What is it about "the look" that lets you know a girl fucks black guys?

What is it about "the look" that lets you know a girl fucks black guys?

Is it the fake blonde hair?

Attached: Lauren_Southern.jpg (200x300, 12K)

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Usually they are at least somewhat fat to completely obese and desperate for attention.

Attached: sadlife.png (760x756, 285K)


bingo OP

Attached: 1538340491458.gif (540x350, 1.42M)

Sage kikes.

more than one selfie in a lifetime is a no-go for me.

No idea

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She actually has nonwhite looking eyes, like a jungle bunny or something

Bbc more like limp black cock lmao

Leave it to a leaf to have a gif like that saved.

God I wish that was me

Not dyed, bleached blonde hair with a good two inches of the roots already back to the natural colour
Black eyeshadow.
Pencil eyelashes
Skintone pink lipstic

It's that thousand yard stare, from taking at least thousand yards of nigger cock in one blowjob.

Dead giveaway.

30+ years old
200+ pounds
Trashy as fuck

You can tell she only fucks black guys but that's why Jow Forums and I love her

hair dye is the sign of a liar. yes all women and to be pretty and unique, but what is more unique than their natural colour? it's really disturbing to me. and sure it makes them "feel better" same way I'd "feel better" if I wore a wig to cover my bald patch.

just kidding. it would make things a hundred times worse. gosh women are stupid.

They give off a sort of ora or scent less stench

Usually overweight, big heads, fake blonde hair, almost always wearing something trashy like stretch pants or cut off shorts and way too much makeup oh and really big hoop ear rings

her head shape is clearly East Asian.

what is the name of that face shape?



alright everyone..

its called 'man-jaw' and it's a sign of exposure to too much testosterone in the womb

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