What is preventing us from conqering this continent

And making it our own?

Attached: Antarctica.jpg (1024x1024, 160K)

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The anchovy aired out her smelly italian feet there and now its contaminated forever.

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Your weight i'd imagine.

Treaties and laws and shit

The public cannot be allowed to know what's there.
History would be rewritten from the ground up.

Some treaty. Look it up.

For what purpose

Fuck treaties.

They're meant to be broken anyway.

Its where the US Government is hiding Giant nephillim

Check and truth

Europeans would be better off if america just broke these treaties and the space weapon one after the soviets fell.

You mean from the ice up?

Treaties, lack of living conditions, lack of resources


Gravity isn’t real


Flat Earth

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Historically accurate post

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Didn't stop Africa from having one billion people living in it.

Lower than ice.
Always think lower.

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an impenetrable military presence

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Doing Gods work
God Bless user... good luck

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The fact we already own it




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what are you, retarded? it already is for what its worth.

its the jews, they dont like having to deal with new nation

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Probably the weather

We already took the good land. If we wanted some shitty land we still have all of africa to divvy up.

how about 20 degree BELOW zero summers?

>gravity isn’t real

Go jump off a building then cunt

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that's called density

If we start to ignore international treaties, aim higher nigger, we don't go to the antarctic we go to space!


Will keep out unwanted guests.


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>And making it our own?
"We" already did. The 3rd Reich has been running the place since 1945. Are you implying you're not white? I thought we all got the memo.

Africa is actually eden-like for anyone with even rudimentary farming knowledge. Save for a few particular zones, it's a paradise.
There's a reason the people with the highest IQ's generally originate from really shitty hard to live in environments.

It's do or die, rather than chill and eat from nature's cornucopia.

The fuck are we gonna do with polar bears and ice

No that's a measurement for how dense you are

Why would you want to live in Malarialand,and AIDS City?

funny thing i was actually thinking about that today and you could probably get lefties to fund it if you called it a practice mars colony or something. Ez millions of you advertise it correctly

love the img, perfect for shitting on the cianigger wannabe's pushing this shit

no polar bear just birds

Is that the land, or the people?
Mosquitoes exist everywhere on earth.

Welcome home white man.

Without tons a fertilizer and the ability to combat jungle born illness Africa sucks but we have the technology to make it a paradise just like we can make deserts or frigid arctic areas livable.

We need to get rid of the Africans first though, to bad the euros didn’t execute them all centuries ago

No that’s called density you fucking moron push that glass of different density liquids off the bench it sits on when it falls to earth at 9.8 ms squared you will witnes GRAVITY in work.

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did you watch the SpaceX launch on the West Coast last night?

Here is a timelapsed gif if you missed it: i.imgur.com/bqnUFu9.gifv

You see how that sunset-esque orange that appears after separation?

That is the rockets gas/exhaust getting caught in the suns rays as it escapes the earths shadow.

Essentially, even at night, if you go high enough, you'll be able to see the sun as you get out of the Earth's shadow.
Please explain how this would work on a flat earth model considering your theory implies that sun moves farther and farther way as it circles the flat disc and hence going higher in the sky would not matter

Mosquitos are just discount vampire bats anyway.

Kill them all off.


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Africa as it is now, yeah.
I'm talking about with Europeans in it.

Attached: Atlas V 551 Night rocket launch hits dome, causing ripples, falls to earth.webm (480x360, 2.84M)

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You’re a fucking retarded nigger mongoloid. Density is affected by gravity. Quit posting images of ice walls.

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It's fucking cold.

are you implying the rocket ripped the firmament?

Wouldn't that mean that the "Waters above" would then be raining down all over the west coast?

Australia won't go down without a fight

Density isn't affected by gravity

D = Mass / Volume

We literally could now, we have the technology.
We also have the technology to keep them, but just make it so they can't transfer any diseases.

Crispr CAS-9 gene-drives could solve the whole thing in a matter of years.

the whitest post ever

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Well gravity is a side effect of mass acting on the 4D, so there has to be some overlap, right?


if this has happened multiple times....how is the firmament repaired? why is not raining/the waters above coming down once the firmament has been damaged?

There is no use. Literally, like 99% of that land is basically uninhabitable. You can't grow any sort of veggies or fruit. There's not that many animals on non-coastal areas. A blizzard is entirely unsurvivable unless you got a good shelter that's powered well and is stocked up on food.

It's just not worth it. It's literally more worthwhile to look into colonizing Mars at this point.

>Implying Mars has vegetation

Because the firmament isn't made of fucking glass moron. It's a toroidal vortex

oh, well then, let me just fly to the fucking moon.
Off i go...

Just keep screaming firmament you fucking retard

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The moon isn't terra firma.

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100% American

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oh ok....that makes sense

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take it over and make it a black ethnostate, and send all the blacks there


there is advanced pre-flood technology right underneath that ice, and our governments keep it under wraps. Knowing that we were further along technologically than we are now over 12,000 years ago would turn everything we know about humanity on its head. This doesn't even touch on what truly is at the South Pole or what the Nazis have been doing there after WWII.

That doesn’t disprove gravity. Something still has to pull down on the object. D =M / V is how much of something is in the given area.

youve yet to explain how the suns rays are reflecting off the gas

typing in all caps and saying "the firmament" isn't an answer

Gonna go out on a limb and say its maybe the fucking weather.

Reminder flattards can't come up with an explanation why constellations that are only visible in the Southern Hemisphere are not visible in the Northern, and vice versa, all they can do is spam the same webms and YouTube videos

Your ability to reason logically isn’t real
Y’all are equivocating like a mother fucker

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Gravity has never been proven to exist at all.

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Hey hey! Fat black woman skew the statistics.

I can't fucking wait for this Mueller shit to go public so all you israeli faggots fuck off forever.

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yes im aware of this and I've seen the Thrive documentary as well

that still doesnt explain how the suns rays are reflecting off the gas

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How do you know they're the suns rays?

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The soil of Mars is actually quite good for plants though, very high in nitrogen as without any life to cycle it in the atmosphere, it's all just settled in the soil.

The real problem is that its atmosphere is so thin and it's constantly being assfucked by solar wind and megastorms growing plants out in the open would never work, the foreseeable future of life on mars would have to exist in domes and underground bases.

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Gravity is not strong enough to pull a cherry tomato through dish soap milk and maple syrup.
But, it has enough strength to hold the oceans to the earth, against the spinning forces and vacuum of space.

-121 below 0 temps

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It would change everything as far as what’s known about our history and the age of humanity.