Reminder that Ford and Kavanaugh are the same person

Reminder that Ford and Kavanaugh are the same person

Attached: Tootsie.jpg (2048x1152, 347K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews trying to slide the fact It's Amy Schumer. In all fields!

Schumer's voice, you faggot.


So he raped himself?

Where is Dr. Ford?

It's Amy Schumer. Assmad shill

Attached: amychildhood.jpg (747x574, 311K)

So he's Mike Myers?

kavanaugh in a wig looks more attractive than fucking iggy pop there

It's his evil twin brother!

He's out here rapping everybody. Even himself.

This made me laugh thanks user
He is literally more attractive than her


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>claims he didn't watch ford's testimony
>because he was giving ford's testimony

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todo los campos

Digits. Confirm kavanaugh raped his long lost twin sister

He uses her hand to masturbate

Please take a look and comment.

do you think Brett even realizes it or is it like Dr. Jeckles and Mr. Hyde where he waked in the morning and has no idea what happen

How many dimensions of chess is this?

Attached: shocked.png (497x373, 379K)

Reminder that completely retarded theories like this are manufactured and seeded by kike shills in order to help discredit places like this.

Reminder that Ford and Kavanaugh are the president funny valentine

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Holy fuck user you are on to something with this.

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Jerry Ford?

Attached: the twins~01~01.jpg (2465x2378, 512K)

Fuck - that neck is gross.

At this point everything is possible...
Cause there cpuld be somethin' lol

This world is really evil...

am i crazy or is that a lot of gum?

pissing into an ocean of piss

Is Cory Booker actually DeeBo?

Attached: CoryDeebo.jpg (1804x1080, 600K)

She's being sworn in

how is brett supposed to fake a female voice? clearly, amy schumer dubbed over brett

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Oh it was Ford testifying, just not Christine.

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fucking love this shit
like they're suited for a cheap porno

based and napkinpilled

I think we just went back in time and got raped by a tranny black hole.

It's almost as if the political acumen of amy schumer counts for nothing

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1248x711, 125K)

Big if true

Trying to figure that out. It does sound and move like Schumer. Autists welcome to help. Two possibilities:

It's a lot of gum.

Kav's hand is more similar to Ford's than Schumer's is

Attached: TootsieHands.jpg (281x368, 16K)

Holy shit now that would be an incredible win.

is she wearing an astronaut suit and steve urkel glasses??

Attached: sammy.jpg (618x467, 139K)

identical eyelashes or just a shoop? either way fuck off.

Attached: UNBORKABLE.png (792x532, 597K)

Who is this little fella then? I call him Reginald Rubby.

Attached: fordo.jpg (2400x1200, 440K)

eye shape is much different, not that this is a real thing, but just saying


Attached: 1526027968246.png (2278x968, 238K)

Oh look, another face-blindness thread.

Moved the glasses, wig, lashes, lipstick, and they fit Kav perfectly, no adjustments need at all.


Both are crackheads so checks out

Reminder that this place used to be fun and that you need to go back.

Attached: nofunallowed.jpg (482x444, 30K)

Yes basically then bottom left she is low key trying to wear a military like uniform fucking attention seeking cunt. Never doubt her power Netflix changed it's entire ratings system when she bombed.

They raped my same dad with two doors!