Well sluts?
Well sluts?
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It's pretty much mathematically certain I would go insane, lose all my money and even my life if I were stupid enough to marry a promiscuous woman.
You know the drill, boys. Post the graph chart.
Viral marketing that clearly works you retard. You just gave free promotion to Amber Rose and her slutwalk.
>Wife a slut
Western society has been telling young men this for a long time now.
Here you go.
>Making fun of sluts is viral marketing
Sorry, that's not how it works. Then again I don't expect from retarded socialists to know shit about economy.
>STD minefield
Yeah no thanks
The fuck is going on in current year
encouraging beta males to take cum dumpsters as wives when they hit the wall in their 30s.
not exactly a winning proposition.
What the heck is a slutwalk? Is it to oppose men's negative views of women, or is it to reinforce it?
If you want to change the opinions of a nation, you shouldn't use former strippers as the hosts.
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
The former is the intent, but the latter is the result.
It started when a Canadian cop said that women shouldn't dress like sluts if they don't want to attract horny guys who will give them attention.
I've noticed in internet discourse that most people think that men are still patriarchial conservative diehards who hate promiscuous women, but in reality it's a small core of men who actually think that way and those are the guys women want anyway.
the organizers don't care about men. they only care about empowering women who have made decades of bad choices by telling those same women that bad choices are good.
fun for who?
It's to enforce men to accept as their wives a bunch of sluts that will keep riding the cock carousel with other men even when you're married with them.
Someone Turned 30
For sluts of course.
I don’t understand the logic behind the name slut walk. Women show that they aren’t sluts by dressing slutty and parading about town in throngs? It make sense if they dressed normally and marched to combat some stereotype but not as it is.
Doesn't work for white guys. White girls are only sluts for chocolate guys, they have zero interest in fucking small dicked white bois.
They want to act and dress like sluts and brag about being sluts while at the same time they demand from men to stop calling them "sluts" in an insulting way.
In few words, typical feminazi double standards.
Well thanks for confirming that it’s incomprehensible
Slut walks are powerful you fucking misogynist.
No hymen, no diamond.
Not all women are in a relationship for the man's dick.
Are they powerful enough against a bunch of rapists from third world shitholes?
>t. swedecuck
basically women are trying to say they are equal to men. So they should be able to sleep with as many men as men do women and not be chastised for it.
go ahead, be a whore. But don't expect the society of men, to change their thinking behavior because of your stupid walks. No guy wants to have a puss that's been ridden more times than the lone rangers horse.
End of story
it's why men like young women. Like personally. I ONLY fuck girls 18 to 24. And 24 is pushing it. and im 48. Fuck it, i make the money i make the rules.
I like my fresh puss.
It's not rape unless they're a white male.
Womyn lie about sex partners. They only count boyfriends. Blowjobs and hookups don’t count.
last girl i fucked, 21. Sorry no makeup in this picture
5 foot 2, 102 pounds. Was awesome. The dominican rocks
roasties are awesome, only incels hate them
Brah, how would you describe your life as a guy at 48? Please go into detail and embellish as much as you want.
Who gave you computer access and english classes, Muhammad?
You are a shit-colored fag
The guy all the way on the left has his penis hanging out.
i fucking love my life
its' like being a teenager, except..with all the money you can spend. LOL
I want a new car today. I can simply go out and buy it cash.
I make the rules, and i love my me time.
People actually think that a man would have a better time with women his own age, cause you can "communicate". why the FUCK would I want to communicate with a permanent child. aka any woman
want to entertain me, get on all 4's rub your pussy and moan like the devil. Now im pausing my show and asking "hmm whatcha doing".
nothing like fresh young puss to fill that void.
I really would not have it any other way. I was married, and it sucked sooooooooo bad. one woman, and only one pussy. It was so god damn boring.
ps, just keep yourself in shape. And your good
if your fat, get your fat ass on keto.
It works.
you don't like fucking fat girls, well girls don't like fucking fat guys. especially young ones.
and that's that.
Enjoy life, assholes. Cause there is no do over or second ticket.
Remember this image whenever you see the jew push the BBC meme.
>"Have you been blacked"?
>"Go KYS".....Next.
the supreme gentleman
All niggers must hang
oh they madd
Telegony: No tainted roast beef for this boy.
been around the world 10 times. Fucked so many different girls
singapore, malaysian, thai, philipino, indonesian, swedish, all through the caribbean.
Still not done, going to go to october fest either next year or year after (for my 50th)
and going to slay some german puss, and maybe stop off in romania. heard the girls there are off the chain.
maybe go down to italy, and do it all by train, once i arrive by air into germany.
I almost fucked a girl on a train once, i think it's time to complete that quest.
dude...life is what you make it. My life might not seem fun to some, but to others im living the dream. Do whats right for you, whatever that is. There is no right or wrong.
cause pssst. here is a secret. We all die alone. Even when surrounded by family. You're the one dying. 8)
so fuck it. Live it like there is nothing tomorrow. (and remember to save as much shekels as you can so you can keep doing it)
Please take a look and comment.
>basically women are trying to say they are equal to men. So they should be able to sleep with as many men as men do women and not be chastised for it.
Their war against biology is going soooo well.
And in just one post you went from a decent troll to a low energy troll.
Mate, trolling is a marathon not a sprint. You were too quick to masturbate with the "you mad" post. You need to needle the guys on the hook for a few more posts in order to pull it off.
>Projecting this much cope.
When Ahmed gets refugee status
>manwhore calling out whores
kek you're just as bad as them
This. Always go with the rule of 3.
i agree, it's not
but we all know, women think like children. So until you put the spoiled brats on a time out or just beat their asses into behaving.
We have what we have.
i am a whore
i don't deny that. But you cannot change biology. that's what these idiot femanists are trying to do. "look we can fuck as much as you guys, but you guys must respect us"
WRONG. and your never ever ever ever (put as many evers as you like in this setence and it still wont' be enough) going to change the normal mans thinkings
WE DO NOT WANT your roastie pussys for life mates
Sure we will date you fuck you, even entertain it for awhile, but sooner or later you get boring or more than likely you fuck it up.
and we go BUH BYE
>implying she'll continue to be a slut for you after marriage
That woulndn't be the worst deal in the world, however what really happens is:
1. you wife slut
2. slut immediately develops headaches
3. is le tired for you
4. but still a slut (just not for you)
tl,dr: alpha fucks, beta bucks doesn't care about anything, it just is.
please help i got marrid and i hate my life... how can i gtfo. i didnt dodge the bullet i am 27 and misrable... can i still make a ton of money and gtfo?
who broke your heart?
no one. i just can't stand being with one woman for longer than 3 years.
i like different.
i can't help it.
so i will slay puss until i am not interested in slaying puss any longer.
More shit from this hellhole known as Toronto.
You're welcome.
whoremongers are just as society-destroying, debased, sick people as whores are
the superior knight
that's a man you idiot.
based and accurate