an american who is also full italian blood i want to say a big fuck you to pol for not defending me and my people at all today. I doubt there will even be a columbus day next year which was a very proudful day for us italians. Indigidous people day , fucking really, and you all didnt care and just let it happen unnoticed. Us italians have been on white americas side for centuries and this is how you show us respect back. Fuck you all

>I want to worship her feet while she mocks and derides me for my predilection

Fuck the Dirt Worshippers.

Take it easy.

What's the dividing line in Italy for where North and South are? Is it Rome? Is Rome middle?

Colombus was a masonic kike put on a pedestal due to his Jewishness.

>>fuck you to a DEAD PERSON


no.....youre just a edgy faggot.

>Samefagging this hard

Can't you be satisfied we bear Vespucci's name, you fucking dago?

That's because southern Italy are the niggers of Italy.

Get cancer.

Get cancer.

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Go to a res with at least 30$ worth of alcohol.

>to the Palestinians

Really now?
While we all hate kikes, we all (except for the shills) hate sand niggers more.

5000 year old books show kikes up to kikery in kikeland.... "palestinians indigenous".....

Fuck off Mohamed.

He was a great second-tier character until the subplot with him and Carmela. That ruined him for me.

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Columbus was actually a legit terrible person, he inflicted cruel and unusual treatment upon the peaceful Arawaks, and also his governance of the Spanish colony was incompetent and tyrannical

It really is unfortunate because overall, white people's net effect on native Americans was positive if you ignore the unintentional spread of disease. Most Native American tribes were not guiltless, and they subjugated their fellows before being out competed by whites. But it just so happens that Columbus himself was a cruel and incompetent tyrant, a worthless person, so the idea of celebrating him with statues and holidays is a shame

Naples is where the south begins

no, u

rotten fucking kike

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Already have it pastanigger

Columbus was like the Elon Musk of his time.


why wear a retarded shirt when you could go topless?

I wonder how they kept her sober long enough to film

>implying both aren’t sandniggers

ill admit, i'd fuck that thing
send help lads

You want some blankets?

I like her. Nice complexion and hair. That attitude would mellow out if you handled her right and she could probably teach you cool stuff about bows and arrows and stuff.

this guy knows

Many such cases! Sad!



You’re welcome for the house and new car red cunt.

>features a cross between abo and chink

Columbus was actually a Catalan mischling, which is why he was such a cunt, like all Catalans and Jews.

t. (((northern))) italian

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calabrians are not white

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New yorker here. Most of the people where I am are southern italians and they look whiter than I do.

My grandmother was north italian apparently.

I wish Christopher Columbus committed genocide against the red-skins.

Turn in your horses, sack-a-yo-mama.

If you just sailed across the ocean for 3 months in a wooden ship filled with nothing but men and farm animals, you’d probably breed with her too.

Based and redpilled

>Native Americans become minority due to immigration
>Still support immigration
Why are they like this?

Conquer or be conquered. Go cry to someone else.