>europoors are mad they dont have deals like this
Europoors are mad they dont have deals like this
your daily dose of pending heart-attack sandwiches for just 4$
actually we do. but we don't overindulge ourselves like you do
Nearest fast food joint is 25 km away so I wouldn't know
>memeflag is obvious ameriburger
also burger king is disgusting
rather just get 2 mcchickens for $2
Not a bad deal desu for fast food.
Hamburgers aren't unhealthy.
Soda is.
I won't experience eating chemicals and getting morbidly obese. I am so jealous.
Ain't nothing like getting a bacon king from Burgerking then cracking a cold one at the shooting range with the boys. Then I got my wife calling at 5:30 telling me she has steaks and pulled pork ready with homemade sweet tea. Then a milkshake by the fireplace at night. Than I nail my wife's juicy thick tan lined ass when the kids are asleep. She lays on me naked all night. Sucks me off in the am before work. Feels good to be a fucking freedom loving American. Euro trash come at me.
sugar, fat, salt
Warren Buffett eats it everyday, so no criticism
Yeah but our McDonalds and Burger Kings are actual far better quality
Burger King is absolutely garbage. They aren't missing much. You couldn't pay me to eat their food. It's the worst fast food chain out there by far. I have no idea how they're still in business. Deals like this must keep them hanging on by a thread.
You got nice dreams incel.
>Tfw I have coupons to get a whopper meal for 3 quidpounds
What is that? Like 5 miles or a block?
>Yeah but our McDonalds and Burger Kings are actual far better quality
I actually read somewhere that most whoppers sold in the EU do not have trans fat unlike the American version.
They brag that they're skinny because they're poor.lol
Northwestern Europe is far more prosperous than the US you dumb amerilard.
>self-imposed genocide
eat up, gargantuan goyim!
I'm literally the same thing except I go to whataburger and I haven't slept with my wife in a month. No fireplace either.
instead you will experience the jihad. enjoy (muhammad)
>I won't experience eating chemicals
Holy shit that made me fucking jump as i opened it
I've had days like that. but my wife has no tan lines. she sunburns too easily
sorry about your life, achmed
he's in croatia you dumb fuck
>The amerimutt said from his 65% white country, as he finished off another gallon of sugary chemical waste
and yet you won't show your flag. really makes me think
i've actually never be to mcdonalds before.
I'm 19.
>meme units
come back when you grow up
I am actually envious of your steakhouses and think there is more to eating out in America than meets the eye.
But not your fast food chains.
Which is part of the European Union.
>American education.
>sugary chemical waste
yes, i am drinking a beer. also, you forgot your flag nigger
>implying he was in america
>hehe no i knew where he was
>still doesn't show flag