>1st round results Jair Bolsonaro 46,26% Fernando Haddad 28,95% Ciro Gomes 12,51% Geraldo Alckmin 4,78% João Amoêdo 2,52% Cabo Daciolo 1,26% Henrique Meirelles 1,21% Marina Silva 1,00% Alvaro Dias 0,81%
-- BACKGROUND -- Jair Bolsonaro is front-runner for president of Brazil. He is a conservative Christian, former army captain and the only candidate free from involvement in corruption. He's pro-gun legislation and whats the liberalization of the economy with a Chicago boy as minister and to align Brazil to the American foreign policy (fuck Cuba, Venezuela, Palestine and China). He's stable in the Israeli hospital after being stabbed in the guts by a former member of PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) and undergoing emergency surgery.
Memes by Bolsonaro: >Pinochet should have killed more people >Historical debt towards slavery? I didn't enslave anyone. >The Portuguese didn't enslave blacks, but blacks enslaved themselves. >I wouldn't rape you because you are ugly and you don't deserve it. >Do you burn the donut? I don't care! Be happy! Hugs for you!
Are Bolsonaro and Haddad going on Jornal Nacional tonight?
Camden Gomez
Threadly reminder not to respond '1 post by this ID' MAV shills.
Sebastian Hughes
Comparativo dos programas Bolsonaro/ Lula (Haddad): (Links para ver na fonte:)
>PLANO DO HADDAD=LULA: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000629808//proposta_1536702143353.pdf
>PLANO DO BOLSONARO: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000614517//proposta_1534284632231.pdf
- Bolsonaro: Redução da carga tributária e aumento da receita destinada aos municípios (pág 58)
- Lula/Haddad: Criar imposto sobre a exportação (pág 41), criar imposto sobre lucros e dividendos (pág 42) e aumentar o imposto territorial rural ITR para grandes propriedades (pág 56)
- Bolsonaro: contrariedade a qualquer regulação ou controle social de mídia (pág 7)
- Lula/Haddad: implantar mecanismos de regulação da imprensa e criar uma empresa pública de comunicação para expor o posicionamento do governo (pág 16)
- Bolsonaro: a justiça deverá seguir seu rumo sem interferências políticas (pág 15)
- Lula/Haddad: promover uma reforma do sistema de justiça para reduzir o poder de investigação do ministério público federal (pág 6, 15)
- Bolsonaro: tolerância zero com o crime (pág 10) e redução da maioridade penal (pág 32)
- Lula/Haddad: desmilitarização das polícias (pág 31) e iluminação com led nas ruas (pág 54)
- Bolsonaro: reduzir os 29 ministérios existentes atualmente (pág 17)
- Bolsonaro: Segurança no campo, políticas para consolidar mercado interno, abrir novos mercados externos, melhoria da logística de distribuição (pág 69)
- Lula/Haddad: regulação do agronegócio para evitar ampliação de grandes latifundiários. Implantar reforma agrária e distribuir terras ao MST e indígenas (pág 56)
- Bolsonaro: respeito e obediência à constituição (pág 6)
- Lula/Haddad: Estabelecer um novo processo constituinte para aumentar o poder do estado (pág 6)
- Bolsonaro: Prender e deixar na cadeia quem tiver cometido crimes (pág 30) e acabar com a progressão de pena e saída temporária (pág 32)
- Lula/Haddad: Reduzir a massa carcerária do Brasil através da liberação de presidiários (pág 33)
- Bolsonaro: o sindicato deve ser voluntário, contra a obrigatoriedade do imposto sindical (pág 64)
- Lula/Haddad: valorização de sindicatos e associações de trabalhadores (pág 40)
- Bolsonaro: Combate à ideologia de liberação irrestrita de drogas ilícitas (pág 26)
- Lula/Haddad: Promover a descriminalização das drogas (pág 32)
Jaxson Evans
The population of Rio Grande do Sul elected Luís Carlos Heinze as senator.
For those who do not know him:
>In a public hearing held in the municipality of Vicente Dutra in November 2013, Luís Carlos Heinze stated that "quilombolas, Indians, gays, lesbians" are "all scum." In February of the following year, following the release of a video containing the statements of the deputy, he said he maintains what he said. In addition, he advised rural producers to hire private security guards, even if this resulted in bloodshed.
>In March 2014 the minority organization Survival, an English NGO, decided to elect Heinze as "Racist of the Year" for his comments on indigenous, homosexual and black people in his country.
Recebi isso agora pelo whatsapp Hoje às 22:30hs na Globo News Jair bolsonaro vai ser entrevistado por doze repórteres globais. Vamos repassar. A Rede Globo não está informando como deveria para não ter que dar tanto Ibope ao Bolsonaro.
Será que isso é verdade?
Ryan Gutierrez
Paulo Paim é tradicional e o único viável do PT. Ia ser difícil ele não juntar voto suficiente.
>tfw I voted Heinze and Carmen Flores I did my part, lads.
Liberal in the context of your picture means the DNC+democrats, libertarians are someone like Ron Paul, it's a world of difference.
Colton Lee
kinda truth here where I live the mayor got land and some support for a tribe that demanded some gibsmedat
you can find a lot of them asking for money and selling handmade stuff, while their lands is clearly not developed at all...as in still living in camping tents in the middle of a field
Você vai ser chamado de shill, apenas nordestinos podem falar merda do resto do Brasil. Tadinhos, é sempre bairrismo apenas quando não são eles sendo bairristas.
Gabriel Carter
good for him
Juan Harris
he is controlled opposition, of course he wants to be on top
Samuel Bell
Fuck your christianity and your god! No gods, no kings!
Nathan Lewis
this meme wave goes better with tanks and helicopters and shit, not fucking onças not blaming hues though, just sad to see synthwave getting faggotized by jbp and commies, when its something that goes better with machines in general
Easton Mitchell
He's ambitious. Can't blame the lad for that.
Juan Wood
Are you guys here being edgy when you agree with this or... do you actually agree?
Brayden Martinez
he cool
Jackson Bell
why are you shilling against other conservatives? Kim and MBL were for Bolsonaro when it mattered
Liam Watson
Since the right has the majority in the congress/senate electing Haddad is in the best interest of the country.
Based major, but right now everyone that supports bolso is at least useful
Wyatt Lee
I don't agree with it, and I say that being from SC
Tyler Bell
He did the same thing with the "Vem pra Rua" thing, where the population should have just taken power and afterwards picked someone else to lead, these retards entered a fistfight to decide "who was the leader", as it always happens, you can't expect anything from a young retard.
Josiah Johnson
>Change my mind. no. keep being retarded
Chase Cruz
O eleitor do Dória é o mesmo do Bolsonaro. Porque simplesmente não ignora o Dória? Esse corno vai fazer o Bolso perder voto.
Sebastian Peterson
/leftypol/ e a board cristão do 8ch*n são parceiros, por isso você vê tantos (((cristãos))) aqui tentando dividir a direita.
Kayden Cooper
Elijah Reyes
O Bolsonaro SÓ precisa decorar o PDF do plano de governo dele e atacar o do Haddad pra ser eleito. Nao precisa inventar mais nada.
Se o Bolsonaro repetir igual um papagaio a parte de economia do PDF ele ja tem munição de sobra pra agradar minimamente o gado da classe média.
E é claro, sempre que falar algo de economia liberal do seu plano, fazer questão de expor o Haddad como o completo oposto.
Impeaching Haddad would result in Presidenta 2.0 - roastie version.
Grayson Ramirez
I highly doubt MBL is conservative, same with Mamãefalei, they're with us fighting against a common enemy but the moment the "right" gains more strength it will split and they will be against us
Liam Robinson
sorry lad, doesnt fit, maybe with a bumtumtum to make it more african/amazonian, i can see the horror
Jaxson Nguyen
Lol no they aren't.
t. christanon
Angel Carter
Onças are one of our symbols tho, it just loses to the monkey. Using tanks would be too american
bairrismo é busca por identidade cultural, coisa que falta muito no brasil
gauchos por exemplo lembram de sua historia (embora parte seja epopeia do Érico Veríssimo) e sabem o hino do estado, cuja a origem é o hino dos farroupilhas para a nação separatista) e tem mais respeito pela bandeira do estado (de mesma origem do hino) que pela do pais
se mais regiões seguissem esta ideia talvez não seriamos uma nação tão focada em futebol e carnaval
Kevin Edwards
The right-wing is too new here and thinks they are competing for space instead of uniting against the commies, who always team up when time calls for it. Naturally parties and people will have differences but it's important to mature and diversify the right, MBL and Novo helped a lot to make Bolsonaro not a complete lone wolf.
Aiden Fisher
>Change my mind. Haddad will democratically manage to do fuck all with a parliament that hates his guts. He'll be lower than Dilma in that respect. That is, of course, not assuming he just doesn't try to go all Maduro. To which I say: please fucking try.
True and good point.
Could put some super-tucanos/embraer shit, maybe.
Cooper Roberts
The jaguar came from the same video with the machines. It's the br army symbol, specially the jungle units.
They are, faggot, 8/pol/ knows that, /cow/ knows that, I after I heard these rumors I started lurk /leftypol/ brazilian threads and they are basically full of Christians "conservative" Ciro Gomes anons or literal communist catholics
Jordan Perry
bad goyim
Luis Clark
Oliver Foster
>Haddad will democratically manage to do fuck all with a parliament that hates his guts How? If he fucks up the parliament will impeach him.
Wasn't "Vem pra rua" a commie protest organized by "Passe Livre" and PSTU?
People would fucking wish if the base bus pass was 3.20BRL right now.
Jace Green
Both pro and anti gun control """statistics""" are fucking retarded. Society is a complex system and it's not just having or not having guns that affects crime rate.
Jace Long
Did you understand my post?
Robert Brooks
You mean that he will put the people against the parliament?
Queria que o Skaf tivesse passado pra não arriscar ter alguém puxando voto pro Haddad.
Hunter Edwards
too much sun too little water
Brayden Moore
No. "fuckall" means "nothing/very little". I said he can't do anything because the congress will try to block pretty much everything he does. The only possible way he can get his stuff done is by overriding the congress every other turn, which isn't democratic to begin with, and will get him impeached at best or victim of a coup at worst.
Ayden Barnes
there are better people for presidency of the lower house
oh and he is fine being in the lower house and all, but the fact that he is too eager and too convenient...
cavalo dado se olha os dentes sim
Camden Jackson
Se não bater punheta no banho, dá.
Nathan Perez
>Vem Pra Rua
Hello fellow direitista, I'm a NOVO candidate now. Totally not infiltrated PSDB agent.
P-Please, don't divide the "right", lets be friends! :^)
>The biggest movement against this new wave of degeneracy is actually the cause Catholics really know how to make a fool of themselves. The majority pretends to be "cool" christians that love gays and pagans, and the pope is even pro socialism. Grow some balls before attacking protestants
Isaac Perry
"doria is a little faggot and i'll fuck his ass with sand" - ciro gomes only thing i agree with ciro, doria is an opportuist cunt a fucking snake. but when its "might fuck up" VS "will fuck up" i'll go with the first one
Dominic Stewart
>BREAK THE URNAS >no more FRAUD >no civil war >delay 2nd turn, make it BALLOT VOTE
Grayson Collins
How about we leave thew infighting for after we win anons? Also stop shitting on nordetinos. you can shit on the all you want after the voting is done, right now we need them to win.
Mason Parker
Politicians always try to co-opt protests for their own gains. Don't you remember the more recent mass protests?
What I had in mind was that by electing both sides of the spectrum we'd come up with an ideal situation where only the good ideas from both sides would prevail.
If it is as you say we'd just get an even more chaotic situation.
James King
Let's give them a chance guys, 4 years with Bolsonaro so they can free themselves
What?! Are you one of those edgy boys that want facism aka socialism but painted blue?
Adrian Morris
Everyone always shits on people from a different State or region, they are the only ones that get butthurt for some reason, even though it's a rich place, have you ever seen their production or visited there? They have one of the most glorious fruit productions in Brazil, but nobody here sees that in their market or have it at their table, it's such a high quality product that it is exported worldwide.
Tyler Hill
Those quotes are probably taken out of context, like literally anything else. Every time I see something like that I just assume the guy said something that went against the narrative and leftists decided to make it sound as racist/homophobic/misogynistic as possible.
Jonathan Jenkins
I was agreeing with your point, senpai.
David Baker
It's just shills and clueless kids that don't know politics, both candidates are racing for the center votes now and Bolso himself had to damage control the NE hate. Just follow Bolso's strategy, unite the people against the PT and criminal menaces without regional bickering.
Where can I find Mangaba out of João Pessoa? Mangaba juice with milk is amazing but never found the fruit to make it myself after I return.
Thomas Edwards
>Is Twitter ran by {establishment} or something? Yes
Asher Price
no, "pau mandado" means something like "subservient dog".
Aaron Lewis
>REEEEEEEE STOP SHITTING ON NORDESTINOS >implying the reds aren't the ones pushing this shitty meme the overblown reaction towards petruso should have taught you something. she was a thot with daddy issues, but why did the media target her of all thots talking trash?
Charles Morris
>bolsonaro is elected >tries to fix the northeast >elected commies from the northeast either block it or take full credit Hahaha, I really don't want to share a nation with those people.