She's right you know
She's right you know
classist? nah
stupid? yes
If I have a cold or flu, I don't need to see the doctor (and spread germs). I need to stay home and get healthy.
do mcjobs require doctor's notes? i just txt i'm not coming in today
They do for wastes of life like this who can't show up on time for a regular basis. I've never had to get a doctor's note in my life when I call off because I show up to work regularly.
some places do it for everyone and frankly it's bullshit
When you say "classist" I say "Communist".
it's true, in australia you just (((buy))) them for 25 dollarydoos fromt he pharmacist
we didnt need notes to skip classes, youre onto something, mutt
You know what, he's right. Trimp is reallly done this time... I always thought the 'It Was Here Turn!' meme was childish.. boy was I wrong
I have to pay $30 to see a doctor am that’s WITH healthcare. If I call out sick I need a doctor notes. Therefor, if I call out sick, I lose money just to have to “prove” I was sick.
She’s right you know. You shouldn’t mandate a doctor note unless you’re the one going to pay for it.
Most places here charge for doctors notes because it's a waste of time. Also, get a job that's not shit, I've never had to give a note but I'm also rarely absent from work.
She's unironically right, I actually can afford to go to the doctor but I don't anyway. I have strep throat for like a month and let it cure itself.
Yep, standard practice in Australia sadly. To retarded levels, I've been sent home by a boss for being too sick - and still required to get a certificate. Because reasons.
We should talk about my tax dollars going to pay for your Medicaid. You know, the one that lets you go to the doctor at my expense.
Not classist but fucking dumb. If I'm sick with a basic cold I'm not gonna spend money and time to go to the doctor, I'm gonna stay home and let it run its course
I've never heard of a job requiring doctors notes in 2018 unless it's for something that's going to prevent you from performing job functions for a while
Most jobs require you to bring in a doctors note to prove you left work/called in sick and was legitimately sick.
Calling out of work like a retard just cough on people and puke on stuff.
I'm sick of all of these stupid cunts and their opinions. Pay me.
i only require a doctors note from my employees if they start making sick days a habit, everyone takes sick days once in a while i understand that and I'm not going to be stickler about it and demand evidence, but every once in a while you get employees who start taking every other Monday off with the "flu" or a "headache", at that point i start to require a doctors note
I'm fairly confident requiring a doctors note is a hippa violation
>"And I really wish we talked about it more"
You dont wish that people talked about it, you wish that people just repeat what you said about it.
She should get a job that has health insurance and paid enough for her to go to doctor if she is ill. But maybe she just can't because her lacking mental capabilities, sucks to be a loser though.
Can confirm australia is gay.
>boss sends me home cause sick
>doesn't pay me cause no doctrs note
what is wrong with clasism?
I can argue that racist has its cons, but clasism is by definition good
A doctor's note is only needed if your attendance is so low it affects your GPA. And if you're missing that much school due to illness then you're probably in need of a doctor.
We have a phone doctor you can call. Costs like 40 bucks.
Your company doesnt have attendance points, does it?
Bitch, work for a bank where you have to assist in filing Medical Leave insurance papers because sick notes don't cut it. This is the grownup world where each entity will have different ways to be excused from work, don't like it? FIND. ANOTHER. JOB. Goddamned whiny grown ass children.
No. You have to do this so that all the tendie loving neats will show up to work instead of calling in so they can chase pokemon.
It costs me $30 to go to the doctor. Thats not that bad but even so I don't call in sick unless I am so bad I have to go to doctor. If Im not sick enough to go to doctor im not sick enough to miss work.
Maybe this has something to do with why I keep getting promoted and making more and more money and receiving more and more liberties at work.
People find anything to complain about. Shut up and do your fucking job.