Another hard Varg to swallow. Pretty sad to see how many cucks turned on him after he said porn is shit and inherently anti-white.
Another hard Varg to swallow. Pretty sad to see how many cucks turned on him after he said porn is shit and inherently anti-white.
Other urls found in this thread:
Some very good videos:
good post
he's right but he doesn't know a thing about the military besides his older brother being in the Norwegian Army
He didn't take into account the women in the military which is a massive clusterfuck and funnily enough those (((groups of men))) gave women the right to vote because they knew women are over emotional and vote based on muh feels and not on logic and tribe
also his followers commenting " women were protecting Europe too they were against the hordes" no the women were doing what women have always done, they flocked and fucked the invaders you only have to look what's happening now, what happened in ww2 and what has happened all throughout history
i agree and disagree with Varg on this one
>Reminder to all:
Being "anti-pagan" is code for being anti-European!
Varg is one of our greatest philosophers and totally not a loser who refused to study an actual degree so he could have a real job, stable employement and strong monthly income, instead of being no better than than a loser who with an arts-degree or woman studies, who always end up spending their life trying to bullshit their way into another dollar, wheter its becoming a "youtubestar", patreon, selling poems online, selling "healing crystal stones", "personal trainer", "internet diet coach", "spiritual yoga master" with paid membership, street musician/beggar...
Take the Degree pill, the realest pill, if you arent in a real industry, steel industry, electrician, carpenter, your just a clown trying to come up with another hustle. Even a plumber stands above all these internet prostitutes. Thats what varg is, a loser without a degree who will juggle for cash, no better than youtube feminist blogger.
Seems like one more Scandinavian cuck who's angry about Christianity stomping his homeland hundreds of years ago. Probably should be focusing on the rapefugees who are currently breeding him out of existence.
I'll start looking down on Varg once I've actually produced more white children than him.
He's got 7 kids. Even many of those rapefugees are not breeding at that level.
But most of his fellow whites over there are producing one or less.
Well can we really hold him responsible for other people's actions? He tells them to have kids. He can't go around grabbing white penises and putting them in white vaginas.
Daily reminder Varg is a murderer who makes degenerate music, engaged in arsonist attacks against historical European churches like a sandnigger, is a welfare leech, and is a cringy try hard faggot.
Varg is occassionally right but 95% of his beliefs are absolutely crazy
Alright so, once again, his people are being bred out of existence and his several children are meaningless overall.
>his several children are meaningless overall.
We're all meaningless overall. Is this really the point you want to make?
truth, MGTOW bullshit is cancer so is that other shit.
It isn't, you're just purposely misunderstanding it.
What is your point? You said he should be focusing on the fact that his people are being outbred, so he has far above the average number of kids, makes a YouTube channel and has gotten millions of views (combined) on videos where he encourages other whites to start families.
What more do you think he should be doing?
>What is your point?
Read above and ask an adult for help. It wasn't complicated to begin with.
>I'm butthurt and won't reply honestly to your post
This. People need to see what's obvious and written on the walls. Unemployable mentally ill attentionwhore, who desperately needs to make a few bucks talking bullshit on youtube.
Never trust actors or musicians, they are per defacto prostitutes, has always been, they'll make up any bullshit to survive. Varg cannot financially stop making youtube videos for 1+ month
Read that again:
Varg has an incredible sad terrible life, a "murder-whole-family then suicide type life". He is trapped, but he keeps bullshitting at every turn, it's what he does.
>"I don't have patreon, because those people are the real prostitutes and beggers!"
Reality: Banned from paypal+patreon?
>"I drive old UAZ car, because it's real quality!"
Reality: Cannot afford new car, financially fucked
>"I live in France to be close to pagan history!"
Reality: Completly socially ostrachized and perhaps even legal problems in Norway, lawsuits etc
>"If you have a real job, then you feed the beast as a wageslave!"
Reality: Varg is 100% completly unemployable, he has no real degrees, he would work at samhall here in sweden (Work for handicapped and retarded people) Nobody would ever hire worthless varg
>"I live the pagan way, the natural way"
Reality: He lives like an ordinary poor eastern european, nothing pagan at all about his lifestyle >muh permaculture which even Styxenhammer beats up in cold canada
The guy is a fucking fraud at everything, if you fall for vargs bullshit, or even worse, an actual fan, then you are the posterboy of RetardedWojak.png
Are you really this retarded?
>Reality: Banned from paypal+patreon?
So you're just guessing at shit that fits your world view I see.
It was completely honest. You are having trouble with very simple concepts. Read it over or ask someone nearby for help. Why do I need to spoonfeed you?
>I can't lose if I just insult and act indignant
>i can't lose if i intentionally misunderstand the point
Are you saying I'm incorrect in the assessment of varg? You honestly think Varg is not a miserable worthless fuckup, completly trapped, with every bridge burnt? You honestly thought he was having children "to save the aryan race" and not for financial reason to be a welfare sponge?
All you're doing is laying down an accusation instead of actually attempting to communicate any honest point.
You're just a fucking retard.
Varg and also Varg:
>"Patreon is for beggars"
But buy my table top board game.
>"Its a good thing that low status men won't reproduce"
But autistic people are superior
>"I'm not a racial supremacist"
But everyone outside of my imaginary racial group is an inferior race
>"Mediterranean people are Africans"
But Romans were Nordic
Varg is an intellectual lightweight. Occasionally he will make an interesting point, but the die-hard worship that he receives is ridiculous. Its unfortunate that he has become the posterboy for anyone who doesn't accept Christianity as the ultimate religion.
I'm saying you are the kind of person to fill any and all gaps in your knowledge with guesses that fit your world view rather than ever admit ignorance. I don't really care about your "assessment."
Varg is an out of touch moron, and a violent nigger to boot. Anybody that takes this guy seriously should neck their self
He doesn't have a patreon because he believes that he must sell a product to get money from his supporters this is why he sells books on amazon . He doesn't work a job because his entire philosophy is to life naturally away from the degenerate city and to be self reliant as well as to not be funding the system that is replacing his people. If he really wanted to make money he would do concerts and grow his career as a musician but instead he has all his music online to listen to for free.He drives a UAZ because it's reliable and survives for upwards of 30 years unlike most modern appliances. He lives in France because of 2 reasons his wife is French and you don't pay tax if your income is €9,807 or lower which plays into his philosophy of not funding the system. Clearly some people want to Ride the Tiger or Reject the modern world and Varg thinks it's best to do the latter.
Varg should personally gas every last jew. Hold on, my mom's knocking on the door with my tendies that she buys with the money the government gives her for having a retarded son
he drove 6 hours to kill a friend over a petty record deal. this is nigger tier Death Row Records type shit.
You're probably a cuck nationalist who thinks PewDiePie is based and thinks following the new consumer politics is going to change any of the problems we face. Fact is the west is going to keep destroying the Middle East and then "save" them by taking all of their skill labor as a burden so Israel can expand and gain more dominance in the region. Then the same shit will happen in Africa except prople like Putin and whoever is leading France will have an even bigger role there to please the World Bank.
Why are all of Vargs unironic fans retarded mutts?
I have never seen an actual Scandinavian give this man even a modicum of respect.
This, he's a nigger with a fancy paint job.
he burned every bridge with every other black metal band in Norway and had to move to France to marry a halfbreed.
You're 100% correct but vargtards will say otherwise.
Euronymous and Varg clearly weren't friends
Look at the profiles of his commentators, complete mentally ill untermensch who deluded themselves into thinking they have superior genetics and intellect, it's hard to find a more terrible fangroup than Vargs. They are almost furry-tier.
Varg is the type of person who'd end up homeless, but yet persists to bullshit "I'm not homeless, I'm living as a true pagan wanderer, yes this is exactly how our forebears lived, and walking alongside the freeway everyday makes me superior health wise!" And of course his retard fans would think he is a genius.
>He doesn't have a patreon because he believes that he must sell a product to get money from his supporters this is why he sells books on amazon
Wow! He is such a noble creature isn't he?! Or wait, you are retarded because thats complete bullshit, since paypal banned him from their platform after government raided his house. Patreon is connected to paypal, that's why he doesnt use it, because he litterly cannot. Amazon does not have a deal with paypal, so it's the only platform he can use to make money.
>He doesn't work a job because his entire philosophy is to life naturally away from the degenerate city and to be self reliant as well as to not be funding the system that is replacing his people.
He doesn't work a real job even though he desperatly needs one, and have to resort to making bullshit videos to feed his family. He CANNOT SURVIVE being away from youtube for more than 1-3+ months, he'd go broke as shit, unable to feed his kids. Thats the reality. Varg is 100% completly unemployable, even people with down syndrom has higher chance of getting a job. If Varg lived in sweden they would force him to work at Samhall, a place for retards, to be eligable for welfare and governmental assistance (yes he lives on welfare, only naive morons think otherwise)
And there is job outside of cities, and many people travel to work without living in city area.
Is that you varg? Or another cultmember
Muh placenta goblins. Read muh wifes book
>If he really wanted to make money he would do concerts and grow his career as a musician but instead he has all his music online to listen to for free
Where would he hold this concert? Where would he get the speakers? Who would organize it? Nobody wants to host Varg in their arena. And he can't even play any good anymore. You are completly delusional. There is no money in Varg vikernes performing you moron.
Also he still sells music at ridicoulous cost of 20$ per CD.
>He drives a UAZ
Because he cannot afford a car even if he wanted to
>He lives in France
Because he is completly ostrichized in Norway, can't survive in scandinavia, legal problems.
Nigger pops out kids for financial reason while making up another story for his dumb niggertier cultmember followers
you are retarded as fuck.
Most are actually European shitskin
she isn't a half breed
>Because he cannot afford a car even if he wanted to
He specifically pick the UAZ fuckhead go watch his video where he fucking loves that thing.
>Because he is completly ostrichized in Norway, can't survive in scandinavia, legal problems.
Wrong, retard.
Yeah you can look at Varg's life and say he's a fuck up and a welfare nigger and all that but, the guy truly believes that modern society is fucked and he's trying to live a different way and I can respect that. He knows he doesn't fit in to the status quo and he's accepted that. You can say his lifestyle is shitty but is the modern, wageslave life any better? The life where you barely get to see your kids and let the state raise them for you while you go and chase shekels around? I don't think so. At least he's active in his kids lives. I barely knew my father growing up. He didn't teach me much of anything.
The one thing you know is that he isn't a welfare nigger at all.
It's been communicated clearly. Failing to understand it is not the fault of the sender. It isn't written in a foreign language.
Sick argument.
>There is no money in Varg vikernes performing you moron.
Are you crazy? People love Burzum. They're one of the classic all time greats of black metal. Which is itself a pretty popular genre these days.
Varg "Banned From Paypal thus Patreon" Vikernes
>I'm not like those e-beggers! I make books! I'm not a useless art-student tier flamboyant performer who used to dance on stage like a little faggot! You should buy my books! I'm a great philosopher and totally not a fuckup with zero options in life! My whole life is not a lie where I try to bullshit people into thinking its great!
Random thotblogger on youtube who choose Woman studies instead of a real degree
>"I'm not begging on patreon! I'm not poor! Look at all these expensive clothes and makeup I have in my videos and instagram! I'm rich! I'm totally not shilling clothes for large companies to sell! My life is not a complete lie!
>burns down churches to promote his shitty music
>kills a guy for shits and giggles
>I'm totally not crazy believe me
fuck off with this retarded larper
Thanks, it got my point across just fine.
Cut the guy some slack. He was a musician who was in prison for most of his adult life. Not exactly a recipe for success in life. I don't think he tries to portray his life as fantastic and luxurious or anything. He's just into survivalism and is trying to move in that direction.
Fuck you and fuck your rulebreaking, e-celeb spam.
Do not reply, report.
We'll see how fucked up his kids will end up becoming, being raised by a mentally ill murder lolcow jester dad.
Varg realized there is no money in being a complete natsoc, so he tuned his bullshit more towards "Paganism", more publicly acceptable. Thats his schtick now and the retards are falling for it.
Varg could have become a new age spiritual shaman and sell crystal healing rocks, or meditationist, building a whole image about how jail changed him into a calm spiritual person, and these cocksuckers would eat it all up.
But thats how the world is, tell people stuck in a pyramidscheme that they are being scammed, and they will attack you viciously, and defend their cultleader to the death
You are describing Thomas Roswell (Survive The Jive) and Marcus (The Golden One). Varg is the exact opposite of what you wrote.
>kills a guy for shits and giggles
He did it because the other guy was probably crazier than he was and made threats to kill him.
At least he got to do some field testing for the weapons in his tabletop RPG.