Tfw you realize Hitler was controlled opposition by the Jews to get great powers on their side so they could take...

>tfw you realize Hitler was controlled opposition by the Jews to get great powers on their side so they could take Israel from the Palestinians

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This is weak tier redpill ideation
harder to prove it

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It could have been done much easier. No need to start a World War and waste millions of human lives and other resources for it.

nah, hitler is a charlie chaplin comedy.

jews did all the bad stuff

Didn't he gas himself?

the point of the world wars was to cull the population of the earth and Hitler helped destroy more Germans than anyone on this planet

>the jews infiltrated the French government and forced them to supply the American Revolutionaries with ammunition and soldiers so they could become independent, stopping britain from consolidating too much power so (((they))) wouldn't have any competition when taking Israel

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but in 1783 the French signed over the colonies to the British during the Paris Treaty and Americans have been paying taxes to the British crown ever since

tfw you realize that AshkeNAZI are the Nazis and the people who created Israel were also the same people responsible for the holocaust and that Hitler and his government had nothing to do with it.

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but no jews were burned to death in the camps which is what you need to do for a holocaust, and why the fuck would the Germans be practicing an ancient ritual?



Only about 200,000 people died and it was done at the hands of the ZIONISTS.

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>the jews played their hand so that Britain would leave India, puttings Indians in their debt, which they now hang over the head of the CEO of google, who has been banning and silencing rightwing opposition and controlling the flow of information at (((their))) behest

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Yeah too bad for them jews, again they are gonna go nomad once they lose israel and get kicked out of USA by shitskin hordes.

from the SS death certificate records the total number of people who died in the camps was 403,713. At Auschwitz the death toll was 73,137, and of that total 38,031 were jewish.
We know this thanks to the Hollerith computer which later became IBM's mainframe, it's also where the tattoo numbering system came from

Zionists did the holocaust and it was only on the Eastern front because it's a giant lie.

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And kill millions of anglo, slavic, and aryan men and women in the process. Kill off any jewish opposition, isolate Europes wealth, then make untold billions rebuilding all of it

no one was burned to death in the camps though.
The real victims of the WW2 Holocaust were citizens at home when white phosphorus or nukes were dropped on them

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Hitler was a half-jew. we know this much.

When Nazis blame not wanting to believe something because the guy's a Jew.

I think Nazis are mentally retarded now.