i hate the left. i used to be a moderate libertarian, mostly on social issues, and then this disgusting behavior came from the left during the election and i saw myself being spoke up for by the right leaning people on my campus and online. it got to the point that i was ready to vote any policies that reduced immigration, stopped hand outs/diversity hiring, and even started believing these racial infographs about police shootings and literacy rates etc. now im looking at my november ballot sheet and seeing these proposals. I like so many of these moderate liberal/left position on this sheet, i might even vote in a democrat for the secretary for education and board of equalization. im looking at propositions and stuff like biodegradable straws that i thought was commie trash and it all makes sense to me now. im even going to vote for prop 4, which i thought was wasteful garbage, after researching it more. i think now that i have insulated myself from the toxic behavior in political discussion and talk show garbage, im actually starting to abandon my prior beliefs. i think im turning into a moderate democrat
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you are waking up and actually getting a brain. Don't listen to all the hateful incel white trash here.. their days are numbered,
Two share blue faggots talking to each other...
Is this really what your retards do.
Holy shit. Losing another MAGA pede. Get off faggot.
i cant even stomach purely agenda driven trash like shareblue
Gotta do a cost/benefit analysis bro, think long term. What matters more to you? Democrats are not intrinsically shit, the current bloc of crypto-marxists are. But having first hand experience in my irrelevant state with Dems, I don't think I will ever vote that way ever again.
>t. roastie
it's not you, it's the left
the left is destroying itself, such is the nature of "identity" politics
what do you mean by this user? whats your state and what will you never vote on?
>biodegradable straws
Absolutely no one gives a fuck faggot, leave the board
>I like so many of these moderate positions that I no longer understand the fact that
you're a contrarian, user. because you've surrounded yourself with right wing media, you're naturally driven to the left. just tune the electric jew to msnbc, and you'll be right in a month.
but you dont understand the reasons and the factors behind these numbers, you just see the statistics and take them at face value with no second thoughts because it confirms your bias.
very obviously some faggot shill, remember to sage in the options field when you post
The left has lost its values within itself. it got consumed by political correctness
I remember libertarians having respect and a goal but now, a lot are just virtue signallers and social justice warriors
Women, who are easily subverted by the jew, and many other lobby groups, have destroyed the education system... and in turn have destroyed the west, family and any hope of coming back UNLESS we ban colleges and stop all zionist education .....
we need to end universities
>people have to be paid to not have the same opinions as me, its the only answer!"
Reverse psychology.
Moderate democrat is honestly the best thing to be in this climate so congrats. Moderates are good in general, even on the right. Their are some ideological beliefs on the moderate right that are informed by religion that makes them worse, but it's really the outer edges of the spectrum that are truly the problem with our culture right now, and that goes for the left and the right. Keep it up.
what do you personally identify as politically?
Not being environmentally conscious isn't just a liberal ideal fag. If we don't make some solutions the world os fucked. Hating or putting down any discussion of the environment just for the sake of it is retarded. Fuck off
They do this shit all the time , its fuckin embarrassing . C'mon shills ffs you have to create something for us to buy into to change us .There is a way but Im not going to do the thinking for you . You can do it , I believe in you .
You're starting to understand the true danger they represent. All civilization is an imaginary social construct, a soft and intricate balloony bounce house that protects us from hard reality. Reality itself doesn't change or go away, and can't be made to go away by any imaginary social construct, because of the one natural law imagination follows: "Where imagination contradicts reality, reality overrules imagination."
The left is literally all the people that intend to "prove" reality can be overruled by imaginary social constructs, by forcing civilization itself to attempt to overrule reality. It doesn't work, it can't work, and every time they tried it, they only destroyed civilization, sometimes so completely that the very alphabet was forgotten until a lucky Rosetta Stone was discovered.
They are now trying to force the USA to declare reality illegal, in their unending demented effort to "prove" reality is subjective, even though it isn't. That's why, if we win, they die; if they win, everyone dies.
go dye your hair blue, faggot
Left leaning in general, but I really dislike the far left a lot. I think the far left is sort of addicted to fighting for civil rights- or having a legitimate civil rights cause to fight for, because for the right issue it actually does give you the moral high ground. And for a long time it seemed like the left was the party that understood the virtue of sound science and heeded that information, which is still more true than not when it comes to things like "we probably don't want to pollute the environment too much" or becoming less dogmatic about the bad elements of religion. But once those things became sort of trendy even among low IQ people and kids, people are filtering all of culture through a distorted lense that projects those things onto everything. It's not just that we shouldn't have laws that explicitly discriminate against marginal demographics, everybody who's white is a racist, and it's super cool to be explicitly negative towards straight white males, and all spirituality is superstitious trash for idiots, and all statistics that indicate anything negative towards any demographic that is straight white male is bigotry, etc etc etc. It's like the monolith that Fox News has created spurred a tactically similar reaction on the left, and it's dragging the party through the mud.
I used to get in fights with my brother for being openly hostile towards all black people, even if it were just because they were walking to slow ahead of us on the sidewalk. Now just recently I got into a fight with a friend who saw that fucking Curb Your Enthusiasm was on my tv screen when we came home from the bars and he started grandstanding about how he's just a product of privilege and we shouldn't watch him because there's an episode where he convinces a butch lesbian that SHE should be the groom and her much more feminine partner should be the wife in the wedding.
Social media is a huge factor too. I honestly think that specifically twitter has infiltrated our culture in a dangerous way, and is training people to reduce all issues to one or two sentence sound bites. It's making us culturally sick and I hate it. Maybe people were always this stupid and I'm just old enough to recognize it now, but when you go from BO, a flawed but intelligent, ethically conscious, and eloquent person, to DT, who honestly might be a high functioning retard for president, it's indicative of some broad cultural psychological issue. Never felt like I occupied a no man's land more in my life, and it's pretty stressful. And this is the product of stupidity on both sides of the aisle.
>any demographic that is straight white male
So the AIDS is finally taking hold. Have fun with your reduced lifespan. Remember, God made AIDS faggot-exclusive for a reason.
I was Libertarian, then turned hardcore Conservative after witnessing Democrat degenerate behavior.
But for you... The best course of action is to drink bleach, or shoot yourself.
bru its ok
It doesn't matter who you stick up for. What matters is doing whats right. Being a identitarian and divisionist like you say you are only separates you from people who are willing to work with you for a better future.
Besides most people are a bit of each party without realizing it.
Stop being so tribalistic.
This is so fucking pathetic. No one turns into a Democrat. We call it the redpill for a reason. Once you take it you can never go back, even if you want to.
i agree with the twitter bit. the more hostile and inflamatory the better as they see it. so much "fuck white people, fuck democrats, fuck fascists, fuck commies, fuck trumpkins" stuff going on that we miss the issues and the productive conversations. im so tired of statistics and generalizations instead of people being genuine and and discussing their ideas with me. ive felt so alone in this ballot research process because of this vile language from the left in my area, but i cant see myself voting for these more libertarian ideas that put things i care about like the enviroment and public transportation at risk. idk whats happening bro.
In the end you realize that 99% of this stuff has no effect on you and its all just theatre in the end
i thought the same thing till i got out of the social media warzone to sit down and look at my general election sample ballot
You know what would save the planet? Getting rid of non-whites acsh.org
what does this have to do with anything?
Yea libertarianism, just like most other ideological positions, has both virtues and pitfalls. Like you do want culture to manifest organically, and getting rid of strict restrictions on what people can try is a naturalistic approach, but then you could have architects making buildings with shotty engineering that ends up with electrical fire hazards and poor escape plans that kill seventy people fourty years from now, or pharmaceutical companies distributing allergy medicine en masse that cause cancer with 38% of consumers after fifteen years, or monopolies that get so powerful that they specifically snuff out innovation in major industries so they can maintain a stranglehold on transportation technology, or a million other things.
Personally I think there needs to be a constantly evolving balance between safe smart regulation and allowing industries to and the economy enough space to progress naturally. I'm not a libertarian, I'm not a laissez faire capitalist, I'm not a communist, and on and on. And in a climate where there are extremely powerful tools that concentrate the power of what used to be more marginal ideological positions in a dangerous way to snuff out all nuance that doesn't serve whatever reductive worldview they think is gospel it's really hard to have opinions that don't fall in line in public now. It sucks.