Is this why you guys like Trump?

Is this why you guys like Trump?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally every nigger and Jew is a victim.

Its the victim olympics where everyone has to out victim each other.

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I like Trump because he makes little faggots like Trevor Noah cry.

We are reaching levels of projection not previously thought possible holy shit

When is CC's token getting shipped back to nogland?

Thought it said "AIDS" behind him, lol.



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So when do we start dragging these people out in the streets?

They like Trump because they are racist, sexist, Islamophobic losers. Their white women are taking black seed at exponentially rising rates and it terrifies them.

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this is your brain on Marxism. This nigger can't comprehend anything else.

Well, let see...

This board is filled with
>incels who can't get laid
>larping nazis who are losers
>MGTOW fucktards who are worse than incels
...and maybe some good people...

Yea you're right user, Trumpanzees are cucks

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Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.

Fucks sake Americans, kill this uppity nigger already, fucks sake you have guns, just fucking do it

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The entire platform of Democrats is victimhood
They are living in upside down world.

Can this troglodyte die already? Projection levels exceeding 1000%

those poor groids

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>Trump out-victimed our victim
>Shame on him

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a quintessential example of projection on the part of this lefty

All of the left's power comes from convincing nonwhites that they were victimized and that's why their crime rates are out of control, and why their iq's and school scores are so low. Not just nonwhites actually, but also women. Women choose less productive careers and spend their money more frivolously, the result is they accumulate less wealth. The left tells them they have been victimized.

The left blames the sufferings of the less successful on their betters while the true culprit is poor decision making.

Meanwhile the average white taxpayer is spending thousands of dollars a year to put nonwhite children through school, and feed them, and give them easy government jobs, and worse to fund government programs to discriminate against whites in favor of nonwhites. The white taxpayer is actually being victimized in a legitimate systematic sense by the government. Blacks are more victimized on average when it comes to more serious victimizations like violent crime, but that's because they live with other blacks who commit crimes against them. It's not the government victimizing them.

The left thinks that because I don't have to live with criminal nigger scum, I have less right to complain about the government's systematic mistreatment of me and my fellow whites, than a black does to blame the government for the crimes their fellows have committed against them

That girl is not white. She is a 56% mestiza with dyed hair and of lower class status.

almost like someone wrote rules for this shit

>Trevor Noah bitching about someone wielding victimhood
The irony. It burns.

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Wow if that isnt the pot calling the kettle a nigger.

wait... is this a liberal saying this?

Cheeto jesus takes my arrows so if I accidentally say something along the lines of "Dudes have penises" I don't get sent to re-education camps & neutered.

A black South African telling white Americans they have a victimhood complex.

SJWs are pissed off that Trump has destroyed grievance culture. Victimized is a precious commodity to these people and Trump has made it irrelevant. Why should I care about the historical oppression of your ancestors when I don't have a job?

Ever hear of something called apartheid you retard? He has every right to call himself a victim.

look who is talking

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so they are capable of self reflection after all

What can you say to any of this? Really nothing. They just refuse to look inward at themselves. Because if they really tried to they might see a lot of the ugliness in their enemies.

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lefties talking about victimhood

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those are both mutts


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Do they ever stop projecting?

Fyi, Trump’s most powerful tool is: being a winner

And he turns a blind eye to the genocide of the white farmers in South Africa happening right now because.....?
Besides that ivory tower faggot has thrown his lot in with the left who have cornered the market on victimhood for damn near 200 years.

niggers literally cant stop whining

No. As usual they can only project onto others


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No, you dumb fuck. We got tired of being collectively victims to the rest of the fucking world under your feckless asshole presidents, so we elected someone to do something about it. Just because you have some fucked up hard on for being a victim doesn't mean the rest of us do.

Debate is over

So that is why libs hate him so much. He plays their game by their rules better than any lib.

It's almost like, on some level, liberals are conscious of their own actions but project them onto their opponents instead of facing reality.

> acting like a not-very-funny comedian is some kind of intelligent source for anything other than bullshit.

How is Ford a victim? Because she claims so?

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>And he turns a blind eye to the genocide of the white farmers in South Africa happening right now because.....?
There is no genocide. That's a white supremacist lie.

Trump directed the State department to look into the issue. Notice they have not come out with any report that supports evidence of a genocide.


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Wow look at the nigger calling the kettle black

whats up with ugly bitches taking pics of half their face? looks retarded af

uncle ted was right

Projecting this hard.

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>be the left
>set up a system where victim status is the ultimate currency
>legitimise collective group bargaining based on immutable characteristics for every group except one
>shame exclude and blame one group for everybody elses problems
>shut down freedom of speech and right to a fair trial for the excluded group
>expect the excluded group to pay for everything
>force the excluded group to abandon links to their home, ancestors or culture whilst simultaneously feeling guilty about their home, ancestry and culture.
>bolster other groups ancestry, land claims and cultures
>slander, slur, censor and deplatform anybody who dares to oppose you

>act all hurt and surprised when the excluded group starts playing your game by your own rules.

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Is that real?

I punched myself after reading that.

Saul Alinsky, is that you?

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So you sayin' we the Jews now?

of course not they’re NPCs

Yo, but you're better. Everybody should have everything and everything should be free and uhuuhuhuhuhuhhhhhhhhh

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Liberals discovering "tit for tat" is a beautiful thing

>Lefties try to play populist politics
>Trump wins
>Lefties try to play racebating politics
>Trump wins
>Lefties try to play gender politics
>Trump wins
>Lefties try to play victim politics
>trump wins
This is why we like trump

It's an interesting tactic. I'm honestly quite tired of it, now that everyone knows how to use it. I can't wait for Kanye to join the race and usher in a new era of politics.

Whites are victims of an epic bait and switch. For the whole 19th century the left was telling everyone to try to see beyond race and to treat everyone as equals. Suddenly now there is a hierarchy of victimhood and that we should see people based on that hierarchy. WTF narrative is this shit? The conclusion is that nobody wants to listen to these assholes anymore because they're just antiwhite

>Its the victim olympics where everyone has to out victim each other.

That was my reaction as well. If there was a projection olympics, this faggot just won it for the left.

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>Forgets the sudden rise in right wing white athiests who now dont care about human rights violations and dont mind eugenics either because you raised them to be materialistic nihilists

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How is your cat collection coming? Got to adopt them all.

Trump offers a path to victory without resorting to victimhood. Not sure what you are on about.

The South African government itself said it "wasn't talking about white farmer genocide yet"
If that isn't a red fucking flag I don't know what is. Mandela was a murderer and those he left in power are inching closer to going full Zimbabwe.
Besides all Noah and other propaganda peddlers pretending to be entertainers have done for the last 20 years is push victimhood to absurd levels. To see him bitch about Trump supposedly doing it is hilariously lacking in self awareness.
But hey racial victimizing and genocide is all fine and dandy when the "right" people are doing it to the "wrong" people eh? You're no better than those nazi larping sperglords on this board.

This. This is the final straw for the liberals, the last stop on this sad fucking circus. They have been, and always will be, the party of absolute victimization. They have weaponized it and pushed it in every single one of their agendas--victimhood is their entire ideology and the source of any power they desperately try and wield.
This is blatant trolling to whip up anger which is what they always do, and using what they are actually guilty of as a smear against others as they have with the Nazi shit and everything else. It's doublethink.
I'm actually happy to see them collapsing so hard, but it almost makes you go insane to see how fucked up people can really be.

this is why I still come here

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Underrated. You are now a meme.

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What the fuck does that even mean

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>what the fuck are you talking about? of course they don't want someone responsible managing the economy
>clearly they just wanna be seen as victims like us!
what the fuck

The jew cries out in pain as he stabs you.

>pot meet kettle
they have nothing left

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hahahahhahahha, it's funny because they literally can't

>They buzzword because they buzzword buzzword!
>Because CNN said so!
>Also cuck porn!

This is the most Swedish post I've ever seen.

Oh wow and left NEVER does that LITTERALY ever kek

I genuinely don't even bother attempting to respond to these people anymore because they have lost their grip on any sense of rational thought. These people are the ones that push the narrative of being "healthy at any size!" while chiding others for being anti-science. Fuck the left. They're rotting from the inside out and when RBG kicks the bucket all their whining won't mean shit because the end game is in sight. Thank God Trump won. We really may never have come back from the damage these cunts wanted to do.

That chink Bobby Lee needs to die screaming for discovering this absolute shitshow of a "comedian"

They are admitting their moral code is based on victimhood. We are not claiming to be more moral inside their religion. We are rejecting their religion entirely.

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>philosophy class
yes goyim let the state tell you what to think and how you should do it

literally a mutt

some mutts do have lighter eyes (if they aren't fake)

>>incels who can't get laid
>>larping nazis who are losers
>>MGTOW fucktards who are worse than incels
But does any of that mean we're wrong? Pic related

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Trump did say that he would win, and keep on winning. So you'd really have to ask yourself, why would I invent a game that could be won.

Anyone still have that tweet from the other day where the dude said something like "The reason people support Trump is because they like seeing the left suffer"? Something along those lines

Apartheid is common sense. Look what happened afterward.

As time has passed, I've realized perhaps later than others that ANYTHING a Liberal accuses others of is EXACTLY what they themselves are guilty of.

when you make victimhood into something to wield people will wield it

Niggers deserve worse.