
>Barns Green anti-gypsy posters spark police probe LOL

>Coward Met boss hid in his car during Westminster attack

>'Third of girls' harassed in school uniform (imagine my shock. import islam: get islam.)

>Skripal attack: Bellingcat names second Salisbury suspect

>Brexit 'boosts case for Scottish independence'

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>(((The London Question))): Britain's Second Empire & The Secret City

>Survive The Jive - What does it mean to be English ?

>History With Hilbert - Who were the Anglo-Saxons ?

>An introduction to off grid living in the UK

>Oswald Mosley - There Is Still Hope....

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fuckin romun basturds

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I don't really have an opinion on any of these things. Except Scottish independence. They're gonna have to fight us for it

Lost 'alf me tribe in the Watlingcaust.
Fookin disgrace.
Fookin Romans

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first for fuck the french

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>no edition

One fucking job, lad...
some modern toots

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And the montenegroes

fuck all cuntinentals.

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a fine vintage on that pictpost

Some strat magic. Reminder when jimi got asked what it was like to be the worlds top guitarist he said "ask rory gallagher"

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>439 matches


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Can someone go down to their local Snappy Snaps, have all of the norf fc and pict fc memes printed out in large format, and then either buy a big waterproof/fireproof safe and keep it safely locked away, or donate them to a museum? These need to be saved for the ages.

so what does brit/pol/ think of the new wave of climate alarmism? is it serious this time, or just a pretext for something else?

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I thought you were going to suggest sticking them around in public for everyone to see

all a load of bullshit. does the report specify what they think is going to happen ?

Even their lead propagandist referred to the estimates as being extremes within the times that humans have existed. What's that, 100k years? The Earth is 4.7 billion years old, it's arrogant to assume the weather should stay the same, within a few degrees or that the Ocean should remain a certain PH just because we exist and can measure it.

Wheres every cunt gone?


science doesnt real if I dont like it


I'm trying to get the solo of Let It Be, it's great messing with a new amp.

The media is so schitzophrenic, one minute it goes on about over crowding and climate change the next they winge about natives population growth being low and needing imported labour.

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My Pict FC memes might be in a museum? I feel so proud.

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they are claiming that 'we have twelve years to save the world', and if not we are fucked.

>scientists are infallible and have never been wrong or dishonest before

Now they've ruined the big cities they're spreading the cancer everywhere else.

totally not vague at all lol

fucked in the sense of rising sea levels, i mean.

What amp you get? Ive been trying to learn jerry garcias style. Not complex, but like gilmour every note just seems perfectly chosen

I might have already told you.

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I live by the sea

That was my first amp. Was excellent.

assuming that it's all true, we are pretty much doomed, because there's no fucking way they're putting the techno-industrial genie back in the bottle.


Dog Food 5

I like the smell when it gets warm, love how clean it sounds as well.

Yeah, you mentioned it. I wanted one of the vox modelling amps the other year for recording, but they were like rocking horse shit. Went with a small marshall and software modelling in the end. I really, really need one of pic related though, thing just sings...

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I bet you could cook an egg on that thing.

lets stay teetotal lads and get good gfs and look after ourselves

lets be good parents and pillars of the community


on my third wank today.

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different from here, our migrants are turd poor so the torrahs just lower their gibs to move them out of londonistan. australia has a different issue entirely, your migrants are actually productive, they're just soullless gook dog eaters that actually prefer living in confined spaces surrounded by each other.

you've got a borg problem, we've got a abrahamic brainlet one. i don't even know which one is worse.

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Only 15watts, but it'll drive a 4×12 and those valves are really working. Had a go on a mates and it sounds like every classic rock/blues tone youve ever heard...

>3rd wank in 40 minutes

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you get to define yourself and craft a new narrative
your identity is yours and your alone
you're under no obligation to be who you were 5 minutes ago
and you're not what people tell you you are or have told you you are

Abusing child makes their IQ go lower because it makes their minds go into survival mode.
Basically it’s gimme gimme mode for the rest of their life
Especially with no spiritual/religious moral ethics.

Have you ever managed to get a genuine distortion sound with pure vacuum tubes?

i was going to correct myself but realised it had been within this forty mins

Lightweight. Do more than that before i get out of bed in the morning.

1 9 3 4

blood purge NOW

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Are black people, dare i say, selfish and unsuited to first world healthcare systems?

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imagine getting an infusion of niggerblood. you'd never feel clean again.

i've had around about 3 thousand shags and i'm not sure gf's are worth it, it's a inner debate, watching porn has become boring. i don't know if i've hit a level where i'm nofap naturally now. was swapping tacilas mouth-to-mouth with a milf a few days ago and decided that arguing with the barman was going to more enjoyable. like i would enjoy the memory of cringe more than shagging a thot. defo pump n dump inb4 goyim

Chances are you wouldn't though?

what do you want?

Yes, but to do it without breaking your ears you need a master volume amp. Those small wattage amps are great for that cos you can have them really cooking without blowing the windows out. Good overdrive/distortion pedal is always handy though. Ibanez ts is a good pick for valves.

thank god for small mercies.

big question. probably a brother and more kids.

what blood type are you?

why do you want a brother?

this is white peoples fault

A+ i think.

You can control the power on this Vox, it does have a master volume as well. It's weird because it has one tube in the power stage? I don't really get it, it definitely sounds 'deeper' than other amps I've used.

School textbooks when I was in junior school had maps showing London submerged by 2050. Its more than 20 years later with zero progress on that flooding.
Also according to those textbooks we completely burst the atmosphere with deodorant, which has now gone somehow because we changed the recipe for spray cans.

Now the atmosphere is actually obese because of carbon, and we are melting the ice caps permanently. The north Pole melts and refreezes by half its size with the change of seasons every year with no visible rise in global sea levels, but this time its going to suddenly be permanent and we all drown for no reason.

The climate change is actually full spectrum, and record breaking winters have been recorded all over the world in recent years, but it's being called global warming.

The examples given of sea level rise are of isolated zones, with some small island falling apart or a remote sea passage opening up showing how the global sea levels are rising at critical levels at critical rates, and yet every single populated coastline is exactly the same as it always was. I am on the coast right now, and I can assure you I am not underwater.

start having friends

Remember that 'an inconveniant truth' where they said some part of an american city would be submerged in water by such and such a date

I watched a trailer the other day for the second one and they used a freak flood as evidence that it had flooded like 'well it did'
like no thats not what you fucking mean al
the audacity to use that in the trailer too lol
snakey cunt

How can we be certain that you aren't a Russian troll in a submarine just off the coast?

will you be mine?

Jederzeit sounds like scheisskopf or judenraum: a first-year foreign student will expect them to "work" because he doesn't know they are superceded by other forms.

yeah but no gay stuff

Wind up your preamp volume (gain) but keep your master volume low, you should get a nice distortion.

this one

I couldn't fucking believe it when i first saw it

just that way, everyone needs a bro imo. a girl is maybe right for you. inb4 gay. i find men hideous sadly.

Sadly? Why sadly?

>scots and irish almost exactly the same distribution

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>start having NPCs

nar im ok thanks

Would I get arrested for going to the donut and challenging every GCHQ employee to a debate and SMASHING them with FACTS and LOGIC.

As for the south Pole, it doesn't ever snow there. Its so cold that air moisture collects over time. Some of it melts with the change of seasons, this is being claimed to be a tap filling up the planets bathtub, which will die us all very much. They don't point out how the water deposits itself there in the first place, without snow or rain.

Also the south Pole is cold land, a real land continent with ice on top. It isn't capable of completely melting. The north pole is nothing but water and continually melts and refreezes on an unimaginable scale.

They both are completely different to each other, and neither one is actually melting to death. The sea levels haven't risen at all, and yet we are being told they are so high the earth is being swallowed.

I love JF


Fookin ell, ees ad the ed off are cuchulain. Go ahn kernunos, stab the cunt up propeh.

Ah right. I think distortion is overrated to be honest

politely asked to leave
then security
then police
then evaluation
then diagnosis
then sectioning
then you can't get a mortgage

I like JF but hate his music podcasts

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>ze pooblic spaz

Jesus what an autist.

more than (((her)))?

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Being sectioned would be cozy tb h

how did i get to a point where i'm debating whether or not having a family is worth it online. you'd think this would be a given but it's not now. sadly because i know of gays, they're balls deep in each other on a level i didn't even realise. no wonder the ancients warned us about them. they're all depressed as hell too and more likely to rape and kill themselves even though they have a no-stop dick tap. and living with a girl is just a none-stop nightmare.

Lads have you ever known anyone that was adopted at birth?

Plastic scare only became a problem when China refused to take the worlds plastic for dumping (incineration).

Within months plastic in the oceans was big news.

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