Thinking of circumcising your kids? You're a sick twisted person if you do

>The foreskin, containing 20,000 nerve endings as opposed to the 8,000 in a clitoris, is a highly sensitive, functioning part of the male anatomy. It’s purpose is to protect the glans, or the head of the penis from abrasions and to keep dirt and bacteria from the urinary tract.
>Circumcision is not routinely practiced in most countries. In fact, The United States is the ONLY country where circumcision is done routinely for non-religious reasons. Aside from being a Muslim and Jewish cultural practice, it is a very American practice.
>After reviewing 40 years of research, it has been determined by the American Academy of Pediatrics that routine infant circumcision cannot be recommended. In fact, no professional medical association in the world recommends routine infant circumcision, nor do they state it is medically necessary.
>117 babies die each year as a result of circumcision complications. The foreskin and penis is a highly vascularized area that contains a significant amount of blood flow. A newborn only has a total of 11.5 ounces of blood. That’s just shy of a cup-and-a-half. A newborn only needs to lose 1 ounce to hemorrhage, and 2.3 ounces, which is a the amount in a shot glass, to bleed to death.
>Foreskins are harvested to make high-end face creams and are often used for cosmetic testing to determine a product’s safety.

Pic related was David Reimer, who got a botched circumcision and his parents forced him to be raised as a girl, it didn't work and when he found out he didn't know how to live, became depressed, and later killed himself.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Child abuse is never okay.

Doctors against circumcision.

Successful lawsuit against doctor for circumcision.

Circumcision and Autism
The study:

The release:

A column regarding the report:

Cultural, not scientific, circumcision

This is /b/ faggot. Where do you think you are? Nobody here cares about foreskins unless you're making kosher pork rinds.

>cutting a child is normal goy, accept it and lets move on

this has always rustled my jimmies, and it always will.

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>human flesh is kosher

well duh of course, how else do you cure tay-sachs disease

I know why you're retarded:
>Factors Influencing Intelligence Quotient

>Effect of environmental factors on intelligence quotient of children

>This is /b/ faggot

Oh, is it now?

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>have phimosis
>truly natsoc qt
>thinks your a kike
>have to explain phimosis
>still marry
>first kid on the way
why arent you making white babies instead of whining on a fingerpaintingboard

My kid(s) will not have their foreskins removed. I don't want Ruth Bader Ginsburg to devour them.

Girl here, in uncut dicks smell funky and look odd.

tit or gtfo

Let's just call it what it is, Genital Mutilation.

I want it back goddammit.

you're saving them more than a jewish cunt eating the foreskins, you're also protecting their brains from trauma severe enough to irreparably damage it, as well as stunt testosterone production for life

If I ever have a son I will deck the person who asks about circumcision, ESPECIALLY if it's the wife

during the Icelandic conference on infant genital mutilation the rabbis and plastic surgeons tried desperately to separate circumcision from mutilation, quite disgusting

>Girl here on an anonymous japanese basketweaving forum
Show us your tits

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Just goes to show you how jewed America is.

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I wouldn't marry a woman who supports circumcision.

You are free to mutilate your son. But that also means your son is free to put a bullet in your head once he knows the truth about what you did to him.

that's the truth, sadly

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>jewish ritual circumcision

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>muh based Midwest
Yeah, okay.

It's amazing how this can still be practiced. It's like some sick joke.

So does your snatch

Proof that people confused about their genitals will eventually kill themselves. Thanks user.

>Circumcision’s Psychological Damage - CDC wants all males to be cut--but it's harmful psychologically
Hospitals pressure parents too because they earn money from the tip


FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK..... I fucking HATE jews. Gas them all.

It's trauma based mind control and has been known for thousands of years:
>Male Genital Mutilation is Trauma Based Mind Control [45m]
Even poo-in-loo's knew not to traumatize a baby for a week and a half, it's in their law, but in the US it's done within HOURS of birth ffs

Do you or anyone else have information on circumcision rates between different protestant denominations in North America? I'm surprised North Americans got so tricked by this circumcision crime considering the New Testament says not to do it..

I don't think there's that level of data. I know about 60% of US Whites and Blacks are cut. Much fewer Hispanics.

What would happen in the US if circumcision on children was made illegal?

Unsure as I have not come across that level of differentiation yet, but I can say that the CDC, hospital staff and even evangelical pastors are pushing for infant genital mutilation

the autism rate would plummet, males will have a working testosterone system and feel bold instead of anxious all the time, and IQ scores would increase

Jews and Muslims would riot saying they need baby foreskin for some reason and old ladies would protest that they can't get their face cream.

I am thinking about circumcising your dick all the time, goyim

Why the fuck did mods move this to Jow Forums this is literally old /b/ shit. God damn mods suck ass now. No wonder this place blows

>old ladies would protest that they can't get their face cream
no doubt Oprah would have an issue, fucking orca

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not surprised at all, that's what sabbatean-frankist jews think about all the time

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Ancient colloquialism for penis was the same word for spear (no surprise)

circumcise means to cut or rather to scribe around. I guess signing your name with a circle is closer to scripture than cutting baby dick.... seriously wtf... slicing up baby dick, not only has it been a thing but remains one.

what would happen to circumcision if children were made illegal?

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>Reimer said that Money forced the twins to rehearse sexual acts involving "thrusting movements", with David playing the bottom role. Reimer said that, as a child, he had to get "down on all fours" with his brother, Brian Reimer, "up behind his butt" with "his crotch against" his "buttocks". Reimer said that Money forced David, in another sexual position, to have his "legs spread" with Brian on top. Reimer said that Money also forced the children to take their "clothes off" and engage in "genital inspections". On at "least one occasion", Reimer said that Money took a photograph of the two children doing these activities. Money's rationale for these various treatments was his belief that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity"
th-thanks for link to this story OP

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What's the purpose of circumcision anyway?

It's a religious ritual meant to cause group cohesion. Like those tribes that enlogate their necks and sheit.

The worst part is he still had testicles, which meant he could've still had children and a family in the future, but they even took that away from him.

So tony the tiger can have the stem cells and rub it in the average women's face to deage a year for pocket change.

By killing off all the carriers.

Maybe quit screwing around with garbage dudes that dont wash their dick.

It was not meant for us, fellow burger. Not in this life. All you can do is spare your children, and hope that in the next life your parents will not be so cruel.
Don't let your mutilation turn you into a soulless beast who hates his parents because of what they did, because that's exactly what they want

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My dick is completely numb and my parents died years ago. Every time I take a piss, I'm filled with murderous rage, and if I knew who my circumciser was, I would find them, and I would end them. The only motivation I have to exercise is spite.

I had to get a blood transfusion as a newborn due to a botched circumcision. It's just a useless operation. Hopefully it's going away.

People like that shouldn't be allowed to have a say anymore. The religious ritual is 100% mutilation.

You all are a bunch of faggots. My dad me and my sons. To be fair I wasn't a poltard when I did it. I just wanted less bullshit for them. Sue me. It was a rubber band that constricted it til it died. No Rabbi ate it

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Women, who are easily subverted by the jew, and many other lobby groups, have destroyed the education system... and in turn have destroyed the west, family and any hope of coming back UNLESS we ban colleges and stop all zionist education .....

we need to end universities

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The large majority of adult or adolescent males today are cut.

hahah! remember when people tried this with diabetes and epilepsy but we were all like "nah those people fund doctors with their subscription illness lets keep em"

Both of my kids are uncut, but I don't know what the fuck is wrong with OP where he gives a shit what other people do . Just don't get your kids cut, faggot. Stop obsessing over cock

incorrect. only usa and africa

yeah you're right, who cares about other people's kids I got mine.

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In the US, africa and middle east, all 3rd world areas

I know two guys who got circumcised in their 30s.

First guy says he can't feel a difference. Is indifferent to before or after.

Second guy says he loves his cock more now.

So much for that bullshit theory, OP.

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Delicious butthurt from religious nutjobs. The real lunatics might try to have it done in secret. That should earn them institutionalization in a psych ward or imprisonment.
A world of less circumcision would mean it's harder to condition men into being dehumanized cannon fodder or office drones.

>I don't know what the fuck is wrong with OP where he gives a shit what other people do

pure NPC

no one ever talks about the botched ones which is so common I know people like this and you probably do too

Depends who you ask.

Yeah that's what I meant (same poster on a laptop)

Why did they decide to get circumcised in their 30's?

You have some others lol. Muslim countries, African countries (incl. Christian ones), south Korea, the Philippines and a few others. It's one of the phenomenon that's spread most randomly across the earth.

>The people closest to you, who were meant to protect you as an infant hand you off to a Jewish doctor to have you stripped of normal and healthy sexual functionality as an adult.
>I've always had a background level of anxiety and wonder if it's residual brain damage from the circumcision.
>Where do I direct my anger? My parents made the decision out of sheer ignorance and misinformation. Do they deserve rage over something that can never be truly replaced.
>The doctor who circumcised me saved my mother's life after a rough delivery.
>Left with scars on my dick and shattered confidence.

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I know two guys who got circumcised in their 30s.

First guy says he can't feel his dick. Is indifferent to any pleasure.

Second guy says he hates his cock now.

So much for your bullshit anecdote, retard.

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Anxiety is often hereditary, but it's 100% believable that trauma like this could influence it.

I'm dating this chick and her vag flaps look a little odd. Maybe she should cut them off.

>/b/ post
>Mods move it to Jow Forums despite not being remotely political
>Muh dick thread
Nigger tier mods. Nigger tier post.

ha ha yes (((randomly)))

it's a cult

see, a cult. even adults get involved.

ok tell me what a penis smells like.

>muh nerve endings
Love this argument. Only used by people with 0 medical knowledge thinking more nerves = more good.

It's funny. Most Americans never look down and think "hey why is part of my dick cut off?"

One was for a medical reason (he was in the armed forces is all I know) the second converted to Judaism, got circumcised, then ditched it for Atheism.

You certainly can't stimulate nerves in flesh you don't have.

Ill cut a motherfucker. Ive done it before

Many probably don't know that anything's missing. I didn't until I was a teenager or so.

>forgets the other nerve endings on the glans
>forgets the other nerve endings on the shaft
>forgets the other nerve endings on the scrotum
>implying more nerves = more good still
This nigga can't do anatomy 101. For shame.

>sample size two
Uncut master race here.
My father knew the score. Yours didnt.

I never said those don't work. I'm just saying you don't have the feeling of a foreskin if you don't have a foreskin.

Cutting off 10% of your dick isn't natural.
You're deluded if you think that you're experiencing life the way nature had intended it.

>inb5 this is bait
Eric Clopper's presentation sums it up pretty well.

It sickens me those who defend infant genital mutilation. Either they're too insecure about their cut dicks or they're kikes, either way ignore them.

I noticed when I saw a guy with a weird amputated leg and thought, that looks like my dick and was immediately disgusted by what I realized had happened to my body.

And I'm saying it's not a huge deal, faggot. I'm cut. Not cutting my kids. Problem solved. Not gonna lose any sleep over it.

I'm fine, thanks. Dick works fine and I get my nut off just fine as well.

Also lol
>the way nature intended it!!!!
Bet you still take meds, faggot.

Quite the opposite. Literally such an insignificant thing to me I don't give half a fuck.

It also lowers testosterone. Cut men will have lower T on average compared to uncut men.

Evil Jewish torturers need to be punished for this crime against humanity.

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