The current year man is having a hard time with Brazil lmao

The current year man is having a hard time with Brazil lmao

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>This video contains content from HBO, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
phew, dodged a bullet

anyone have a mirror so i can not watch it

nobody wants to watch this faggot talk for 16 minutes user can you just redpill us on brazilian politics and what agenda this clown is pushing

Is he retarded?

He's just a cuck, he has openly said how he likes that the woman he married was "experienced" with other men before he met her

Feminism creates angry unpleasant women, that much is obvious. But it also creates very weak men.

No views for jews

seconding this request. Apparently hooktube isn't working to deny views anymore?

>limey cunt working in the us telling brazilians whats best for them

It genuinely shows the limits of their ideology - they just try to copy-paste the american concept of "evil white racists vs muh brown angels and fags" on every society on the planet. It is a mark of societal and cultural decline. One fascinating thing i read is while the Crusaders were advancing on then Constantinople, the Byzantine society entertained itself with chariot racing and philosophy about the nature of angels...

This shows the breaking point - the natural limit of powerful ideologies - it happened to us with communism, when it became hollow and pointless.

He just can't adapt the narrative, other than "evil brazilian hitler wants to kill black babies" and it is a clusterfuck.


they can't accept their worldview is imploding before their eyes.

I watched it at double speed. That was a waste of 8 minutes.
>durr anti-immigration is bad
>hurr pro-guns is bad
>has a spastic unrelated freakout because Ruth Bader Ginsburg is about to die
The only thing I learned from this is that Brazil has a sign spinning fetish

And Geraldo Wolverine is a mensch.

thankfully its blocked in my country

That dislike bar gives me hope for Soccerland

>I would never rape you because youre not worth it
>Do it Ill slap you in the face
>Do it Ill slap you back
This man, I want to vote for him

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so is lulu the good guy? i assume anything CYM says is the opposite of true.

lula handed out gibs and relaxed a ton of laws that poor criminals loved, he played up the largest voting bloc of retarded hue monkeys by promising free shit, which the rest of the country had to pay for. So yeah, he's extremely popular and would pull out huge crowds, but without that presence and the corruption scandal, it's not likely to sweep a populist uprising for his stand in. Bolsanaro should win handily.

> sexist, racist, homophobic
These fuckers already have the indictment written; they just need to fill in the name.

Also, note that they provide zero quotes to support that assertion, as usual.

Holy shit I couldn't last 2 minutes watching this guy.
How in the fuck do people find this guy funny/interesting? I hope he's dying out because this is just horrible.

Who ever John Oliver hates, I like.

>Tfw only retarded yankees get this misguided perspective on world politics
My mom's parents in the uk couldn't believe how full of shit he was when they watched his brexit episode.

The only difference is that it's only in the us and some western european countries where the cult of diversity has lead to a decline in a standard of living. Hopefully people will wake up before its too late.

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Bolsonaro, which is /ourguy/, a pro-gun conservative Christian, former army captain. He won the first round of the elections with 45% of the vote, now he's going for the second round against haddad, which had 29%, on the 28th.

Oliver is pushing for Haddad, a literal commie that is running in place of lula, since lula couldn't run because he was literally arrested for corruption. So, about what you would expect.

Also, funny enough, we basically had our version of the "she could still win" thing with leftists going all year about how lula could still run on this election, till he couldn't lel

I think he doesn't dare to defend lula, the people in the middle are still very much against him due to the corruption scandal, no way he can defend him while trying to convince people that aren't militant leftists.
Then again, I don't know what kinda of propaganda regarding lula arrives overseas since his arrest, but leftiest here pretty much go on saying that lula dindu nuffin

I wish Trump was more like Bolsonaro.

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Search more based bolsonaro moments he is a bliss for our country

I wish bolso was more like Trump.

He is based but pretty dumb desu

I wish Wolverine campaigned for Trump


wtf? I love Balsanaro now

Wolverine vs. Vermin Supreme

Who wins?

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fave was elderly robin desu senpai