Jimmy Kimmel dead kid

Did Jow Forums go too far?

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>He's got kids that are older than you

You goddamn niggers keep spamming this shit to start trouble.

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Seriously though, why the memeflag over this? It’s clear your mission and what you’re attempting to incite by making this thread, albeit it’s an awfully blatant and weak try. All you’re trying to do is invoke some kind of negative association to this event, by pinpointing it being about a sick child, as if the retaliation is “too far” as you put it, you’re aiming to induce a dissonance in the people that clearly know kimbitch is a fucking parasite that profits on disgusting habits.
Let’s be honest for a moment, you won’t show your flag and will likely keep this thread under the guise of “1 post by this ID”. You did however, sneakily avoid the obvious trap others like you have fallen prey to,
>Did Jow Forums go too far?
>Jow Forums
I’m sure in the past you made threads, akin to this one, using the term (((we))), but you know that would’ve unveiled your true colors regardless of memeflag. You’re not clever, you’re not tricking anyone worth tricking. Go outside, see the world for what it truly is then realize you’ve been fighting the wrong fight.

If you watch the Kimmel bit he keeps saying Trump's father and mother are both burning in hell, serve Satan, and can't wait for Donald to join them. Pretty bad taste for Network TV.


Which is just another example of why the ratings for all of these shows only continue to tank as they go more fringe Left.

But hey, at least Trump lived long enough to tell his dad "I love you".

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Hows that old saying go.

Turn around is fare play.

Hey Jimmy, whatcha doin'?

it wasn't ok for kimmel and this is not ok either, let kimmel be the bad person

>Did Jow Forums go too far?

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>reee we go high when they go low!
Yeah, we only started winning we we played by their tactics. Fuck them, play dirty. They started it.

>we played by their tactics
how's that? i disagree


Our president goes tit for tat with the lying media. Nice guy conservatism is dead. The only way to win is to punch back harder than they do.

Back in the old days, their guys would talk shit and our guys would act indignant.

Now they talk shit and we talk shit back, and then they get indignant that we defended ourselves.

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that's true but i would just call that a form of defense, i wouldn't consider it "playing by their tactics"
their tactics are smear campaigns, lies, and making people feel victimized


It's called shit posting and it's art

No its just a poll ... Of Jow Forums

Those things all win elections.


Not far enough, desu. His kike head needs to be placed on a pike as a warning.

If Kimmel hasn't apoligized yet, then the joke did not go far enough.

evidently not

Until the synagogue of satan is back home in the fire, no.

This. Kimmel was served.

send his office thousands of baby balloons that will deflate or have to be thrown away over time

>Heartlessness runs in the family
All my keks at this double entendre

True, but attacking a baby is democrat tier, literally. It's like having a guy slap your wife's ass, so you punch his kid. You shouldn't take out anger against a kid.

Kids already have enough problems with democrats jerking off over the though of aborting them.

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don't start crying now that your own weaselly tactics are being used against you, you fucking faggot

Why would you make jokes about dead fathers when your child is dying? It's like the easiest retaliation possible. What did he think was gonna happen?

show flag, leaf

Does anyone have the picture of his son disappearing like the top right?

That some favors come with too high a price?

This is why you fail

attacking a baby = bad
attacking late father = good?
Besides, he didn't 'attack the baby'. The sick baby doesn't know he's being talked about and his feelings aren't being hurt.

Fuck off, the dead baby isn't gonna care. Stop being a little bitch, talk shit get hit.

He's a baby. He can't fucking read.

Who the fuck cares about Kimmels Kike Kid?
Stop being such a faggot. Let this shit get really fucking ugly

>Kids already have enough problems
yeah like heart problems haha


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Suddenly liberals care about dead babies.



Fuck off faggot.

So what the #

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>Jow Forums
>too far
Not possible newfags

What's the merchant doing in the top right?

Is this joke too dated? Also, moral fags GTFO.

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Didn't go far enough yet

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They did, which is why the neocons and liberals won so many elections and shifted the Overton window so far to the left that they'd call Stalin a Nazi. Now that we're no longer trying to compromise (and being drawn ever-further into degeneracy by conceding to half of their demands each time), we're the ones winning because we have facts and basic human decency.

Guys, even though Mr. Jimmy Kimmel is very not epic, we shouldn’t make fun of his rotting corpse of a child. That’s not what us right wing, conservative, Republican, Kekistani, MAGApede, warriors stand for. Now Hail Our God Emperor of the Universe Trump, Praise Kek, and Shadilay by fellow Kekistani MAGApedes!

Boo! This!
>product of the 2 worst kike-shills isn't going to be a human shield for them to hide behind.

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This image was never not getting made

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Not. He has not killed himself yet.


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Making jokes about his kid is going too far , BUT he did start it .

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This shit highlights the hypocrisy. People who say not to stoop to their level and be the bad guy or whatever the fuck are idiots. If you're in a fight and you choose to stick to your morals and not fight back you just lose the fight. There's nothing moral about that.

Jimmy Kimmel is a household name and a network television star. He's a public figure who is supposed to entertain grandma and the rest of the boomers. We're a bunch of edgy kids on the internet. We are not supposed to be held to the same standard as jimmy kimmel. Much less a higher standard. This is the type of shitposting that gets the ol' normie noggin a joggin. They might outwardly condemn it but it will still resonate that, hey, maybe making fun of the deaths in a person's immediate family is actually kind of cruel and not just the usual unfunny dreck that I've been conditioned to bork at whenever the audience laughs at the light up sign.

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Kimmel truly is a despicable human being. So its hard to get me to care.


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Start shit, get hit. Simple as that.

the gloves came off a long time ago, people shilling for civility in the modern age are retarded

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digits declare!
>No thought of backdown until he appoligizes, at the very least.

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I think it's hilarious your kid is dying, Jimmy.

>""""superior"""" DNA

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Also the left loves attacking children of the opposite party.

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>But hey, at least Trump lived long enough to tell his dad "I love you".
This would be a good Twatter po.

That is fucked up, i take that back. You know what you won't be able to get back though? your son once he's fucking dead.


it's dated, but the worst part is that it makes no sense

shouldn't the KID be the tin man?

I mean, it'll help him mourn.
Since we're so concerned about his feelings.


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What part of 'for the lulz' do you not understand?

You have to hold a mirror up to make them understand.
Yes this means you yourself have to throw morals out of the window now and then.
But its important that these retarded mouthpieces understand consequence of their actions.

Kimmel deserves this treatment for attempting to undermine the United States. However, doing this before a midterm election hurts us far more than it hurts Kimmel. Leftists will use this to discredit us. This almost smells like a shill operation.


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and to think Jimmy's kid won't live long enough to tell a hollywood producer he loves him.

No sympathy for kimmel, if he's happy to rip into dead relatives but cant take it then he's a fucking hypocrite.

Bear in mind this is what they've been doing to us for generations. They kicked into full gear at the start of this decade

>old people look old
you cracked the code man!

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oh, You. ;)

kimmels son looked disgusting--eyeballs protruding--worms eating his brain. Very very disrespectful.

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Yes, but only because it's 1 month before the mid terms & we don't need the headlines saying "Trump fans make fun of Kimmel's dying son"

Control yourselves for fuck sake

>I can mock your dead father
>My family is off limits tho!

Fucking hollywood liberal kike loving faggots

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If they punch you in the gut, you kick them in the groin. Just a friendly reminder that if they're willing to breach good taste, we were already there waiting.

responded to a hail of arrows with a nuke. Internet did good

If Kimmel reacts to this, meme magic is undeniably real this time.

Welcome to the internet. Enjoy your stay.

did you just compare words to beating up children? you are mentally ill, kys for the good of mankind

Based bombocop

There is a war going on right now.
Grow a stomach and a spine or get out of the way. Last time I checked, I personally am not running for any kind of office. The ones that do take high road so we don't have to.

The left should have stuck to their policy of "They go low, we go high"
They forgot Jow Forums
They forgot that they merely adopted the low

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Wow true.
Shkip to 3:00 mins in

Y’all cowards

>muh optics
Fuck off, reddit. Jow Forums isnt your faggy r/the_donald fan club.

The left wants us dead, poor, raped, robbed.
Nothing is off the table. Fuck them. They asked for this.

your moralfag protests just makes me even harder