do you faggots still hate southern europeans on this board?
Do you faggots still hate southern europeans on this board?
That's one attractive Castizo
Everyone hates everyone on this board.
yes. no amount of paint and slutty posturing will cover up that fact that her town is full of gross stray cats and I wont be able to drive 40 metres without a car accident. you can't trick me with your olive skinned lies
I hate this guy, that's for sure.
you betchya
This, don't take any banter here serious newfag
she's italian.
An Italian Castizo
ugh, it had to be written on her face. back in my day people didn't need to do that, we all knew what countries we were from.
Faggot I've seen latinas whiter looking than her.
Southern "europeans".
This doesn't even make sense. They're literally part of the European continent.
If europe is a continent where is the eastern border? you can't say mountain range because those are continental BACKBONES not boundaries.
You are literally the niggers of whitey pastaboy. Not white.
You implied they weren't Europeans Cletus. They are, by definition, Europeans. Try and think about where you went wrong.
Are you trying to imply that Europe isn't a continent?
I'm Germanic and Southern European, who cares? Lets go gas the kikes like OP instead
No Jow Forums is a board of love
A lot of neo nazis care. Stop trying to blame everything on Jews.
well it's not!
North America
South America
Africa & spain
Asia & russia
bjork is a great example of a TRANSITION SPECIES, notice her north american but also her asiatic features.
Only Ariana Grande
Europe for Europeans kike, fuck off
The only correct answer.
Again, the Northern European vs Southern European divide is not some magic trick of the Jew. It's fueled by neo Nazi racialist ideologies like the one you follow.
>i've seen
not in three dimensions though.
You can't fool me kike, if that was the case then Hitler would have killed off Mussolini and Franco
I'm Catholic.
Hitler made deals of convenience. Remember 'Honorary Aryans"? Meds were ranked lower on the racial hierarchy than Nordics according to Nazi ideology. This is a fact that you can't seem to accept.
So am I, you traitor. I would rather side with neo-nazis than Christcucks like yourself. You bring shame to the church and are a threat to Europe
Yes you retard.
No i never
To be fair, nordics and germanics make it really hard for people to like them. I'm already conflicted, being both part italian and german, not knowing what race I belong to, and then you have autistic snowniggers like yourself claiming that ancient italians looked like vikings even though they've been living in a sunny country for thousands of years to exacerbate the idea that your people are cultureless thieves.
Hitler looked italian.
>I wont be able to drive 40 metres without a car accident
How is it our fault that you're retarded
I am both german and spaniard. I just believe in a unifed but separate Europe
Modern day nordicists and neo-nazis are separate in ideology. Places considered "Neo-nazi"(stormfront for example) are distinctively pan-European. On the other hand Nordicists like Varg and his followers are very much racial supremacists who look down on all other races.
spaniards in general are whiter than italians.
I'm north italian which is white according to pol and I have brown hair and eyes, and the germans in my family say I'm greek looking. I'm not white.
Well, side with whoever makes sense to you. Just know that in such a Reich you would essentially be living in an authoritarian North Korea where your 'impure' ancestry would be used against you.
I'm going by statistics, every single car I saw in your entire country, tens of thousands of them, all were dented in the same four corners. like wtf you guys play bumper cars or some shit
Every single person I saw in your country was an inbred knuckeldragger. I'm just going by statistics
>I wont be able to drive 40 metres without a car accident
Stop driving on the left.
No Marzia is too precious.
she's not white and has a literal skull of an ape.
t. italian
I'd still hit it.
fuck off
There's very little space to park in Italian cities, people sometimes just jam their car in there even if it doesn't necessarily fit.
I have to straighten out my front license plate at least once a month because it ends up looking like a fucking banana due to all the bumps it takes.
Doesn't mean I'm crashing all the time.
No. This fucking picture is posted every week. This is from a soccer match in Brazil. Anyone who genuinely thinks she looks Italian has to get the fuck out of their basement. She is obviously an indian native mix.
based amerishart
/polcel/ hates ITSELF -- the hate you see spreged his is PROJECTION
if you have to ask