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Alexa, what is "Freedom of expression"

guess she can't use english, technology, or live in a peaceful society.
besides, there are much more interesting cultures to appropriate than a bunch of tomahawk throwers

Neither is mine, loose the clothes nigger.

then you should have won

is this directed at Elizabeth Warren?

I don't see the issue, they had a sacred burial ground but now they have a sacred oil pipeline.

chekced again

and you too

but the girl on the right is so cute

Wow that northern cuckette is stealing kuruminha's culture


that's what it's probably about.
the white girl looks better



My costume is not your culture, it's purely superficial and vain.


white people invented twitter along with the internet itself so bitch needs to stop appropriating my culture.

No it's just your run of the mill absent minded unhinged liberal who's trying to find any way to hop on the victim train they crave so much so they get to claim they're "oppressed by strait white people"

shouldn't they like it that we're embracing their culture?
it's like when a nigger or a spic actually act civilized in a white country, we don't complain

I didn't know your entire culture is limited to an outfit. Good to know!

>every liberal everywhere
>ok for me, not for thee

pic related infuriates me when they talk about cultural appropriation being bad but then say pic related is ok

Attached: My culture is not your costume..jpg (1200x1600, 183K)

I don't give a fuck.
I'll dress a bitch in native American costume and painting and fuck her in the ass and there's nothing you can do about it.

I knew it. I just KNEW this picture would exist. It's like liberals have turned into a charicature of themselves.

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What the fuck kind of message is this supposed to send?
>look guys im getting pepper sprayed, isnt this powerful?
Do these people want to lose?

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i dont see white people complaining when niggers use suits

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what the fuck is that shirt supposed to say

Yes it is, fuck you

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Something about the Dakota pipeline

no dakota access pipeline

>let me tell you how to celebrate your white Celtic-Christian culture properly so that you don't insult cultures

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Lol underrated

>But it's perfectly okay to make fun of Pagans. Thor is not a comic book character.

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Don't they realize that injuns are overweight and ugly?

At this point, the only thing that "man" has not dressed up as is a nazi.

Don't forget drunk.

Did you know that Trudeau is also a prize fighter?

Attached: Glass_jaw_trudeau.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

We let your ancestors live - we will do as we please.
>We will not make that same mistake when we conquer another group of people.

And the technology

Your freedom ends where my feelings begin you piece of shit neo nazi bigot

>calling yourself Sioux

How fucking dumb is this girl? She's calling herself a Sioux. Lmao she likes to label herself a Snake. Sioux is the name the Ojibwa's told the French traders when they were asked what tribe the Lakota's were called. Snake people.

Prairie Nigger, here. You all have my permission to appropriate my culture (which is mostly trash, but some is cool). Have fun! At least people still talk about us and we aren't all degenerates.

This is the only Dakota "pipeline" I care about.

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>No Dake Acce Pipe

Is that some kind of peace pipe?

Classic alexa

The pipeline can't be built without their permission. They sold out for it. They have themselves to blame.


a study showed that indians have some genetic relations to jews.
explains everything.

The absolute state of shitlib argumentation.

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Neither is my white culture yours to put on. So try living a day without stuff invented by white people.

>i have to use gifs from movies i've seen in order to convey emotions


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I love that. Same with Spanish, all those who speak Spanish except Spaniards were conquered

>At this point, the only thing that "man" has not dressed up as is a nazi.
He secretly wishes he could.

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Injuns only exist as non-phenotypical genes in my body. In other words, shut the fuck up, LARPer.

He's going to during his next visit to germany.

Haha, yeah, the left loves "freedoms."

i fix it for you

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>I just KNEW
this guys dress up hobby has to be the weirdest meme of the year.

hey i can actually fap to it now

Don't forget casinos. They gotta give it up.

What a weak ass jaw. I mean this, if that was a US candidate, especially for president, they wouldn't make it past the primaries.

We live in a society

How come there's no good native american porn anyway?

I dont even need them to have native blood, just wear the fucking headdress and get fucked by colonial cavalrymen

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Sure thing honey

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Looks like a cheap costume to me.

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Based fur fag


360m+ aren't going to pay attention to you or give a shit.

Why the hell this word always sounds so cringy to me? Besides, i don't even know what it means other than "someone leftists don't like".

chekced once again

Yes actually it is .

Stop appropriating my Holiday fucking Non-Celts

>t andrew jackson

We love our white women, don't we?

So you just drop this here and expect Jow Forums to fuck with this unwitting shill?
Sage and report this shit, it's irrelevant and a waste of space.

Why do Natives keep wearing suits, T-shirts, jeans, and dresses? Sick of them mocking my people's culture.

I expect this cunt to start wearing a grass skirt and bead necklace and stop wearing my culture's clothes. My culture is not her costume, after all.

your culture got defeated by Listerine, lmao

Chinese don't want you wearing geishas, either

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Cant speak for America but as a person who actually deals with "native americans" on a daily basis its because they're unfuckable. If they're half and half or whiter then they can be attractive (8 tops though), but up here we refer to the full blooded as prairie asses due to the shapeless nature of their bodies. In all my life i have never seen a big titted indian woman, even as fatties they don't hold weight there. Indians are the descendants of a group of asians who got lost, ended up getting ugly and dumb.

umm okay, a little to late homo. Sorry about that.

Fucking based

Think the geisha costume is pretty hot also

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which race got the sexiest costume this year?

Then dress like a savage and not like a white person. Pants, zippers, buttons,
suits, jackets, socks, dresses and everything everyone in the west wears is white people clothing. Unless someone is wearing brown people PJs they are imitating white culture to try and be civilized.

To be fair he did take a lot of shit up here for that. Although I think it had more to do with the fact that he is wearing the headress and is not a Chief, and less to do with him being white

What is bannock bum lmao, I have seen no fuckable full bloods but some half or quarter breeds are pretty hot desu

We lost. This is are youth now. Nobody under the age thinks its ok to culturally appropriate

Get the fuck out of america and europe then you nigger. Go stick a bone through your nose and pork out on some road kill and mudcookies in a shit hut.

Sorta partial to something like this

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God, he's such a faggot.

isn't he the chief of the country?

based leaf

Bitch isnt even Native either. She def has some black in her. Tell her to stop appropriating native culture with her 1/16 Cherokee snatch

one day they will hang from street poles

Hey Google, what is "not being a cunt"?

shit for a second I thought /v/ turned into a red board

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the double spray