Germanic unity thread

We are the greatest people of all time. We could be self-sufficient in all areas. A Germanic Homeland, with the potential to become a great power both militarily and economically, and which already is by far in fields of culture, science and history, would allow us to preserve our people in a hostile world. It would allow us to counter the threats of China, India, the Islamic World, the Americas and growing powers everywhere. I think it needs to be a serious option. All Germanics should care about their own People, and it extends beyond the present day borders we live in. Our people’s best interest are served by creating a strong cultural sphere not influenced by foreign powers, backed up by a defence force that is capable of keeping us safe. That is what our Germanic State would be. No radical change in any culture, no forced assimilation, but a guarantee that we can develop our own, regional as well as national cultures without any foreigners influencing or altering it - be it from the west or the east.
It's time to unite the Germanic Tribes.

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Unironic question: How germanic is Germany? From most videos I see of current Germany they look pretty med.

fuck off saurez

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It's Germanic, but of course you'll find darker traits among peoples all over. I live in Germany right now (am home 4 vacation yo) and even in Berlin you can clearly see a difference between native German youth and turks. Most of the ethnic germans really do look nordic as hell, I was surprised to see it. Might have something to do with the nazi hairstyle being back in style but probably not.

As a Swede I fully approve of this.

Attached: Swedish Waffen SS 1941.jpg (907x1390, 111K)

We would probably need nuclear weapons though, otherwise the (((USA))) and (((their allied countries))) will make up some excuse to invade and bomb us. But if we develop nukes, then they'll whine about that and put sanctions on us to destroy our economy... but that's a price we must be willing to pay.

Medfag here.

You germanic faggots make it really difficult for people to like you.

>not including the Arische homeland of Amerika
How do you do, fellow aryans?

After you, Muhammed.

I agree, in such a world we would for sure need WMD. But we would either way have been a force to be reconed with and not some middle eastern banana republic. They couldn't just bomb us out of nowhere if we actually outlived our potential. And not to mention our potential economic capabilites. To make things short; the world would perhaps hate on us but we would have every ability to fend for ourselves.

Do it bitches.
Jews get a homeland, we get Open Borders.

More land should go to Poland, as quite a lot of areas in Ostpreussen, Silesia, etc, actively spoke Polish into the 20th century.
On the other hand, you guys need to subdue the Anglos

Why you wanna hate on the Anglo Saxon brothas?

Thanks for answering, user.

They hate us, not the other way around. Anglos have been mercyless, war mongering rats forever. They deserve the rope.


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It won’t happen because you’re surrounded by France, UK, Russia, Italy, who all have an interest in you being weak. Even if you could take on one or two you could never win a war. Sorry Germany. Best thing you did was send Germans to populate the US.

Why don't you compare any Germanic city (or European for that matter, I guess that is easier to comprehend for a mutt like yourself) in 1600 to any african settlement at the same time.
Other than that that meme is a joke and it makes no sense.

Y-you want open borders..?

In fairness, the roofs in the huts above are much more stable. You can still find many houses with such roofs.

Like I said; retarded meme

You better hide. I am coming to steal your job, your culture and your girlfriend.
You can't stop me.

Excuse me but where the fuck are the Faroe Islands?

based but you fjord jews need to share their oil money



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Fuck yeah we do, who doesnt. I love this shit, think of all the ethnic food!
