The end of the White race?

There are 1.7 billion Muslims, there are 2.8 billion Africans, there are 4.7 billion Asians...

there are 800,000,000 whites.

Is it time to accept that (((the chosen ones))) have won? That there is no hope and we must die knowing of OUR achievements, achievements that no other race has ever done. That it is ok, we did a lot you and me. Our ancestors had defined the impossible. I guess we will go extinct by 2100. A whiteless world that will have no memory of our existence and achievements. What does /po/ think?

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Whites will not disappear.

Something of biblical proportions should sort that out

I feel like some big happening will take place in the 2030s, don't know why though...

>~760 million whites
>end of the race
Why haven't kikes died out?

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800m is 4/5 of the way to one billion. In a world of seven billion, one billion is an acceptable number for your race should you preserve borders and out breed invaders.

Like Sun Tzu said: "Every Battle is Won or Lost Before it is Ever Fought".

Prepare! stock enough stuff to win until the chimp out happens.

The problem is that they breed to fast... in a normal world this wouldnt make such mess because most of their retarded kids would die fast (polio/malaria/aids/etc).. Sadly our achievements (medicin money technologie) are used to "save" those kids => high birthrate + european medicin => to many goddamn muslims

Leave the black pills at the door pls

As long as whites hold Europe, there will be no end. But this will require a complete political revolution reaching from the smallest institution too the highest office, as well as a cultural revolution, targeting art, academia, music and the core values of the European people.

There are enough nuclear warheads to correct the ratio

White revolution

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Cringe, and no mention of the biggest white genocides of the 20th century. The Slavic holocaust yet apparently the white european race is under threat of extinction today. Shows how utterly deranged this place is.

This. Every race has its die-hard purists, so without something akin to a blood-genocide or physically being forced to racemix rather than hypnotising and converting the general population to the cult of multikulti, there will always be hope.

Based "Hung Aryans"!

You really fucking think those things you mentioned as examples WON'T happen at some point? Fucking kek keep thinking positively while you're dying faggot

Much sooner, think 2025ish

Poland and Hungary are the only states in europe not being tricked by the multikulticucks in brussels

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Oh. It's so small. How we can survive with 800000000???? It's imposible. It's the end. We are doomed.


I'm sorry my friend, but I have to disagree with you. Our government is full of crypto kikes
Our PM is planning to bring about one million Filipino workers to Poland

starts crying*

The problem is that where i grew up there were as many muslims blacks etc as europeans... they didnt respect our culture, they aren't working and enjoy our social state while they beat up swiss kids and rape swiss women

Jews will die either way. Either will die in the coming WW3 / Civil war or Chinese/Arabs will handle them in the middle of the 21 century.

fuck off fag, 47% of Russia is muslim, cucktard mongolide

>they beat up swiss kids and rape swiss women
That's good. This will lead to more tensions and wake up people

>fuck off fag, 47% of Russia is muslim,
Around 15%

I just don't wanna feel like I am in fucking kabul while walking trough my country

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>fuck off fag, 47% of Russia is muslim,

by 2055


Hope so... just afraid that they'll wake uo when its too late

There won't be Russia as we know by 2055. The WW3 will break out sooner.

800,000,000 is a lot of people. It goes (Quality > Quantity) anyhow.

And they are still whiter than you.

Yeah we don't have nearly as much time as people would believe. I would be amazed if we left the 2020's with nothing happening

I hope they will be more sincere in their actions and start rioting sooner than later.

I accept defeat Shlomo. Please give me shekels for being a good goy now. You’ve won. Gib shekel plz.

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Once Switzerland stops being neutral you know shit's going down soon. I mean they pretty much avoided both world wars.

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Rest In Shit Wh*tes
You claim high IQ while you lose the most important battle
So much for your so-called long-term thinking ability

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>. I would be amazed if we left the 2020's with nothing happening
Coming economic crash will intensify racial tensions. Also trade wars with China and sanctions against Russian can finally trigger the WW3.


What is your race?

We will rise, user.
Either by the sword or by the will of God. Or both. We will rise.

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Jews will die either way. Either will die in the coming WW3 / Civil war or Chinese/Arabs will handle them in the middle of the 21 century.

The thing is here in western europe the media tries to cover up such cases of criminal immigrants.. if the police is looking for someone they wont say his country of origin or his color


Nobody cares about the white race mate dont bother.

How is the slavic russian population? Will birth rates rise

Bullshit. Africa will full of wars and famine

ok ((( "russian" )))

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>The thing is here in western europe the media tries to cover up such cases of criminal immigrants..
People should experience it themselves.

It means more fun for us when the war starts, we have to ally with the japs though.

65-70% Slavic
80-85% White by the American standards.

Earlier or later

Listen to rhe fucking gipsy talking hahah 3rd world country piece of shit hahaha no one gives a shit about u

>we did a lot you and me
what did you do, except posting on a Mongolian fence building forum?

By american standard there are 99% whites. Slavic are 90%

Excuse me? I think you just had a stroke maybe visit a doctor instead of being here?

What? Australia, New Zealand, South Africa make up something like 40 million whites and then Europe including Russia is like 700 million on its own, the us adds another 200 million whites

Brazil is home to a large number of ethnically white people probably a sold 40-50 million and then Argentina and Chile, Uruguay and the rest of Latin America are home to tens of millions more.

And I haven’t even gotten into the demarcation between whites and North Africans/ Persians which depending on whehere you cut that off there are easily several tens of millions of whites in the Middle East and Africa

We are easily over a billion whites on earth more than have ever exsisted, the white race isn’t going anywhere it isn’t even shrinking

War and feminism really took a toll on western civilization. War in Europe in the 20th century kill a lot of good men, and feminism killed the birth rate.

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And what a perfect justification to be allowed into your countries :)
Guess how my parents got here? :) :) :)

Im Black as shit you fucking pussy

At least we have doctors where i live. Now go clean some pots and sharpen some blades untermensch

Yes there are, there are more than enough, and 1 or 2 strategically/accidentally dropped nukes can instantaneously change everything

tho russia seems like is our only hope.

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>wot is tfr?
You are a dumb cunt.

>War in Europe in the 20th century kill a lot of good men, and feminism killed the birth rate.
Previous wars killed more men, famines and diseases killed more men. People just got tired of wars and got lazy.

These lands ate not for weak africans. They killed you even faster

Looks a lot like Africa to me

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Got here on a slave ship I guess?

Interesting considering how superior you claim to be then tell me what have you achieved?

I don’t know what that acronym is can you please elaborate

How do you feel being inferior to everyone?
Yeah, it's a serious question. You have been cucked throughout all your history. And the 21the century will not be different. Your countries are sold out to Chinese. In Americas you are beaten by Latinos, in Europe by Muslims.

Me as a person, my country or my race?

The WW3 and the financial collapse is our only hope.

>caring about race

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You as a person since as a country I can see how you rapidly are becoming like the rest of your neighbors in terms of demographics.

I'm Nigerian bitch
We are highly educated and intelligent and laugh at these trash america wh*tes acting like they deserve all the prosperity.
The takeover is just getting started

And guess what? We're better athletes as well.

And damn do you're women love us. It's fucking over wh*ties

Nonsense. One white man is worth any ten niggers. Looks like the rest of the world is finally going to get a fair fight.

And who will war and for what. When dollar will collapse it wouldn't be the end of the world but only the end of kike empire. Even muts will become more happier after this.

Master B&A University of ZH
Working for 4 years now

>niggers thinking that african population is black when its really their blasian overlords

>The takeover is just getting started
Takeover. Guy, don't be completely retarded. The future belongs either to Whites or Asians. You are too stupid on average.

>What does /po/ think?
Ask them

So you have done nothing to distinguish yourself from the general population, well I guess you arent as superior as you claim you are.

China, Russia against the EU, the USA and Israel

stop the poland is based meme. its over. they are only all too eager to get destroyed with the rest of us. do some reading on current events there for fucks sake.

There's only 15 million jews, two trident missiles could wipe out the majority of them in a few minutes because they're bunched up in cities.

There isn't any ability to scheme amongst africans or middle easterners and they're controlled by Saudis who are compromised by jew CIA blackmail because the Saudi royals are degenerates.

There's no way you can use race mixing propaganda to take down 800 million whites without taking a much worse hit to your 15 million jews when the majority resides in the US as Diaspora.

Jews in the US would be hit by race mixing much harder due to smaller numbers so it would be an own goal. If you flooded NATO countries so hard that the leadership became Muslim it would endanger military funding and protection for Israel.

Basically the people promoting racemixing aren't a monolithic group of All The Jews because it would be suicide. It's a group of elites who don't give a fuck what happens after they die a lot of who happen to be jews in the US/Europe. It is bolstered by retarded jews' pathological hatred of whites but they're not smart enough to know its suicidal. The goal of mass immigration is for kike bankers to accumulate wealth while they're alive and they don't care what happens to goyim or other jews after they die. The whole learned elders plan was real but obsolete and suicidal from the beginning, the bankers just the intelligence agency blackmailed-puppet mechanism developed in the early 20th century to extort and meddle with geopolitics to make megabucks.

There isn't a racial war, it's just pure nihilism. You have to get rid of the current elites because they are just stripping the earth and starting wars for money and don't care what happens when they die, they don't believe in an afterlife (which isn't necessary to not be a nihilist) and don't care about the future beyond their children's inheritance.

We need to increase the white birthrate in europe. The US is already long lost

Good for you :)

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>Jews in the US would be hit by race mixing much harder due to smaller numbers so it would be an own goal
They are hit very hard. Majority of their marriage are multi-ethnic.

Meme. Europa united for gibs not for wars.
And I see no reason. what will war be about? because of Ukraine?

Superflu will take care of Asia and Africa in no time. Probably take most major metropolises with them.

Meanwhile, the frozen and rural north will survive, like we always have. If we can survive the ice age with nothing but caves, fire, and animal skins, we can survive this.

we're in a time fractal loop reality. our ancestors
who lived with the dinosaurs had the same lives.
ruthless lizards and beasts that did not let white
man live, so God threw a rock.

now here we are with dinosaurs 2.0 and they
are getting out of hand yet again, same thing
that happened back then is happening right
now just in a different form. Gods going to
wipe out the seed of cain, ie the non whties.
those who accept his only begotten son
will be reborn into white bodies. the earth
was not meant for non whties, ie humans,
it was made for man.

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You're not going to believe me, but we've been here before.

Humans evolved in Australia;

>The results were nothing less than remarkable: Among the 10 successful extractions was the world's oldest known human DNA— plucked from none other than Mungo Man. (No DNA was recovered from Mungo Lady, perhaps because she had been cremated.) Mungo Man also appeared to mock the findings of previous scientists: His mtDNA signature did not match anyone's, living or fossil, on Earth. There was no evidence that he was genetically related to ancient Africans

Mungo man is dated to 60,000YBP. This means Mungo man's ancestors should have had just 10,000 years to get from Africa to Australia - and leave no mtDNA behind in any living human.

Mungo man's mtDNA should be something basal to Eurasians it he is in fact an early African migrant. For him to have no relation to any Africans, yet also have no relation to any living Eurasians - he was part of an earlier wave;

>To date, the earliest modern human fossils found outside of Africa are dated to around 90,000 to 120,000 years ago at the Levantine sites of Skhul and Qafzeh. A maxilla and associated dentition recently discovered at Misliya Cave, Israel, was dated to 177,000 to 194,000 years ago
>This finding changes our view on modern human dispersal and is consistent with recent genetic studies, which have posited the possibility of an earlier dispersal of Homo sapiensaround 220,000 years ago
>The Misliya maxilla is associated with full-fledged Levallois technology in the Levant, suggesting that the emergence of this technology is linked to the appearance of Homo sapiens in the region, as has been documented in Africa

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Your gdp per capita isnt even in the top 10 of africa... thats like being the dumbest kid in the retard class

Based Christian identist

Remember when World War Fortnight started... The kids came out of the age of spin dizzy, and slaughtered in there pillow fort

Oh look, the faggot kikes are buttmad that they got BTFO yet again earlier today so they are predictably resorting to their usual plan b: demoralization. Get a new script you boring little npc's. Protip: you're going to have to try to kill us, and it's not going to be easy.

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Russia will start the war.

>>And I see no reason.
The coming economic collapse of Russia and China due to sanctions and trade wars.

Think about it this way.

Three generations from now, every pure white person will be the offspring of the most ingroup-oriented/racist whites who exist today. They're gonna be 10x more racist than us.

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