Multiculturalism can't possibly wo-

>Multiculturalism can't possibly wo-

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Other urls found in this thread:

"Yes the economy is going well. but are they happy?"

oops I killed the facade

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Everything that works about NYC is left over from when it was white, just like every other city you could cite.

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yay! 30 square miles of concrete monoliths surrounded by niggers and jews completly unsustainable in the long run... i am so happy Manhattan is such a clean and well kept city just like all the other cube cities... it is totally not a prison or anything...

I thought italians weren't white.

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All of that was the design of white people, faggot. And have you been to New York lately?? It's almost third-world...

Jow Forums basics

>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"

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There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself through materialistic ways, sexual ways, through drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy through own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself through sexual ways, materialistic ways, through parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Through that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Through physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else is manifest of it.

What (((they))) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

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Funny thing, if you ask a liberal that right there still isn't real multiculturalism, you need to give up more of your freedoms for that.

But you want it to work, like REALLY work right?

Choose wisely OP

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It works without Democracy

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Remind me which state has roughly 90% of the recorded terrorist attacks happen in the United States?

staten island is the best part of new york

You're right Democracy never really works for very long. Good thing we're a Republic.

The New York skyline has remained relatively unchanged for 50 years now. If anything, multiculturalism has halted progress in New York.

New York City is a weird outlier. One of the few extremely large and diverse cities in the US that has relatively low crime. Maybe it's the extreme wealth and opulence in the city that helps offset the poverty.

It was also a degenerate crime ridden shithole back in the 70s and 80s before guys like Guiliani helped clean it up with stop-and-frisk and other policies that liberals hate.

Not integrated

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>multiple cultures with the same values of the same race

just end yourself

>big buildings make my peepee hard lol

>New York City is a weird outlier. One of the few extremely large and diverse cities in the US that has relatively low crime. Maybe it's the extreme wealth and opulence in the city that helps offset the poverty.
It's because the NYPD is pretty heavy handed but I also think they cook the books a little

The thing about NYC is it's pretty segregated.

>Jew York

As if the Jews are going to live next to niggers.

come to staten island and get your face smashed in you homosexual gay nigger

Yes, because living in Jew York is definitely good and not suicide inducing.

>live in NYC
>go to Hasidic area
>see them abusing the public housing laws to live rent free despite being well off
>see latinos and asians buy/rent apartments where they fit 15 of their relatives in
>see blacks everywhere lowering the cost of living where ever they are
>media keeps telling me, the white man that I am evil 24/7

I want to leave but I don't know where to go. Everywhere I want to go anons will just say fuck off we're full.

i can't go anywhere else because i'm italian and when I tell people they call me a nigger.

>why is NYC relatively low crime?
Are you retarded? Report this faggot for being underaged.
(btw Giuliani is the reason the homeless bums were curbed).

lol NYC, you know it's an absolute shithole, right?!

>see how a swarm on insectoids destroy your country and race
>but goy, the shekels, think of the shekels the jews are making with this

i hate these fucking (((shill))) threads

Ohio man.

Manhattan isn't multicultural.

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Are you kidding? Multiculturalism is responsible for the most drastic changes in the NYC skyline of the last 20 years

I miss the wtc : (

my dad used to drop packages off there and he said he never felt safe in it.

Not like you fags will believe me.

NYC succeeds due to the white people

it was a lousy place - I was absolutely stunned when people started waxing poetic about it after 9/11.

I believe you
Your dad probably felt uncomfortable around such a massive concentration of economic power
As well as the kind of dull and dystopian architecture
While nowadays it represents a tragedy, during your dad's time working around there it must have felt imposing : /

Every white and Jewish liberal in NYC lives in the white parts of the city. They never live in the Bronx, Brownsville, Canarsie, East New York, etc. They all have the opportunity to live in these vibrantly diverse neighborhoods but none of them choose to do so. Funny how that works out.

t. New Yorker

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Oh look it’s a kike run police state. Multicultural because niggers sleep in the alley wAys of rich Jews? Get fucked.

My aunt also got told she had a job offer at the 81st floor of the south tower at a company called eurobrokers, which she turned down. It was run by jews (not surprising) and they hated her for being german. If she took that job she would have died.

Have you ever visited or talked to anyone from NYK? They're all suicidal.

yeah but that place that makes nice coffee is in the rich white area. allow your love of coffee to transfigure itself into OUR SHARED LOVE OF THIS AREA and forget why you ever dare question my logic!

The citie's population has barely increased in 100 years.

pig brains. gods grace is the only reason why,
take that away and those morons will kill each

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which is still 30 years behind what could have been

All I see is a shithole with no jobs

I work in the financial district. It's slowly becoming overwhelmed with street shitting pajeets. The desire for wallstreet to outsource is insane. Do not trust any article that claims outsourcing is getting better, every company I am part of abuses the fuck out of it and has the same contracts with these based in NJ middleman Pajeet contracting companies. One of my bosses almost sent me to India to interview and train my "coworkers" until that got delayed. I am probably going to lose my job soon.

>I work in the financial district.
> I am probably going to lose my job soon.

>Niggers commit crime
>Jews and Niggers are still given place in universities at the cost of Asians and white people
Seems pretty dysfunctional to me.

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Nothing unique even happens in New York.
Just a bunch of wagecucks manipulating 1s and 0s, pretty much any city can replace the experience

I can't tell the argument here

I presume your Dad was a nigger.

Nice picture of a city that was largely built before 1960, but if you turn on CNN you'll see how wrong you are about the implications of it.

fuck off

They bombed the wtc in 1993 you retard.

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This right here. The white areas are nice.

New York is safe because the NYPD is the size of a small army and Guiliani instituted the "broken windows" policy that swarms cops to high-crime areas, amongst other policies. There is real racial tension and the commie faggots in government downplay any minority-on-white crime for a variety of reasons. I live in the ghetto and nobody fucks with me but I'm cool with black folks and I'm Jow Forums.
>My Dinner With Andre
patrician taste user
t. new yorker

italians aren't white

Actually there is alot of Polish,German and Irish as well.

i'm all of that but just because i'm mostly italian i get called non white.

I wonder if the financial and cultural districts are inhabited by white people or not? Makes a nigga think

Sucks for you brah, I am mostly German/Polish

Only Jews think that.

Depends on what you want user
Do you want a simpler, peaceful life with a good support network of lifelong friends as you support a family you love and build a safe community? Or do you want to jump back into the concrete jungle with millions of people who you will never know as your environmentally-friendly walk to your rate-race job is surrounded by litter, human excrement, homeless degenerates and criminals?

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opinion trashed.

I get told all the time on here that I'm a nigger.

Wow seems like your a bit of a cunt and can't handle bants.

That's not what it is when you have over half the people on this board believing that moors were actual black niggers and that italians aren't white in a literal sense. I'm pale yellow.

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I bet you get pissy about the mutt memes too. Take the joke, I don't see Svens, Pierres or Hans getting pissy over being called cucks. That the problem with you Italians always so sensitive and overly emotional.

>That the problem with you Italians always so sensitive and overly emotional.
lol i don't even like the italian side of my own family. I wish I was nordic instead. At least I wouldn't have brown eyes then.

Now zoom in.

Just live your life man, don't worry about it so much.

Northern and Central Italians are white. That's obvious. We're just questioning the whiteness of Neapolitan and Sicilian nogs.

>not providing a legend
Red is White, Blue is Black, Green is Asian, Orange is Hispanic, Gray is Other, and each dot is 25 people. Data from Census 2000.

I know what you mean. I work in big data in Toronto and the office is comprised almost entirely of FOB Chinese and Whites.

I have brown eyes and I'm north italian.

Singapore is artificially propped up too and can't function independently. Where do they get food or raw materials? In a SHTF scenario you emd up bugging out to Muslim Malaysia anyway.


>Have you ever visited or talked to anyone from NYK? They're all suicidal.
Traveled from the midwest to the east coast once in my life and it was shocking how perpetually pissed off everyone seemed to be.

Did it succeed because it's multicultural or did the multiculturalism follow after it became successful and is just riding its coattails?

because no one likes living here

Similar to Vancouver. That place is fucked. The bigger the city, the more miserable the people.

did i just fall for bait?

why do anmeridumbs always trot out this line as though it means something?

>tfw majority conservative red/green region in south brooklyn

most of the city is a shithole but it's pretty cozy down here desu.

make no mistake jew york runs the world and everything important is done by asians and whites, everyone else primarily delivers food

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In all fairness NYC at least most of it is pretty fucking nice these days thanks to police keeping the undesirables in line and high costs of living pushing them all into a few select neighborhoods far from the city center. Now NYC in the 70s-90s that was some third world tier shit.

Went straight over your head user

that place is an absolute fucking shit hole i was there today walking down the street and some nigger was yelling suck my dick at the top of his lungs. garbage everywhere fuck that place.

staten island is a giant suburb and basically the only good part of it. If you're going to live in a city, go to the outskirts of it. Manhattan is full of kikes.

Which ghetto user? I live in Nassau myself in a nice white neighborhood thank god. Full of Jews though like 25% but they are more of a minor annoyance than anything when it comes to day to day shit

You’re not even that Italian faggot come to me when you’re over 50%.

No, sorry.

I am italian enough so that my feet are a pale yellow color (like asian)

It was perfect beforehand. Now it's being dotted with ugly buttplug-shaped buildings.

South Brooklyn and Staten Island are the most right wing parts of the city.

china town
little italy
irish burroughs
polish quarters
williamsburg - jew town
little india
astoria queens - greek
brighton beach - russian
korean town

it seems like people want to be with their own

come to staten island and i will show you my italian feet

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Some do, its called hipsters. Then blacks cry because whites call cops on music being played too loud past sleeping hours and have their rent hiked.
>whites move into 'artsy' prime location with low rent (ghetto)
>go to work, commute and call cops (they respond)
>gets gentrified hard
>rent skyrockets, becomes a new art scene
>all 20+ year olds move in and get rent paid by their rich jewish lawyer parents while they fuck around going to cafes, art galleries and standup shows
>blacks bitch and moan because they're getting kicked out of a place that was historically their 'hood' for generations

>The origin story of Williamsburg