Alright guys, I'm getting around the age where I should get some dating experience and start planning long term, but I've got a bit of a problem. I've looked into divorce and child support laws and I'm not liking what I'm seeing. Correct me if I'm wrong. but if I marry a woman, then she can divorce me whenever she pleases, take half my money, and my children. If I try to get around this by not getting married and having a child out of wedlock, but being 'together', then she can still leave me and demand child support, and I either have to pay it or forfeit my parental rights. This effectively gives the woman all the power in the relationship. This is fucking disastrous. Are there any ways around this? Any lawyers around? I've always wanted a four person family with a small home in the country side, but right now it's looking bleak.
Help me Pol
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That is all.
Like many laws, it's this way because of the few fuck ups, the men that REALLY take advantage of women. The world is against chivalry nowadays. What can you do?
this chick look really beautiful
white women really are the best looking
too bad they are degenerate whores and are dumb as rock
>I'm getting around the age where I should get some dating experience
you mean 16-18?
Jow Forums is 18+, fuck off
Im over 18. Great contribution.
You have to find the right women and be the best man you can be.
You either get a prenup or move out of california/no-fault divorce states.
It is over, cut your penis off and just be a girl.
>move to 3rd world country
>be a man
>not a woman
date a virgin as old as the legal age of consent and dont let her go to college
unironically me btw. I had the same fear
>get some dating experience
Dating is degenerate.
The only reason to court a member of the opposite sex is an intention to marry and have children.
Its not like you could attract a woman anyway. Lets just be honest here.
This could very well be what I do and have a girl in mind. But my kids iq will probably not be above 105. If that. Still go for it?
as long as they are white, it depends on you, it's not like you're going to spawn sub 60 IQ retards from a young womb. I'm not entirely sure what youre implying, anyway.
We have to stop being ALL ABOUT pointing out the bullshit of feminism. It IS necessary to point out (most effectively by RIDICULING) the bullshit of feminism, but EVEN MORE important to point out the hotness, sexiness, and SATISFACTION of the dominant, FUNCTIONAL, leading man/submissive, satisfied woman relationship (functional heterosexuality).
WOMEN ARE SLAVES TO THEIR EMOTIONS AND BIOLOGY!! They're shallow and their emotions are swayed much more by attitude, than intellect, but they do WANT and NEED the feeling of protection and provision an intelligent, motivated man can provide them. Women are born with a "submissive gene" that causes their pussies to get wet when a carefree, confident, fun-loving, ORDER-CREATING man (they'll even fall for a "counterfit version" of it from some cocky, shallow, shuck 'n jive artist) man deals with them (with cockiness, charm, AND the ability to provide and protect).
A man's looks mean MUCH less to them than the confident, capable feeling he does or doesn't give them (women are NOT NEAR as visually-stimulated as men- that's why they'd rather read romance novels than look at porn pictures). You autists need to study this and "FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT"! Learn how to give these "50 Shades-wired" bitches the ATTITUDE they NEED, then how to LEAD them and have them jumping into your arms and eating out of your hand (remember- yes, women are the gateway to sex, BUT we men are the gateway to relationships which these bitches emotionally CRAVE!).
It will be hard when there is a standard deviation between us. I should add I have some concerns with the fact her parents are horribly degenerate people. Boarderline child abusive in come cases. She is not like them but that will be bouncing around the genepool too.
Women are easy, so long as you know how they work.
Once she is your wife, remove her from her parents. If they are boomers then it's almost certain they have sexually abused their children (they all did that).
If they're Gen X then they were 100% abused by their boomer parents, and have a 80:20 chance of having abused their own kids.
I see, those kinds of girls are usually trouble desu. the older they are the worst they get though. Most girls are NPCs when it comes to conversation though. Give it a try, but keep your eye open for better options. But dont let her near her parents if you take her
They usually arent virgins by the age of consent though, maybe shes RARE.
Traditional marriage is quickly becoming obsolete given the current environment and socio-political trends. In the next 20 years technology will solve many of the problems created by the death of marriage.
For men we will have tactile VR, robot/sexbots that provide better pleasure than women and take care of the household better than any woman who ever lived. Men will be able to go to an egg bank and use an artifical womb and AI mother to have children.
For women, there will be more apps to make it easier for them to find Chads and compete for their money and attention. They will probably use artificial wombs too with sperm banks so they don't stretch out their pussies and possibly get stretch marks which would turn chad off.
Men will be comfortable with solving all their relationship trouble with technology, but women won't because they are too agreeable and lack the willpower to overcome their biology. So instead of purely automating away their problems, the capitalist system will result in highly developed relationship platforms, where women can find alphas and exchange services with non-alphas. This will include stuff like Rent-A-Daddy, Rent-a-Mommy, Rent-A-Date. Also stuff like where 1% of the most attractive men join an app and women compete for access to the man.