Khabib Is a useful idiot who is surrounded by a terrorist, a war criminal and a billionaire

Scrolling through youtube today to figure out what the fuck actually happened after the fight. Listen hear anons, Khabibs agent is a terrorist, hes funded by a billionaire and a war criminal. Mcfaggot was onto something.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Battalion Marketplace Shopping Books_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP211463&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp6fjv5X43QIVitdkCh2GLgKuEAQYASABEgLKNPD_BwE abdelaziz cohen&source=bl&ots=dlngXYYesc&sig=6MP53nEhrrk9Ox5smWeQ_5x9LNY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4geaxlvjdAhWRGTQIHeIaB0kQ6AEwD3oECAQQAQ#v=onepage&q=ali abdelaziz cohen&f=false

>Listen hear

why do wh*te people resort to gay conspiracy theories after getting their ass handed to them?

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shut your fucking mouth nigger

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>after getting their ass handed to them
He started saying all this shit way before the fight

conor still lost the fight though

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Khabib is pretty much white, bit of Central Asian mudblood maybe

Conors going to wipe that monkey on the rematch

Don't @ me

and how did you come to that conclusion

gotta cope somehow

There won't be a rematch, potato nigger.

Who cares. Conner is another McFaggot and whatever is going on in that part of the world is none of our business. Not so long ago he was going "resistance" on Trump. He deserved to get BTFO for acting like a retard, disrespecting his opponent, talking shit he couldn't back up and potentially seriously injuring people with his dolly chimpout.

As someone who is a quarter Irish I have absolutely no problem stating that in general Paddy's are a fucking nuisance. They are nigger tier whites and only Jews are worse in terms of the damage they've done to the country. We need a final solution to the Paddy problem.

Conor is a faggot
Who cares? This isn't about him other than the fact that he brought attention to it.

Conor will keep coming back until he's killed Kebab

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Dana white is a genius that whitoids like you keep falling and when the truth comes out in few years saying it was all scripted.
That's why you whitoids will perish in 70 years.

khebab lost, because the potato nigger outsmarted him. what's that have to do with the white race?

While I agree with your sentiment, you aren't "Irish" burger.

Conor does his research

> scripted
> punches thrown on unsuspecting people
> khabib goes flying out of the ring to do a flying kick and could have hit people who wouldn't have been in on the script
> likely contributed to the fights that happened after the match between the two factions of fans

cmon bro

go look up the mountain range in Chechnya and tell me what its called, proxynigger shill.

You are naive dana and mcfaggot are business people

Most of McGregors shittalk is obviously just for entertainment. He is a charismatic guy who plays a cartoon villain on tv to attract viewers. A heel.

The weird thing about Khabib is that he was booked as the hero. The calm, just and likeable guy whom the crowd could sympathize with. He even won and retained the championship. What did he do afterwards? Attack the coaches of his opponent and make his mates attack the guy that he just beat. What the fuck kind of winner does that.

Certainly not. I've seen enough of Irish behavior via my own family and friends growing up and want absolutely nothing to do with it or Catholicism. The Irish are fucking degenerates and Conner is a perfect example of that. All these McCucks on cable news really piss me off too. As if betraying America in cahoots with Jews wasn't bad enough. They never learn their lesson and will never change. If it isn't one of (((them))) and it's "white" you can count on them being Irish every.single.time.'s_Battalion

you are not wrong. the Irish have always been traitors and enemies.

>the rematch
What for? To get pummeled again?

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why do you resort to posting pictures of the worst character from that series abdul?

absolutely brutal

>What the fuck kind of winner does that.
a nigger and a muslim obviously

when someone says "may the best man win" they mean in either victory or in defeat, not just who succeeds in the completion of the competition itself.

He just behaved like the mountain nigger he is. And though I wouldn't condone it I can still see where he's coming from. You try to injure or kill someones friends and family outside of the ring then you're asking for trouble. And say what you want about those people but bottom line is they are hard as fucking steel from long traditions and bitter adversity. If you come at them with some Irish nigger bullshit (especially someone like Kebab) you deserve to get served and should expect to. Those niggers are simply not to be trifled with.

>and how did you come to that conclusion

that bitch looks like a turtle

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t. Muhammad

Who the fuck thought Conor was going to win that fight, lol?...

You shitskins really shouldn’t try to claim him. He would probably launch Jihad upon you and your subhuman countrymen if he could. You guys are the “Muslims” that make Muslims look bad.

Oh shit Khabib's manager Ali snitched to the Jews? That's interesting.

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so what, hes manager funds the killing of gays. ok and???? How is that bad

Be careful. If this is real, you just went on their radar.
If you aren't being investigated by them - you are probably larping Dana White shill content.

The stock video footage is ridiculously glow in the dark. No way this YT source is amateur.


Lol ok then but so are the other 1 million+ people who watched the video.

What? That doesn't make sense.

>muslims are terrorists
wow nice find

You act like this is scary sensitive information that OP should be scared to spread.

Or did I completely misinterpret what you were saying?

tl'dr Im saying it's UFC propaganda.

The video editing is telling. The stock footage resources are suspect.

Oh ok. I misinterpreted then.

Not UFC propaganda though about Ali Abdelaziz. And Ali snitched to a (((Cohen))) agent. That's verrrrry interesting.

Are you 100% certain its never released footage?

What are the sources?

NEways I don't care too much about all the UFC drama... What I find interesting is the once again found relationship between Jews and terrorists...

It would require unique resources. Literally 48 hours ago.

Don't be dumb. Everybody knows this is just hype for a 2019 rematch fight.

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This book Marketplace Shopping Books_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP211463&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp6fjv5X43QIVitdkCh2GLgKuEAQYASABEgLKNPD_BwE

Oh for the fighting... Ok... I can understand that. Possibly a UFC channel then...

Apparently, this same (((FBI agent))) also had received a call about Siraj Wahhab once. abdelaziz cohen&source=bl&ots=dlngXYYesc&sig=6MP53nEhrrk9Ox5smWeQ_5x9LNY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4geaxlvjdAhWRGTQIHeIaB0kQ6AEwD3oECAQQAQ#v=onepage&q=ali abdelaziz cohen&f=false

Attached: Siraj= New Mexico terrorist's father.png (945x1712, 454K)

Although I don't doubt that the claims are true, kabib never told conor to give up