If Democrats hate rapists so much, how come they didn't go after Bill Clinton?
If Democrats hate rapists so much, how come they didn't go after Bill Clinton?
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because rape was easy to get away with before the #metoo era
You have to talk to NPCs to activate them.
Because it was a la fashion des mode to cuck your wife. that was acceptable at the time.
They love degenerates
They use rape as political tool
>because rape was easy to get away with before the #metoo era
They did the same to clearance Thomas a black constitutionalist judge 20yr ago
>They did the same to clearance Thomas a black constitutionalist judge 20yr ago
so you're saying I'm right?
ok then
This. Going after Dems for metoo stuff wouldn’t benefit them so they wouldn’t do it. They don’t actually care about rape victims
It's almost as if sexual misconduct doesn't just happen from conservatards. Really makes you wonder how you cousin-fuckers will fare against a candidate with a clean record.
>DNC Stays Quiet on Domestic Abuse Allegations Against Vice Chair Keith Ellison
They apparently don't believe the allegations are credible because she won't give them the video of the aftermath of the attack, but her son was there and confirms her story and she also went to the doctor and has records.
they didn't go after Ellison either, dude literally is co-DNC chair with an ex g/f claiming he beat her up, everybody shut that down
We spent enough money going after the fucking Clintons. $100 million. Let that sink in.
That could have provided so many blacks with state-funded crack.
it's almost as if it's all bullshit
Back then women still knew to shut their dick hole and make sandwiches.
>clean record
Because it happened like 30 years ago...
kind of like the whole thing with Kavanaugh
Fuck this useless piece of shit this globalist pedophile cocksucker send him to Serbia we would like to feed him to our Islam neighbours that he financed and put in power that traitorous rat
Cant this world get rid of these globalist Clinton Soros god damn what went wrong
Women, who are easily subverted by the jew, and many other lobby groups, have destroyed the education system... and in turn have destroyed the west, family and any hope of coming back UNLESS we ban colleges and stop all zionist education .....
we need to end universities ,.,.,..,...
Al Franken stepped down and that was over a gag picture on a uso tour like a decade ago when he wasn't a politician.
Democrats are godless heathens who would skin their own mother if it offered them any sort of political gain.
Do you zoomers actually believe this garbage? That up until Twitter was created a few years ago White men roamed the Earth openly raping any woman they happened across? Truly curious.
I don't like Franken, at all, but he should've never quit over that stupid pic.
too true. I mean, if I were a girl I wouldn't want him squeezing my side for a picture or kissing me unsolicited or what have you, but none of those things are predatory in the way that weinstein or cosby were.
>inbreeding meme
this is extremely common, almost like american teachers force their kids to repeat it.
Who did Clinton rape? Wasn't Lewinsky, she was obsessed with him. Would have had to have been one of the unnamed mistresses that never went public.
Clinton did say he wanted to be just like John Kennedy
Betrayin' yo' age, silly chile.