Military powers

Is your country currently beefing up its military capabilities?
We are spending more than ever on our military, still wish they would double it though.

Attached: HMAS Canberra LHD.jpg (3600x2025, 1.02M)

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That's a funny looking submarine.

I am not sure what it even is, pretty sure you guys make them, any ideas?

I don't know.
It's got antennaes all over it, maybe it's EW or surveillance sub?
It's all blocky and angled, maybe it's one of our new stealthy ships?
Not sure why it's painted green.

Its an amtrac bro you ever play battlefield 3?

I havent played a battlefield game since battlefield 1942

AMTRAKs are passenger trains.

I’ll just leave this here.

Attached: 10C9B69F-40F6-4074-A8C4-8F62ACC25CFA.png (750x979, 124K)

That isn't a sub.

Attached: 12365423.jpg (1600x900, 186K)

Damn, we spend more on military than i thought we did considering our size.
>More than a billion per 1 million people

Currently waiting for the 2019 UK budget. I'd say it's possible we will see a defence increase and intelligence services increase in light of the skripal poisoning and chinese/Russian expansion

>my flag
What do you think?

>Is your country currently beefing up its military capabilities?
I wish


>Is your country currently beefing up its military capabilities?

australia aka new china

Don't worry aussiebro your country will be the sanctuary most run to when nuclear Holocaust hits.

We got Maijin Boo.
We don't need an Army.

Attached: minister of health.jpg (620x413, 39K)

Cause WW3 is coming my doods. Enlist today! Perhaps we will see each other in some blood-soaked battlefield someday :3

Pretty hardcore that they can just cruise around in the open fucking ocean in one of those.

It says that it is, but I'm not sure how real any of it is.

They aren't going to make any of it public, then the west knows what you have.
That is why the west is constantly in shock and awe when Russia shows some new weapon on the world stage.
Look how much shit the Armata stirred up and the S500 combined with the 100 megaton tsunami bomb has washington shitting its pants.

They aren't the only amphibious vehicles in military service, Russia has an amphibious bmp, america uses the lav which is also an amphibious vehicle.

Ex navy cunt here AMA
Also OP you pic is of an overpriced piece of spanish shit and your video is of the worst possible frigate we could've chosen we are really fucking bad with chossing what's right for our navy just look at our choice for next gen subs, we chose French subs that we will try and put an American combat system into and the contract was for 50 billion and is already going up to 80 billion.
to all Americans in this thread Australia needs to be booted from 5 eyes we are heavily compromised by the Chinese
yep we are a Chinese colony like NZ

Attached: 1512896154024.jpg (761x1024, 51K)


>conventional weapons

My country uses weapons that are currently on display in museums...

So... uhhh. Yeah I'll just leave.

Stories, cunt.

Why would you develop a military when you can just develop airborne AIDS and unleash it on any country that tries to invade you.

Holy fuck, is she still relevant? I remember memeing about her like five years ago on Jow Forums

when i was in the middle east i was boarding party searching paki and Iranian fishing vessels for drugs, paki cunts turned off the cooling in their fridge flat and put fish guts everywhere so the stink was horrendous to act as a deterrent but jokes on them i found their food supply in a section that was still cooled and i pissed and vomited on it .
Aussies always ALWAYS get the last laugh

top bantz

That's fucking hilarious but I was thinking more along the lines of Chinese subversion and spooky stories. Anything interesting off the coasts?


The funny thing is that us civilian shooters are better equipped than the army.

Just when I had a low opinion of our military that I didn't think could get any lower you pull this out of your ass. Good god our military is African tier.

this, I want some spooky stories

Why should we spend more when we have The U.S? Let them do the heavy lifting.

They're browning M1911 pistols. They're still top class.


yeah, your government isn't the best but you have to admit their smart enough not to spend gorillions of dollars replacing something that still works

almost all of our ice comes from Chinese "fishing" vessels they even go far off the south east coast of Australia then meet up with smaller boats and try to bring in the drugs via Tasmania and South Australia, i reckon we don't even catch 5% of them the Chinese are actively at war with the west
we still use brownings as well they aren't a bad pistol except our tag uses Glocks or whatever they want really i don't know much of SF so i can't comment on that

>but you have to admit their smart enough not to spend gorillions of dollars replacing something that still works
CF-18s spring to mind as a counter-argument...