If you can make the commies think that the OK sign & milk are nazi symbols because we use it, start using communist symbols, steal their colours, steal the fucking hammer & sickle if you have to. If they run from everything Jow Forumsacks touch, then take everything that they have.
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dresses up in all black baggy clothing, still manages to look like a fucking twig
How about making it a symbol of Russian imperialism and saying that it marginalizes the suffering of countries annexed by the USSR?
Better yet, just execute them on sight.
But "They're" means "They are"
"Their" is possessive, like "yours"
"There" is more of "Over there! on that hill!"
Nazbol was the attempt to steal the hammer and sickle. Instead it's become the worst 15 year old meme out there.
>if you use all their symbols and discourse you will ruin them
yeah dumbass, why dont you burn a bank in the middle of the night, that shit will show them....
aren't you the same jew that paints swastikas on his own temple?
ahhh shit nigga you got me
smart goy.... i like that
Should /ourgoys/ start wearing black and red antifa uniforms and just pop on a swastika next to the hammer & sickle?
Infiltrate Antifa ranks
start fights and fires and stupid chants
call white people goyim and stuff
fuck off and die slow, jew devil.
I think it would be fun as fuck to just dress up like them, face covered and act the part for a minute until things get heated up and then rip your shirt off like hulk hogan, revealing a maga shirt and start wrecking some faggots. Anyone else down? I'm in southern new England. Will travel. For real. I got friends too.
Is that you, Baron?
Based and saved. It's about time for that trapnostate to be established once and for all.
Nazbol gang was started by leftypol, retard.
Better idea: Sneak up on them and suck their cocks to steal there energy.
So your plan is to act like an undercover cop then -IN THE MIDDLE OF HUNDREDS OF THEM- start attacking them? While surrounded? No. That's retarded. The last rally I went to had 50-100 protestors. About 20 minutes into it the faggy "Black Bloc" (who organized at a different location than their faggy commie brethren) arrived. It was like a black wave coming down the street. There must've been 400 of them slowly coming down the street and stopping at the police line. Now , could our 100-150 Proud Boys go toe to toe with them? Absolutely!! We couldn't if we olnly had 10 guys and were in the middle of them though. Nothing happened that day because the two police lines seperated us but antifa are generally pussies and never fight 1v1. Remember thay 10 pussies can take down the strongest guy out there - even Tiny.
As a fellow New Englander: This is a bad idea.
I'm going to go test this one on Q-boomers, wish me luck
>getting owned by balsa wood by based stick man
Super soldiers aren't what they used to be!!
>gays get an ethnostate right next to the white one
>live out their lives in a blaze of hedonism and degeneracy
>happy old age and aids take them all after 70 years (no reproduction)
>take over the empty land and have a bigger place of our own
I am not dissatisfied with this idea
Post results
Stupid fucks fall for it every time. but that's what they get for invading voat and shitting the place up like the boomer faggots they are.
why arethey hiding face with mask?
Someone please explain to me why anyone would be intimidated by that group of freaks? I just don't get it.
Because these people are majority college students and professors with lives and they don't want to lose jobs or get in trouble for the shit their doing. Only a coward or someone with something to hide wears a mask.
The common man fears them because they are irrationally violent.
When the fuck did these boomers learn to use the internet?
We must know different common men.
I will say that you have a point there. The "Common" man is based entirely on general consensus.