Look at this fucking corpse

Look at this fucking corpse.

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Clarence Thomas is so fucking happy.

no thanks, im eating

die allready

She's gonna have to drop dead soon

tell me about ruth. why does she wear the gloves?

She looks confused, like shes not even aware of where she is.

she needs to have a train rammed through her.

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She's ectothermic.

She's a filthy kike, the gloves are to hide the blood on her hands.

look at thart fucking laugh on Thomas HE KNOWS

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Obama asked her to retire and she didn't, but now she'll be on the court for the next 4 to 8 years. She hates Trump.

Why the gloves?

Patriotism test: would you be willing to eat Ginsburg's pussy until she gets a heart attack from the excitement and keels over?

She dies this year.

That’s a...Jew? Are you an antisemite or just joking?

He does, look at that smile.

With a fucking smile on my face, user.

not soon enough

Necrophilia is illegal user.

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We'll get to replace her soon. The Day of the Gavel is coming, you old crone.

This month.


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what is this?

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definition of clinging to power

>take it from my cold dead hands goyim

Swollercoaster lol


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damn shes kinda cute tho


So why do conservatives dislike Ginsburg anyway?

What are some examples of rulings she goes the wrong way on.

It's for the greater good. My sacrifice will be small compared to the greatness our country will gain.

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A battery powered corpse.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if keeled over during this ceremony?

She looks painfully jewish, is she?

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Lel Thomas is like "this old bitch bouta croak black don't crack niggas i told yall"

I'm not even american and I would eat her ass for as long as it takes for her to croak

Her blood runs so thin because she's so old that she's freezing cold at all times.


>she hates Trump

Attached: 2020.jpg (579x579, 77K)


It sure would be great. Digits and this comes true.

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The Ancient Jew who weaseled her way onto the Supreme Court. She's been a leftist voice on it for too long.

What about shooting her with my open carry

Clarence is having a good time

Damn. I was close.

She can't use her hands properly without the pressure of the gloves. Some weird neurological shit

focal dystonia disease

Weekend at Ruth's

She hates him with the heat of a thousand suns

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LOL you can see death in her face, all the while she's saying "just hold on a little longer don't die yet".

Clarence's face is priceless.

God bless you, bong. I'd buy you a gun and mail it to you if I could.

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no, on her neck

Clarence Thomas looks like one of those mirrored video game cover memes. I kinda want to see samohTThomas

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What if it took 6 years?

Just a choker I think. Liberal women wear them a lot here in the states. It might be medically related for her, though.

He asked her to retire so he could appoint a new judge that's younger to better serve the demoncrat agenda. Instead if Trump wins another term you'll see a 6-3 ideological balance minimum.

I was just wondering if she even knows what planet she is on.

Look at mah corpse
Mah corpse is amazing
Give it a lick!
"Eeeew I'd rather just raise him"

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would be a shame

stop it, you are giving me a freedom boner.

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She has a Stent. I hear she's drinking alcohol, which I can only presume she probably never changed her nutrition habbits. And so, POOR circulation. if she's gonna shovel SANDPAPER in still inflamation will come out

Trump needs to call in an ARCLIGHT on her.
She won't even hear it coming. Only way to be sure

what's her hj game like asking for a friend

That smug grin.

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are you blind? it looks like a lymphomas

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She's a Jew, they look like that young too.

>you will never be that happy
feels bad man

Earring or growth

I wonder how the Dems will feel about her in the end.
I mean she's a "moral champion" to them. But she totally fucked up by not resigning under Obama, he could have appointed someone on their side but now Trump has the chance to make the supreme court deliciously right wing thanks to her.

kek, digits for death within 12 months

holy shit nice catch hans

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Very very disrespectful.

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>wearing a choker
Uh.. Guys?

trips checked!!!

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I assumed that was her neck, she's always hunched over. What the fuck.

>t. Ruth Ginsberg

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>I remember when they invented chocolate

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Look at her posture dude, that's her spine

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Daily Prayer for RBG Dead

>tfw no longer the only rapist on the bench

Ill do it but after the deed is done another patriot has to shoot me fucking dead

"On behalf of our nation, I want to apologize to Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure. Those who step forward to serve our country deserve a fair and dignified evaluation."

based and redpilled

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I think Clarence just boofed.

A russian jew from brooklyn.

It is written

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hj must mean high jinx? I can assure you a stent is no game. It's trying to open the artery so more blood can flow since it is or was cut off, hence the need for gloves, and carpets since the circlatory system isn't doing it's thing. Hope this answers your friend.

kek, digits for death within 6 months

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holy fuck, she's toast before the fucking spring

She had cancer, and it lowered her immune system, so when dealing with people she wore gloves so as to prevent the spread of germs that could get her sick.

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Nice numbers, 6 months it is


fyi swollen lymph nodes are among the signs that your immune system is battling a pathogen

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>she's always hunched over. What the fuck.

She has sever osteoporosis.

so many death digits in this thread, include me in the screencap