Has he done it? Has he officially dropped the redpill that Islam has surpassed traditional Western values?
Khabib and Islam in the West
In no way is Connor McFaggot a representative of traditional western values
nah, he is just a russian dude to me and it's just a fight. one of those topics i wont waste much time with (ufc)
no normies care about this fight
>virgin ir*sh hand raise vs chad jihadist beatdown
someone should make the version with the belt guy and the please no but with khabib
>Islam has surpassed traditional Western values because a muslim guy can beat up western guys
If you called him russian he would be offended. They're mountain people that fought the russians many times, were finally defeated and became part of russia. But there is nothing russian about them. Fedor, now that is a russian fighter.
He beat a 5'9 irish wigger by cuddling. Hardly relevant.
They don’t like that.
Conor's a nigger. It's a known fact that the Irish are the niggers of white people
cant argue with that, good point
I am 56 percent Irish and this is accurate.
lmao OP has never heard of Fedor
A normie actually addressed me in a store when we were standing in line to the counter, and said "hey did you see, Nurmagomedov won the fight". A guy I've never fucking seen before.
Khanin not only embarrassed him but Khabib also avenged his familys honor by going after Conor’s team on his own when Conor sent 40 people to try and get Khabib only. He showed he is no bitch while Conor and his team cried “ots only business!!”
>Red pill
No, the biggest red pill was that white islamists are better and more successful at traditional Islam than kebabs
Does getting arrested and deported show Muslim superiority too? What about not getting the belt, title, or fight pay?
A tiger could do that too, but we do not then say tigers have surpassed western civ.
Russian can both mean "Russian citizen" and "ethnic Russian". I haven't heart about Khabib being anti-russia btw.
what does this kike money machine show have to do with islam? In real fight the McNigger would have pummeled his head with elbow blows until death if he tried his pathetic humping. His gay moslem tactic works only under the ufc rules. It was just a big win for those two. Huge amount of money, publicity and of course kike betting companies got gorillions from two digit IQ goyim who believed McWigger would win against this mountain fag. Seriously. The only chance he had was to surprise him with his left and knock the fuck out of him. Besides that, there was no chance
>muh fightin
His chimpout after the fight confirmed my thoughts more than anything.
Mountain niggers generally dislike Russians and that feeling is mutual. We fought to the death for hundreds of years after all.
6 and 12 elbows should be legal. conor threw two before stopping when he could have just kept going while khabib tried harder to HumpLock him
Get this white trash bullshit to the proper board you fucking homo.
Literally who? He’s today’s badass. Nothing more. Father Time is still undefeated
he has green eyes and pink nipples btw
just inb4
>hurr shitskin genes superior
hes whiter than 56% of america
He if he hated Russia, he probably would've moved to EU as thousands of "poor oppressed Chechens" who dislike Russia.
Did he win the title? Or did his nigger ass lose the money and the belt because he couldn't play by the rules?
You tell me.
Kebab and McFlurry sounds like a terrible mix, even when I'm high.
Strawman. I shouldn’t expect you to understand, youre a tofu eater with no honor, no honorable family, you are not a man
>Guy sings Fuck trump
>Is athiest
>Doesn't do his cross
>Makes fun of people who are religious
>Makes fun of other peoples families to boost rating
>Gets beat up by someone who is the literal embodiement of western christianity but he's muslim
>Somehow i should support the potato nigger
The state of Jow Forums, take islam out of the picture, and it's just an upstanding guy defending his values and beliefs. That's what Jesus taught us, to stand up for ourselves and the weak, and to confront those who oppose us.
Christianity has been subverted to thebpoint where people think you should allow strangers into your home. I don't know where people got that idea, but crude shit like that onky comes from (((them))).
In a real fight conor wouldve been dead after the first time khabib got on top of him
He’s getting his money and his belt, more importantly he has his honor while little small wristed cucks like you stick up your jew noses at him in the corner
I like the muslim because he beat the fuck out of the potato nigger and his potato nigger friends
>those quick hands
I remember years ago before ufc was that popular another Russian meathead that had tree trunks as legs, and would kick the heads off people’s shoulders.
>ironically lost by getting his head kicked in
All of this damage control
>N-nobody cared!
>Muh chimpout
>Khabib is basically White!
>muh other Whites
The only other fight which was a white man (Volkov) vs a non white (Lewis) ended in the non white pummeling the shit out of your guy too.
The closest thing you have to a win is Reyes and he’s non-white by Jow Forums definitions.
Face it faggots, white men are finished.
that's the point. He wouldn't. The rules of ufc play perfectly into khabib's cards lol that's why his oponents are forced to watch as they are reduced to dust
>traditional Western values
>some tattooed gypsy boxer
Why are Catalonian posters so consistently shit?
I don't think you know what a redpill is.
>Would have left the land of his ancestors
>He if he hated Russia, he probably would've moved to EU as thousands of "poor oppressed Chechens" who dislike Russia.
Those are the ones who want to get away from both Chechnya and Russia.
Igor Vovchanchyn, but he's Ukranian.
Fedor, his brother, Khabib, all these russians specialize in sambo and look at their mma records
Why more don't go sambo i don't know
>russian prowrestler playing bad guy won against american prowrestler playing good guy
>541 thread on how we all should convert to islam right now
>thats the point he wouldnt
English is my fourth language and im not as shit at it as you are
i fucking love derrick lewis but he got really lucky after getting his ass whipped the entire fight. lewis also likes trump and word around where he trains is he's not too fond of you people
The moment Khabib was on top of him, he'd be allowed to punch straight down at conor's neck, ending him.
He's not even allowed to top down elbow the guy's face.
The key was the post fight press conference. He said "you cannot make fun of religion". He is a fucked up muslim willing to do violence in defense of his god. No fucking thanks
No. Not even close. What kind of retard would think that or even ask that question. It was a fucking sports match with chimp out.
You need a culture of where this is practiced. In Eastern Europe it is practiced in many countries so widely, that children everywhere have access to it and governments support it like basketball is supported in the West.
In the West it barely exists, so who's gonna train kids in Sambo?
It might come in the future when people see in the West that you can be competitive and have lots of success with it, but it will take time.
ok boy I see you resort to insulting my "bad" engrish. Guess you really owned me in the discussion. kek
It was just a fight... why does Jow Forums want to make more out of this than it is?
He's Ukrainian.
Its called being friendly and social and engaging with your fellow man.
aside from the final chimpout only one of them acted like a wigger
Aside from that Eastern Europeans have always been very successful in various types of Wrestling.
Alexandr Karelin dominated Greco-Roman Wrestling for decades undefeated, his opponents entered fights demoralised and expecting to loose before it started.
But how much money could you make with it back then? Very little compared to boxing.
So no one gave a damn in the West.
Now with UFC you can make money using superior Wrestling so interest will rise.
Khabib is white.
His record was 887 wins and 2 losses, LOL.
Ive read that Kebab is white so obviously no
You can be white and Muslim.
My point was that normies here cared A LOT about this fight.
If you're going to wear a dress and get on your knees five times a day, you better know how to fight.
Ahh. Point taken.
Fuck. Replied to myself. Point taken.
Only 56%?
Mate, I hate to disappoint you but Chechens, Dagestanis, Tatars and all other white Muslims hate the fuck out of brown Muslims like Arabs.
I even doubt you didn't know that, so there's no point in LARPing that this was a victory for your people.
In Chechnya they will put a bullet through your head and bury you in an unmarked grave if you even attempt to hit on one of their women as a brown person.
Muslim or not, it doesn't fucking matter.
Crocop was a Croat, but yea
I mean you must've seen with what kind of pleasure Chechens slaughter Arabs in various war zones. Don't tell me you didn't know.
Lewis was losing that fight until last 30 seconds. Also Holtzman beat Patrick.
Get a load of this faggot. Labor attacked one of connors friends who is a fighter outside the octagon. You clearly know nothing and are just here trying to defend your “honor,” or lack there of more likely, by proxy.
>an Irish catholic anti trump metrosexual represents western values
How about a loud mouth overrated monkey gets tapped by a wrestler who just so happens to be a Muslim?