Why do natsocs/fascists expect anyone to ally with them when they want to create a totalitarian regime with no opposition parties?
Why do natsocs/fascists expect anyone to ally with them when they want to create a totalitarian regime with no...
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/tv/ is leaking
Well obviously they aren't expecting anyone to ally with them that doesn't want a totalitarian single party regime.
What the fuck did you expect?
Nice bait retard
>My opinion matters while I cower and hide behind a memeflag
>strasserist faggot detected
What are "opposition parties" opposed? What are they against? The Answer: the Native European People.
Well for starters those are populist movements, so the people should be allied with them first and foremost.
I've seen natsocs on Jow Forums feel like libertarians would ally with them. It makes literally no sense. They live in a bubble and don't realize literally everyone hates them.
You can have competing ideologies even in a one party state. You can have a right-wing "kill all niggers" faction, a left-wing "enslave all niggers" faction and a centrist "kill some and enslave the others" faction. Ultimately a compromise is reached.
And That's a Good Thing - Here's Why
because the only alternatives have always been either communism or anarcho-tyranny.
So are we talking about realpolitik or this maymay fantasy bs? Because in the real life a lot of libertarians and minarchists like me gladly support any right wingers against the marxist hordes.
Stop this newfag bullshit. Goddamit, I'm tired of every fucking threaD SOME NEWFAG FEELS THE NEED TO shout "FLAGS FLAGS FLAGS", nobody gives a fuyck, you stupid newfag scum.
she is really good looking. fuck
Diamonds. Never wanted to spray a face with cum so badly.
And then be killed or oppressed afterwards and live under a totalitarian larp regime?
If natsoc faggots all died the far right and white nationalism would be more legitimate and gain more ground in the world. Most people don't want to live under a larper dictatorship.
Is this a loli thread?
>Why do natsocs/fascists expect anyone to ally with them
do they?
Fascists only suppress you disgusting degenerate faggots.
Like the commies that point to China's growth, I think they're banking on nobody really giving a fuck about the political system as long as they can live their life with the freedoms they want and the safety they need.
natsoc/fascist is a boogeyman strawman the left wing media uses as an umbrella for anyone right of neoconservative. you fell for it.
aka anyone larpers dislike. The ultimate buzzword which can apply to anything and you know it.
I mean literal natsocs and fascists.
Because anyone can be a Nazi.
Why do you think they are of any consequence now-a-days?
It'd be even worse if /tv/ was leaking. There'd be threads of "DEH," incessant sneed spam, BRAPP shitposting, and random porn dumps. That board is a shithole.
This could be the loli thread if you posted more lolis.
It only applies to pieces of shit like you that want to destroy order and society.
Well your fantasy world sounds awful and all that jazz, but meanwhile in the real world marxists control the UN, EU, national governments and roaming mobs that riot and attack people.
Yeah, I'll take my chances with the boogeyman.
I like Milfs
Disgusting. How could you like old hags when there is cute little girls what you can like instead?
>hate gays
>hate anyone with >1% non-European blood because autism
>hate women, want them back in the kitchen
>constantly quarrel with other Europeans on whether they’re really white or not
It’s a worldview deemed to fail or at least to never become elected
I'm not a fan of democrats either
That's too young, that's creepy. I like loli looks like this.
>t. memeflag
Thank you for proving once again why Catalans are considered lowly scum and race traitors. Nothing but a bunch of half jews pretending to be Europeans.
>Why do natsocs/fascists expect anyone to ally with them when they want to create a totalitarian regime with no opposition parties?
The only way you'd oppose National Socialism/Fascism is if you're anti-White.
You're not anti-White, are you?
Stop this pedophile shit, I'm going to fuck babies all the time
Are you retarded? You stupid as hell, old hags are terrible.
>too young
No such thing. That's like a car too fast or too much money.
Fuck off.
You too, fucvk right off.
>if you don't support natsocs/fascists you are anti white
See this is why people hate you. You say bullshit things like this
>Why do natsocs/fascists expect anyone to ally with them
>I mean literal natsocs and fascists.
Why should we believe your bullshit opinions on National Socialism/Fascism?
Chill out dude, grab some meth because you're obviously in some withdrawal.
>See this is why people hate you. You say bullshit things like this
Just curious, do you believe the Holocaust happened?
Just to correct your assumption:
It was left-wing to support slavery, when it caused the civil war.
Otherwise good analogy.
Who is this semen demon
I like tight pussies, and nothing more tight than a baby
Looks like one of them "dance" hoes.
What's your problem with cute girls? Cute girls is nice.
Because the majority of the population does not support natsoc/fascist larpers. Even right wingers. Even libertarians. Every ideology is against it. Nobody wants to ally with a bunch of edgelord larpers who want to have a one party totalitarian state.
I doubt gas chambers existed to kill people. I believe a lot of Jews died from other causes though but I doubt deliberately.
So no, I don't. And I also don't obsess over it or think about it much the same way natsocs do. It doesn't matter if it did or dint happen. Jews will not be able to whine about muh holocaust 50 years from now when everyone from ww2 era is dead.
I'm libertarian. We can go fashy for a few years, no problem. If it reduces our net lifetime tax liability. Remember v for vendetta? The plucky freedom lovers prevail in the end. But only AFTER they get rid of all the fags and foreigners. :v) everyone can be a winner.
it's not about power
9-11 is prime age, change my mind
>If natsoc faggots all died the far right and white nationalism would be more legitimate and gain more ground in the world.
And then the right would be useless because all non-fascist rightest movements are kike-pushed meme-ideologies.
13-17, juuuust right.
Actually 4-10 is prime age of girls. So you're mostly right expect younger is also better. Any older is all downhill.
>Nobody wants to ally with a bunch of edgelord larpers who want to have a one party totalitarian state.
And now you've outed yourself as a kike. The memeflag should have confirmed it actually. >edgelord and >larp are JIDF terms. Fascism and national socialism were real ideologies that worked wonders and held sway over much of the world before jewry used it pawns to destroy it. Libertarians are much larpier as a libertarian society is a fallacy.
>if you arent a natsoc/fascist you're a kike
Nice argument
>totalitarian regime
Course it is.
Hey man, been a while since I've seen you posting. Are you sure you're not a fed?
>And I also don't obsess over it or think about it much the same way natsocs do.
>oy vey goyim, don't try to overturn our grand deception. The foundation myth we've used to craft our jewish world order is of no consequence.
lol 9/11
that's where you're wrong kiddo
No, using ad homs like larper and edgelord makes you a kike. You didn't even respond to my argument faggot.
There will be no fat fucks or autists in my white ethno-state. They get the bullet, as well.
Not for having kids it isn't.
I would ally with natsocs, because everyone can agree that communists will never leave us alone.
So you would just go around killing people?
I thought meme flags weren’t available anymore. Why is this day of rest bullshit?
anyoneone over 4 is an old hag
In what way? Cuteness? Sure. Are you talking about something completely different? Kids are disgusting and annoying creatures, no way under teens can be anything but terrible.
Oh look, a pedophile.
I can't, you're absolutely right
For aesthetics.
>Because the majority of the population does not support natsoc/fascis
That doesn't mean they're right. Just means they're brainwashed.
>I doubt gas chambers existed to kill people. I believe a lot of Jews died from other causes though but I doubt deliberately.
And yet you believe everything else told about National Socialism...
It what nat/soc for, right? What you gunna do with niggers? Give em a hug? Same thing. The bullet is the answer.
>my white ethnostate
T. Complete nobody
Lolis look like lolis.
memeflag faggot
On Jow Forums, all threads are child porn.
Explain. At that age they do nothing but shit their pants and eat boogers. You are a strange one.
No shit, tell me more about what it's all about.
Don't matter what YOU think, user.
Jannies suck cock on /tv/
Retorted you sick fuck get ready for the party van
Well duh, what else would they look like?
I have children, just trying to fit in
Working for the government would require working.
Y'know eventually girls get older, right? Is better get one younger so the couple will be closer. Who cares that she can't make abbby yet? She is sexy and good for dicking and when she stops being sexy she will be can have babby put in her.
>Kids are disgusting and annoying creatures
You just haven't been around well trained girlchildren.
Geoflags were the worst thing to happen to this board. Now every thread has posts with newfags doing nothing but shouting "FLAGS FLAGS FLAGS" as if anybody gives a shit.
Answered your own question.
You're not gonna get any Groschen if you keep this up, Henry.
A bullet in your face.
Why do you post here?
I'm suggesting that a white ethnostate would prosper under any form of government. the commies generally don't like white men.
You would be surprised, besides a couple of years of practice isn't bad
Now then, would you or would you not rape a baby? that's the question.
A fucking 9 year old can't have healthy kids, it just doesn't work.
why do pedoposters always have to attentionfag? Why can't you just keep it to yourself like you're supposed to? You're like furries
because if we don't, this infests.