Liberals declare war

“Folks, Kavanaugh is only one soldier, albeit an important one, in a larger battle. Stop thinking you’re in a skirmish, when you’re at war.”!

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Other urls found in this thread:

You threaten my people with taxes and degeneracy! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully nigger, but you should have done the same

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Thing is the guy is going to vote left more often than right, basically Kennedy II. We would have been better off losing Kav, using that to take mid terms, and then putting in a real conservative.

I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret; the left is FIRED up and ready to go like you wouldnt believe. We are hungry for justice and were about to take a HUGE bite. Just wait until midterms. Were hitting the streets going door to do, were campaigning, were doing it all, because the people have woken up. They can see through this charade. The house, the Senate, its ours. Kavanaugh was your last hurrah, trust me. There WILL be a blue wave, and it's only becoming a monsoon as time goes on. Get ready. Because it's on.

Keep me posted


I dont habe to keep anyone posted you're going to see it first hand buddy, dont you worry. You're seeing the first flakes of revolution now. It's only going to grow bigger as time goes on.

Maybe with a brain you could comprehend



Cease this vernacular at once. Obama is not your king.

Can you combine all this dumb shit into one post? I want to use this as pasta.


You need to get the one that says blue wave is taking everything, Hillary bitch, etc., it's easily the best

L M A O . I'll take it as a compliment sparky

Lol. So they’ll win their already comfy districts by an even higher percentage?

Left is too stupid for electoral politics

Are you going to kill yourself when it doesn't work out?

>Left goes out of their way to ruin his life, career, and traumatize his family
>haha he's a leftist in disguise he's rarely going to vote right


You mean this hasn’t already been war? Wowie

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I know this post is satirical, but why is the left so prone to online LARPING? They will literally call for revolution, and then when they go out to protest they all just look pathetic with their spongebob memes thinking they're revolting revolutionaries fighting to the death for... something somehow. How did they become so deluded?

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Based on my personal predictions I see a 78% chance that the left takes it all back so I'm not batting an eye buddy

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The blue wave is finished. The scarlet crusade is coming.

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Was this before or after leftists attacked him and his family unfoundedly as a rapist?

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This shit goes on and on and on and on and on

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I think its more like 69.55378008% but yeah its up there

Obama stole that vernacular to fit in with his nigger voters.

This guy is literally a one-dimensional caricature. Is there any chance his writing is just machine generated? It's like a bunch if buzzwords and liberal "talking" points randomly combined. I always feel weird when I see a black "intellectual". I can't figure out of my comprehension is just overly tainted by prejudice or they're really almost always mental midgets.

All GOP appointed justices at least occasionally vote left. It's because they have integrity and sometimes the law and the Constitution favors the left. This is why I can't understand how the Blues are going nuts over a conservative majority. There could be nine Trump appointed Justices and Roe v Wade would not be overturned. If there were nine Blue Justices, the 2nd Amendment would be ruled unconstitutional before Christmas.

And there was a 99% chance Hillary was becoming President. We're on THE BEST timeline, not your's.

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I've had a theory in my head for a long while now that journalists are just faces and names and they heavily utilize AI for articles and narratives.

It's 3.14159% of taking both houses.

considering the current alternative was that woman with the adopted black kids I'm ok with this

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Holy shit I thought I recognized your work

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I just want them to start it already.

With what guns?

lmao fucking liberals all they care about is power, how blatant could they be about it?

All you're seeing is the thin veneer of intense emotion. They clearly can't win with logic and reason, which is why deception, exaggeration, and lies is the keystone of their past success. Once people see it for what it is (a lie), they have no choices but to either apologize and admit everything they say is a lie, or double/triple down on it. That's what we're seeing now. You're witnessing the actions of a cornered animal. Observe with an objective mind. Watch the war before you.

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First you obtain power. Then you can save the world. It's that simple young buck not everyone is out to destroy like you people

>Charles Blow

Why is this fruity nigger still relevant in politics?

We are very familiar with Mr. Blow.
Blow was born and raised in Gibsland, Louisiana.
His name is Blow and it's confirmed that he sucks dicks.
>For Blow, there was another intense issue clouding his experience: He’d been sexually molested when he was 7, by an older male cousin.
You should see the stuff we have on him for blackmail, it's amazing, I wanna release it but this nigger is so low-ranking that it doesn't really matter.

Liberals don't need guns
They have their emotions. Lots and lots of emotions.

>also play doh and crayons

Attached: 1482313052132.png (578x523, 361K) If this is what we're up against, I'm not too worried.

The sleeper has awakened, and with it's passing it will cleanse the universe...

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>scarlet crusade
Welp, that's the new term. I don't think a better meme will ever come along for this.

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We must follow the Golden Path. The cash must flow.

show bepis

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>says the memeflag
Lap it up ham hog the future is gonna knock you flat on your ass

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Is this Wayne Lambright? You write exactly like him. You might as well start namefagging already.

Chuck, blow me.

>trust me
okay blumpfkins

tweet him to get off the plantation of the people keeping him a slave today that brought his ancestors here yesterday.

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>the left is FIRED up and ready to go
So they operate on Valve Time?

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>the left is FIRED up

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Lol no lambright is an actual fool I dont see how you could confuse me witb him

I like that show. It helps me remember all the shit I forgot from immunology in college.

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Nice meme
Yeah not me at all and neither is the typical leftists you swashbucket

>Not me at all
>Uses the term "swashbucket"
This stuff writes itself

the WoW fags will be onboard with a name like Scarlet Crusade.

>Were hitting the streets going door to do, were campaigning, were doing it all, because the people have woken up.
What a pack of morons the Dems are. They still don't see that Meme Warfare has changed the game.

Great, I'm gonna get purple haired faggots knocking at my door, you either vote blue or I'mma beat you face in with this dildo.

>The Left is literally committing sedition and is going to start a civil war

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Meme warfare has changed nothing you absolutely dingo. People are starting to unplug if you havent realized. Its the grass roots activism and active campaigning that's going to crush you guys come midterms because youre so used to sitting on your butts on a computer you dont know what it's like to go out and breathe the air and actually hit the pavement to rally the reinforcements.

Who cares what the ugly libtard mulatto who wrote that article thinks. Everyones sick of PC

Capping this for salt threads in a few weeks.

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>this ain't over
Correct you cocksuckers, Trump will seat at least one more.

The crazy thing is even right wing pundits are now talking as if the Democrats need to be destroyed. I was listening to some conservative talk radio show today and the host was saying how we need to crush the left wherever they're found. Civil war is probably inevitable at this point.

Liberal tears is music to my ears.

u mad bro?

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GET YOUR ASSES OUT AND VOTE!!! Give people rides to go vote. Do not get comfortable.
Don't upset Lindsey.

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That's a picture of trump looking at the big pee puddle he just madd because he knows his house of cards is about to come crumbling down

going door to door huh?
I can't wait.

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Over-indulgence in modernist pleasures and/or lack of testosterone, honestly. Can't have too much of a reason to legitimately fight if other people are doing the work for you to survive and live comfortably, and can't have the will, persistence and willingness to stand your ground if you're a weak, frail and pathetic creature. The former creates the latter, by the way. Disconnect the lemmings from the former and they will have to attain the latter to survive.

The accelerationist move is winning. It unhinges them more than losing.

Yeah I cant wait either

Bullshit. You were saying the same last year. Remember when InfoWars (among other sources) discovered your big plans for November 7? Your cute little homage to the October Revolution? We were legit hoping to see gunfights and sieges and shit. What'd we get? More fucking signs, pussy hats and "Hey hey! Ho ho! My eternal asspain has got to go!"

Face it. You can't do shit. You'll all LARP among yourselves. You'll talk about your "diversity of tactics" and you'll try to create roles for yourself based on the pampered white collar administrative work you've done all your life. But in the end, yours isn't the type to start a revolution. You don't even have it in you to produce a decent school shooter. You'd be an army with 100 colonels and no soldiers. Which is ironic given your mandate on class struggle.

We have the violence. You have the organization. But remember, we are getting more and more organized.

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N8 bismuth strikes again

>the left is FIRED
stopped reading right there

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>if you lose
>you win

I look forward to seeing that smug face of yours inside the gas chamber.

Keep a noose handy, faggot

Uh huh. Let me know how that goes.

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Not even funny

You might want a box of tissues boboziltskin

This person is delusional... for now R's are back in the lead. But don't be complacent.

Get the vote out. We're down the wire. KEEP THE HOUSE and the investigations into corruption continue -- if we lose the House then ALL of it goes away.

Just remember the opposition is well-funded by Soros and others, and has a plan. READ IT. Know your enemy and FIGHT.

>American Bridge 21st Century is tasked with oppo research.

>Media Matters exists to publicly smear and spread dirt.

>Shareblue's aim is controlling social media and spreading Leftist memes.

>Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) will undermine the Trump administration's actions via court challenges.

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The Dems pushed Kav way the fuck right with this pitiful excuse for a confirmation process

>69D poopchutes and ladders