Antifa takes over portland road. cuck mayor allows it. antifa attacks old man and hits car with sticks and spits on it
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This is a honey pot thread. Do not post intentions on causing harm. You have been warned.
Kids are chimping out again. Who cares?
Check'd out bruh
Fuck that that's a violation of the NAP nigger
Land of the free buddy. Where commies are free to roam and apparently direct traffic.
That xir needs to #resist eating cake all the fucking time
Fuck that. They're terrorists and deserve to be run over like the dogs they are
>scrawny faggot pushing back against the car
Misleading title btw.
>it's fine guys just let them play pretend
i wish he hit him harder. there's a clip of 2 black woman shutting the door on the old guy getting back in his car. also, the clip of them hitting the car with sticks.
5'6" 125 pounds here. How do I become adequately prepared for a self-defense situation?
ISIS were masculine baathists with military experience. Then again there was that commie faggot in West point so who knows.
Honey pot or no, something needs to be done about them.
Why the fuck are they directing traffic
everybody I dislike is a commie
Carry lube desu
Gun training
Kickass, my work offers it. I do, however, live in a cuck place that would very likely find me at fault if I defend myself from these savages with a firearm. Should I learn a martial art? Also, what's the fastest way to get strong enough to win a fight?
>Stand in traffic without getting a permit or getting the road shut down first
Is it ok to call people who bare the hammer and cycle, and call themselves communists, communists? Or is that too much of a stretch?
>my work offers it
*gun training, that is
It's antifa, they literally call themselves that.
I'm really hoping we get some decent bash the fash actions in the mid terms. It's been disappointing lately.
>God made man, but Samuel Colt made them equal.
>5’6” 125lbs
Just serve as cannon fodder desu. We can’t have genes like that in the pool
Wait until after.
>mayor allows it
under whose authority?
Gun and Boxing/Judo training. Judo teaches you how to use your enemies' weight against them.
What if I'm otherwise athletic with a high IQ?
Learn how to fight with a knife and carry one around
Ain't no amount of lifting gonna help you out muscle a gorilla
Stick with gun just to be sure
Martial arts aren't real. Get a gun and look up the laws. Any conceal carry class is going to explain the dos and donts of your area.
Sure sounds like the police are completely unbiased here.
But ANTIFA is predominantly communists, socialists and anarchists though.
Get bigger, get stronger, have friends and a family . No individual protection is worth anything in the long run.
real superfaggzz
Does anyone have the long footage of Moldylocks getting knocked out? Not just the KO but the footage leading up to it? That webm is pure kino
Womp Womp
I thought history had taught you something about that particular political movement. But turns out, you guys are eager to repeat history's greatest hits.
I'll get a gun to protect myself from tall supremacists who want me removed from the gene pool kek
This unironically based
Too bad that doesn't work in elections - feminists would BTFOd forever
>those bitch punches
Should have pushed him into traffic.
should of dodge chargered them
Thanks, there's boxing and judo near where I live. I'll check them out. Also, how's Muay Thai?
It's so satisfying watching these fuckwits get their wigs split. If I weren't in Australia I'd probably join these guys and do some mob control :^).
reminder: the democrat party openly uses genocidal techniques
interfering with this process is an act of war and genocide
we need to put these god damn chinks in prison for genocide
who the fuck moves to a country and tries to kill the people there
is this really what we can expect from china in the future
ASIAN GEEKS you have a moral obligation to respond to this attack on china
ASIAN GEEKS without the moral authority of chinese civilization you are on thin ice in terms of your residency status in the USA
ASIAN GEEKS don't think we are going to just sit here and let you destroy the USA
ASIAN GEEKS either respond to this charge or pack your bags AND GET THE HELL OUT OF THE USA
Have link with sound for this?
2018: the genocide election
Whoa - were is this from?
As a Lithuanian isn't that basically true?
Just stay away from protests. It may sound like fun, but it's just asking for trouble. Don't even drive near them.
Women, who are easily subverted by the jew, and many other lobby groups, have destroyed the education system... and in turn have destroyed the west, family and any hope of coming back UNLESS we ban colleges and stop all zionist education .....
we need to end universities
Most of these people don't realize there is a protest until it's too late
Theres always a ham planet
>how to not get buttfucked by the mob
Learn to avoid fights
>how to get strong enough to win a fight
Train handguns first, then rifles
>martial arts
In practice, is a meme; if guns are your ace in the hole, martial arts is another ace in the hole of your first ace. Training fitness is good, but becoming Chuck Norris doesn't take priority until you've mastered firearms.
I do not intend to harm anyone. However, should anyone prove to be a threat to me, I'm within my rights to defend myself.
White man to white man
>Yeah you little white little fucker. Yeah you’re a fucking whitey little whitey aren’t you
Idiots blocking traffic standing in the road
>Yeah you little white little fucker. Yeah you’re a fucking whitey little whitey aren’t you
Do these fuckers have any mental faculty whatsoever to question for one second just how retarded they are
Is there any reason to not run them over?
Second greentext should be
>You’re blocking traffic
They want to pretend they are an asset to society rather than a liability.
Pepper spray if all else fails. Doesn't matter how big someone is, once they're blinded they're done.
china can suck a bag of dicks. i don't think anyone likes china except militant mainlanders
>Koreans are torn, 1/2 dislike china, 1/2 like NK who prefers economic ties to china
>Viet/Hmong don't like identifying as chinese & dislike china
>Japan doesn't like china
>taiwan "likes" china
don't be a stupid faggot lumping "asians" together like the gov did to "whites" "blacks," and "hispanics"
>if guns are your ace in the hole, martial arts is another ace in the hole of your first ace.
>Antifa running amok
>Not happening.
What else is new.
Big military boy here.
If you do take a gun to any of these ralies, understand that you are not to participate on either side in any way. Learn to draw quick, if it takes longer than two seconds to get the first shot off, you're fucked anyways.
Knife is your second option but that's escalation of force. If they just want to fight, use hands, knives are so underrated, you could easily kill someone with a pocket knife especially in a rage. I don't recommend ever pulling it out unless you're willing to do some jail time. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six. Learn how to use a knife, methods are simple but do require training with dummy knives to understand wrist movement.
Learn to grapple. It takes about 50 hours of total training to understand the clinch and ground fighting. You can easily subdue opponents that have no training. Safely render them unconscious, or destroy their shoulder for two years.
But what really needs to be said, is that if you escalate the force somehow, you will be held liable, or possibly worse, be hospitalized yourself by someone more skilled than you.
Never fear your opponent, but don't underestimate them. There's a difference.
Most importantly, bring a friend or two that will have your back. 2 important rules: Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face and the guy who wins the fight is the one with a friend who shows up with a gun.
Ah, that explains all the asians.
He didn't hit anybody. He was trying to drive somewhere and some cuck tried to get in his way.
First thing i would do is the HONK HONK HONK until one of them would hit my car in rage, GAS GAS GAS
I want the term anarco tyranny to become mainstream.
>these faggy whimps are terrorising amerimutts
even swedes are based compared to burgers
They couldn't pull this shit in Texas because they'd get shot (legally) in the first half hour
Thanks user. I'm going to do my best to just stay away from this shit, altogether. My concern is that it's going to get harder and harder to avoid as leftists keep getting BTFO.
why texas? I thought they don't attack mexicans
Most of us are working and don't live in faggy cities with no sunlight like Portland.
Do you guys not have a police force to tackle this problem?
You forgot Mike Strickland. The city of Portland and Multnomah county fucked him.
God they're worse than soccerfags
non of that matters in your cuckland, look up the Raise above, and what they went throu in charlotesvile. you go to jail, antifags walk
Perhaps what we need is a counter-protester to do something about it.
Because they're petty tyrants. They never had any power before in their pathetic, meaningless lives. When they had the force of the mob they let their true colors show. Keep in mind these are the people who want political power.
nigger tongue my anus
Why can't I ever stumble into any of this shit? I legit live for random chaos. I would never do anything violent, but I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of fun shouting.
yet if you were there, and ttacked by those fags, you would get jailed, and they would walk, even if there is video of them attacking you unprovoked