Should it be compulsory for all men to learn how to fight?
Should it be compulsory for all men to learn how to fight?
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I fucking hate this video
What a fucking loser kek
Just don't fight guise
>clone going apeshit
Nothing to see here
more of these please
I'm no doctor but I don't think the neck is supposed to do that
Anyone got the video of the nigger breaking the fat white man's neck?
It should, Saturday night I got wasted and some punk thought he could sucker punch me, I ended up beating the shit out of him and none of his bois tried to save his ass.
WTF? Did she die?
She seemed to have smashed her head quite nicely against the pavement there
Live like a nigger, die like a nigger
Men need to know how to take a hit and how to throw a punch properly, preferably a kick, too. I took about a year of Muay Thai, and it was a big eye opener. Never got knocked out, but came close quite a few times.
The Basedplex
Lmao did he really die?
Agreed. I hate women too.
Idk, looks like russia so nobody cares
wtf did he hope to accomplish and why did the one guy just accept being picked up
I want my gov issued M16A2
Men should be taught how to shoot yes.
>fighting is uncivilised
The real question is are you guilty of something by punching a corpse?
Guarantee at no point in anyone’s life do they imagine this is how they will die. Bravo idiot. Bravo.
Looks like he snapped his own neck wtf
Women are like gongs, they need to be struck regularly.
It should be compulsory for women so that they get raped less.
I need audio, all i can find are .gifs
Well what the fuck did he expect to happen? Darwinism at its' finest.
Civilized men enact violence in controlled scenarios.
Not just killing each other in the streets.
He literally tried to suplex the other guys head into the pavement.
soiplex lmao
Learn to use words it's much more effective, plus it benefits you in your career.
I've actually went to a lot of sales courses and lessons, I do voluntary work for charities outside stands to practice regularly.
Your father should teach you to fight. Or at least your brothers if he's too much a cuck.
i think your old man should at least teach you. and i think getting into a school yard fight can be helpful in showing you how other people operate and what its like to be put into a confrontational situation. its important to also know your limits. but i dont think its necessary that everyone become a black belt in whatever
Lmao 4channers attempting to fight would be hilarious. These degenerate,incel,betas would get fisted by a 4 year old girl.
>t. someone who's never encountered a belligerent drunk who gets angrier the more you talk
Making things compulsory has a high social cost, I'm not sure it should be wasted on a double-edged sword like making civilians more dangerous and violent
w-wait so the guy that picked the other guy up is the one that gets punched in the face at the end . . . ?
>Thinking you can reason with some low IQ high aggression chavmong
Christ what a way to go.
If a man doesn't know how to fight or is a coward, he is not a man.
>Thinking you can reason with some low IQ high aggression chavmong
Strike first. Strike fast. Strike with extreme violence.
Link video.
waste of a perfectly good skank, but a nice kek
thot status: patrolled
all i see is a couple of faggots
>Link video.
>Wanted to genocide all the chads and sluts
>Killed 7 people none of which were targets
>Killed himself.
Remove the weapon and he would be dealt with easily.
Yes, user. He won a Darwin Award for the performance.
Yes. I think boot camp should be required for schooling, even if you aren't enlisting. 4-6 weeks of boot every Summer vacation from from age 13-18. It'll teach people how to defend themselves, help keep the youth fit, make a more civil nation, and it'll build unity between fellow countrymen.
>Remove the weapon and he would be dealt with easily.
Even easier if you remove his arms and legs
Are those swedes? They look like party-swedes
My old man wanted to teach us kids but mum told him she didnt want it. He should not have listened to her because when you know how to fight you are less insecure so more inclined to avoid a fight during heated social circumstances. I had to learn this much later on because i wasnt taught to fight earlier. Woman should not make up the teaching choices for young boys.
paralyzed, not dead then
Will never be recommended nation-wide except under Trumps 2nd-term Reich. Having said that if I had a son I would put him in some martial art that didn't involve getting smacked in the head.
Its called childhood, and forever it has been a thing where boys learned to fight normally. Now with meds and feminism, boys get sent to Juvenile hall for normal behavior. Basedboy crisis.
>Even easier if you remove his arms and legs
Fuck off pablo.
Did this fucker really just break his own god damned neck?
>Having said that if I had a son I would put him in some martial art that didn't involve getting smacked in the head.
Nice way of making your son getting rekt one day.
Left is me three months before transitioning
Right is me 1 year before transitioning
This, someone who knows how to box will annihilate them one day.
Watched this like a 100 times and I think the other guy struggling with him when he went down is what killed him. Suplex dude had bad form either way though.
Wtf this boy done bonked his own head
The full story is the guy was getting picked on and decided to fight back and paralyzed himself. The girl you hear laughing was actually the stacy he beta orbited and probably got the nerve to fight back to impress her. Bet she went home with the other guy and fucked him all night when dude was paralyzed in hospital getting his diapers changed by an 80 year olds nurse
Imagine the last thing going through your mind is "I'm gonna bodyslam this dude".
What a fucking dickhead. Horrible and wasteful way to end your life.
All men already know how to fight, if you’re unsure of yourself in a combat situation you’re not a man
>in a street fight
Wrestling and BJJ are ill-suited for fighting in concrete. Muay Thai with its striking and stand-up grappling is far superior.
>in b4 Krav Maga
Pro Tip: it’s shit
I just asume that we all know how to fight, hell I'm a sheltered idioy but still all my elder cousins taught me how to defend myself.
>All men already know how to fight,
K then go lift some more you dont need that
Proper training is better. Basic boxing or martial arts can make a huge difference. Ironically once you get a bit of a reputation means you don't need to fight at all anymore.
but weapons already do this. even some untrained normmie faggot is something to fear when they have a gun or a knife
KO by sprawl.
Takedown defense is good defense
>mimicking some show wrestling shit and kills himself
I almost feel sad.
The su(icide)plex
>Woman should not make up the teaching choices for young boys.
He can't kill you if you kill yourself!
Top virgin.
Fucking this.
the would have been sick if he pulled it off.
It would have been murder.
I'm 12th Dan, no one fucks with me
This doesn’t make any sense leaf
>getting picked on
>reason to go for literal killshot tier suplex on hard surface
he probably deserved to get picked on tbqh.
Hey Dan, what's up?
It should mandatory for all men to know how to throw a punch. Ever since the introduction of mma in the 90s, everybody thought it was ok not to learn how to box so long as you can wrestle somebody to the ground. Learning how to throw a punch is skill that all men should know, like changing a tire or fixing the kitchen sink. Instead, we have shit like this video; faggots with brittle hands that are to afraid to trade shots. God help the next bjj homo that lays on his back against two guys on the street.
He was trying to do a belly-to-belly suplex (I did 4 years of Greco Roman Wrestling and I was too pussy to ever try it in sparring or competition.
wow kid killed himself
martial arts training does not make you more violent. it makes you more cautious and less reckless because of the Dunning-Kruger effect. It does make you more dangerous however.
Connor lost the other night because he couldn't grapple for shit. Basic grappling is a necessity you dummy.
did that retard neck himself?
>she still has the smoke in her mouth after getting knocked down
This webm looks slavic as fuck
What happened to the other 11?