I’m a fourth wave feminist and this is how women are gonna look from now on. We’re tired of your racist...

I’m a fourth wave feminist and this is how women are gonna look from now on. We’re tired of your racist, sexist standards of beauty. FUCK THE PATRIARCHY! FUCK COLONIALISM! FUCK ALL WHITE PEOPLE! FUCK ALL CISGENDERED FUCKS!

The Revolution has already begun and there’s NOTHING you can do to stop it. Just put on this pink Chastity device, wear this leash, crawl on the floor like a little baby maggot and watch as I fuck Tyrone for hours on end. You MAD whiteboy?

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lol kys faggot

My beautiful green eyed brunette wife thinks you fucks are fucking crazy and that you better never block her while she is driving. She will floor it and run your asses over.

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At least she's not wearing foundation. it's a start.

you're not gonna fuck shit looking like that

Its not even a passable trap, this is leaf posting level of bait at best 3/10.

Also saged you faggot.

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ugly ideologies attach themselves to ugly people. Pottery of the highest order

You will always be the minority. You are irrelevant. This is some r//ddit tier bait.

What the fuck is 4th wave feminism?
Are we already past the 3rd wave?

awful bait

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Have fun being 40 and unmarried.
maybe you can get some nigger to knock you up and leave so you aren't alone with your cats.


aren't maggots already baby insects?
Saying baby maggot seems redundant

Okay. Your so ugly I wouldn't even rape you.

Someone curb stomp this pathetic, weak, faggot.

lol you're not a woman, fag.

>as I fuck Tyrone for hours on end
enjoy your aids

>this is how women are gonna look from now on.

That's fine. Artificial wombs soon. Look how you wish roastie.

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Enjoy your aids and skin cancer you diseased whore.