When venezuela collapses who will accept the millions of refugees?

when venezuela collapses who will accept the millions of refugees?

Attached: 2015-09-03 Denisse Gomez - Perfection_.webm (1080x720, 3M)

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i think that america should take them. europe has already accepted millions of refugees that only exist because of wars the america started.


We'll take 1000. That's it.

At current rhythm, my country.
We got like 100k Venezuelans in the past few months.

we already have too many spics

hows that working out?

Not you, Mohammad.

Why should anywhere take refugees, at some point every country will become so shit and overloaded with asylum seekers they’ll have there own refugees


Who cares

How about we just have them STAY IN THEIR COUNTRY AND FIX THEIR SHIT instead of coming to another country and BRINGING THEIR BULLSHIT WITH THEM.

Fuck me if latina pussy isn't the best feeling kind of vagina in the world.


You know the Jews are going over there and buying up cheap as hell property right? This is what they do and have done through millennia.

They are doing the same in Ukraine.

We have taken in around 1 million Venezuelans in the last couple of years.

>mfw I'm so irrelevant that no memezuelans even consider coming here.

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Well, Texas is quite a bit closer to Venezuela than any other state tbqh.

that's a guy.

Nobody because we all know they’re going to keep voting for socialism no matter where they are.

So sorry Chilean bro. I wish you the best of luck dealing which those fuckwads

that is a trap 100%

Die in a fire with your wife's son faggot

if that's a guy I'd impregnate a guy

AMERICA will hold HOTTEST LATINA REFUGEES contest and it will be sponsored by McDonald's.

We will take the 10000 most attractive and give them assembly line positions in a shitty factory in Cleveland, Ohio

How do you know?

When I was in Costa Rica I ran into a lot of Venezuelans. Despite the fact that CR is stable and peaceful and existence in Venezuela is predicated on being willing to murder for access to the garbage can near a restaurant, you’d think they would be happy to be where they are. But nope, none of them liked CR.

>Loose oversexualised subhumans with enough European genetics to get me hard
Gracias, Cristobal Colon.
Happy Columbus Day, comrades!

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Grill needs work but everything else is on point.

Also, latina don't get beef curtains.

We will take in Venezuealns but only under the condition that they have to mix with blacks and can only have one child or else they get deported

It take in a little 8yo spic "refugee". How much a little Venezuela girl cost? Couple hundred?

the ocean

I heard that cute girls throw themselves to any white man even the most fat and disgusting just to flee that hell hole

The US and Colombia should take them in since they've been fucking with them for so long

Denisse Gomez

>tfw no harem of latina refugees

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ill take one 18 year old female of my picking

The great thing about Venezuelan women today is that none are fat.

Instead of becoming "refugees" they should become freedom fighters and fight for their god damn country.

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spend a few days at urgay omw coming here. colonia its a 10/10

You mean economic migrants because you guys are fruits


...why would you think it was a guy?

Unironically these are the refugees you want. Few people are more redpilled then people who've watched socialism destroy their home first hand. And being hispanic means they trump jews on the progressive stack.

How about they fight for their country like the revolutionaries they feign to be.

He cute

futafags think everything has a dick

Interesting hypothesis. Have you conducted appropriate fieldwork to confirm this?

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That's a man

I got Thai ladyboy vibes from the face reveal

Facefucking commie chicks

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Someone else thats who

Oh, i don't know what would we do in that situation

They tried to do the same thing here but we kick their ass back to their shithole.

Well at least half of it


It collapsed long ago and they have been fleeing for a long time, many of them are coming to our northern states.

Let the cucks in europe have them...we are working on securing our border...kike

Not even 1

The new Venezuelan government will accept them. If the think they are bringing their shit socialist ideologies to the USA they can fuck right off in carribean on easily sunk inflatable boats.

Please make them stay in the southern parts of the continent.

Nope. Maybe the parents fleeing will be redpilled but their kids will be anti-white la raza faggots bitching about muh oppression.

Our birthright, Irmao.

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>when venezuela collapses who will accept the millions of refugees?
Well, if god emperor Bolsonaro has anything to say about it, they won't be coming to Brazil.

>i think that america should take them.
I have a MUCH better idea, they stay exactly where they are at Venezuela and EU and USA help us invade it and take down the communist threat in there. This way these people won't have to flee from their homeland.

You mean Germany imported a bunch of shitskins and tried to foist them on everyone else when they realised that nogs are going to nog and (((culturally enriched))) them.
Then they got upset when based countries like Poland and Hungary told them to fuck off.

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I guesd whorehouses are technically factories if there is no proper management to oversee distribution of contraceptives.

I remember the first Venezuelan I've met. It was in highschool and her name was Cindy Lopez.

Often times she'd use no underwear.

Great times were had by all.

no matter how hot they are it means fuck all. women just want to live in america to get gibs.

I thought Texas was building the wall. Wtf?

Get back to your sopa de macaco you nigger.

When they open up their oil market to US companies they will not have to leave, there will be plenty of work and riches and tourism.

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After a certain amount of time here you start to think every single picture of a woman is actually a trap.

This, justice will be served

south america, too costly to do a big project of transporting millions from a failed socialist state. Also venuzela hates us so of course they are coming here, suck dick euros.

I’ve been checking tinder and it has lots sluts from memezuela some even say that they just want a sugar daddy.

I'm willing to sponsor 1 female(female) Venezuelan aged 18-21 as long as she is beautiful and fertile.

Anyone there have a cousin they can recommend?

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She's ugly

finally, a refugee crisis I'd be happy accepting. Those millions of white people will give america a few more years to go full fash before we become South Africa.

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>Get back to your sopa de macaco you nigger.
Oh look, he is still butthurt Trump deported him! Let's all point and laugh!


Anyway, good luck dealing with your drug cartels, sure hope they don't decapitate your whole family or whatever it is you spics call it.

It's more hygienic to gib em what they want in our lands than in their native favelas, unfortunately...

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They could rebuild their country. Who will accept US citizens when we collapse?

>when venezuela collapses who will accept the millions of refugees?
it's collapsing and we are welcoming refugees ...
.... .... ... ... ... ... ... ....
.... with angry mob's gun shots.

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Geeee i fucking wonder

Think we should just do away with this refugee system and go back to the old days. If your country collapses, you invade others or die. Shoot to kill on border. There are consequences for being shitty incompetent group.

We didn’t force you to take them in.

Fine get back to your tree monkey

How about we try to rebuild Venezuela instead of taking the population in to suffer here, it's a much better investment in the long run, we should be helping these people stand for themselves not babying them

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But I also wouldn't mind a latina thickie to cummie when I get home from school

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Kill them all.
No one likes Venezuelans not even themselves.

Said the taco bell

I hope your abuelita dont die by decapitation from the cartels that you owe money to

the sooner our monkey nigger loving cuck countries die the better
I say bring them all over here

She just wants you to dump your loads in her holes user, is that too much to ask?

calm down canibal monkey.

such a waste of digits

Quads of truth. Bring them to Canada.

Okay, can we just admit that latinas are hotter than Asian chocks?

literally Brazil and Brazilians will kill them now that bolso will legalize guns. problem solved

Go stuff your ass with Chili Peppers.
Fucking Cholo.


I rather stuff your niggers that come to work as prostitutes here.