Why is he such a weak president?

Why is he such a weak president?

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>does a thousand rallies a week
he may be overweight but he has energy

Why did your dad sneak into your room when you were a child?

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lol he's been the strongest since Nixon unironically

>don't pursue and prosecute the people that nearly destroyed your personal legacy and your family by abusing government powers
>don't force your DOJ to comply with senate document requests, despite congress getting BTFO for so long that they're threatening to sanction your AG with contempt
winning desu

>wins on a minority
>liberals love minorities

pick one


>10x more pro-israel than Obama ever was

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Maybe because his businesses profit from illegal immigration.

Grabbing so much pussy will wear out your forearms making you weak until you rest.

But my boy trump grabs pussy 24/7

Too much pussy to handle

>impeach NOW

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He's a reflection of the equally weak GOP.

When is he gonna help the middle class?
There are literally poor working class people thinking they are middle class trying to improve themselves. However being a nigger low income fag has a greater benefit, and the working people foot all the bills, and the money doesn't go to school or roads. When will he fix this.

You shut your faggot mouth

Because the only thing he knows how to do is abuse minority rights.

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Because the #NeverTrump Republicans are alive, well, and still working against the majority of his agenda.

Why is your mother a nigger fucking whore?

Mein fuhrer