After seeing all the slide threads here about how interracial couples are becoming more and more common, I started noticing a pattern in my own area/life when it came to that.
I live in Tallahassee, Florida(and go to FSU). I've found that in most cases, only poor people date outside of their race here, and that's a fact. Also the VAST majority tend to be either very liberal, or very conservative - Nobody in between from what I've found. And all of them come from poor backgrounds.
No well-to-do coed would date interracially, save for a few white girls with uppity blacks or indians that, for all intents and purposes, act like white frat guys anyway. In my own frat and at the date functions I've attended, rarely ever do I see a non-white with a white. And greek life at universities is still 90-95% segregated.
Maybe it's just my autism, but has anyone else seen this correlation? interested to know.
Over here I notice it most prominently with some chavs, working class, and 1st generation Polish women with black or 1st generation Indian/Paki men. Outside of that it’s not that common and no one cares.
Hudson Sanders
You posted that exact girl in the other thread. Funny enough, she is one of the few exceptions. That girl's name is marissa
Jack Sullivan
we all know who she is. No exception, she's your common white girl fucking niggers
Like what? want her number, snap? I won't give it out but I'll shoot her a text
Logan Gray
yes her # would be great. Do you have her on insta? got a kik?
Tyler Gray
I'm not giving out her number lmao. Yes I do have her insta and I'm not giving you anons shit. But I'll prove I know her.
My girlfriend knows her as well and I'm not trying to fuck that relationship up so I'll tread lightly.
Charles Evans
No one is asking for your info lol. Just add me on kik guy we needs to talk johnsaboy
Parker Turner
Aight fair enough, back to the subject at hand tho
Kayden Morris
do not give it to him
Blake Jones
I'm on the Right, upper middle class (high income but very expensive cost of living), and in an interracial relationship.
Most minorities actually hold rather conservative values which stem from their backgrounds. A lot will vote liberal for immigration policies alone. Afterward, they vote for what they actually want once their families are here. Our Conservative party is loaded with minority supporters and plenty of candidates from all kinds of backgrounds.
Colton Hill
Show bobs and vagene.
Jace Russell
Then you're fucking up.
There are so many whites out there, why are you that shit?
I never really had a preference for skin colour. I've dated Eastern European girls, Asians, even a few from the Middle East. You can really learn to appreciate beautiful women from all over if you don't put up barriers like this. Not quite sure how you reconcile this with pol's idea that all Western women have been ruined by feminism.
But yeah, she's beautiful and a genuinely good person. Not much of a fuck up in my book.
Jonathan Thompson
I genuinely hope we can hang people like you one day.
Oliver Peterson
What is it that makes you so mad? Genuine question.
Thomas Moore
Jow Forums has a thing for minority women so this doesn't surprise me. What race is she, and why can't you just get yourself a nice slav gf? They are the best option for white men who don't want to race mix but also don't like western women.
Camden Torres
Just moved to Florida (Already planning on moving to another state or leaving the US entirely), and I can say that that's the case.
Got some white basedman who's married to a black woman, lots of mixed chillun too.
Julian Johnson
I'm half white and don't wish this on anyone else.
You seem totally fine with creating mongrels as long as it excites your feelings.
Robert Edwards
Like I said, I've dated girls from all over. Especially in my city there's no shortage of people from different parts of the world. But she's a good woman and very good looking. Clearly I don't care much about her race being different than mine so why would I go looking for a slav or anything else? She's brown from a British colony so her mannerisms and culture aren't that different from most here aside from their food which, mercifully, is much better.
By the way, this isn't the same as being dishonest about race. It's not like I would go long term with a black girl or Asian. Their cultures and backgrounds make for very difficult people to say the least.
Sorry about your self-loathing man. But you really shouldn't call yourself such things. I say this honestly: don't let pol convince you that you're garbage. No one here knows you and everyone is here out of anger and loneliness.
lol @ this being posted unironically as a one-upper
Anthony Hill
These girls look like they’re in the early 40s. That’s what the Florida sun will do to you out on the beach without a fucking giant umbrella or pop up beach gazebo. Plus the booze
Jack Ortiz
OP I went to a SEC school and 90% of the rich white girls were only interested in other rich white guys. I knew about 5 girls off the top of my head who were blacked by football players but they were all whores who already had 20+ white cocks inside them and they only fucked them because they were athletes not because they were black. None of them would be described as attractive.
But yeah the IR troll is pushed because it's the #1 thing that triggers whitebois, the vast majority of white women (even liberal white women) are only interested in men who share their socioeconomic and cultural background.
her face is dogshit ugly but her ass is fantastic, idk he chose a front facing pic. Ironically enough she also only likes white basedboys.
Julian Young
To get into a mainstream/popular frat or sorority the basic requirement is to be good looking. Good looking men and women of all races have a much higher tendency to date within their own race.
Ugly fat nerds and weeboos aren't in frats. They are on the complete opposite spectrum of the dating pool. And that's why you these beta men with ugly gooks and chinks.
David Morris
I'm from a white middle class family and always dated Asians. I even moved to Asia after college. My white hipster sister got blacked once but is now with some white beta. I know richer white women who got blacked too. Your theory is bad.
Robert Reed
Aiden Perry
So what is her race? And stop acting persecuted, Jow Forums loves race mixing with minority women. I was just suggesting that if you don't want to be a race traitor, slav women are a good option.
Dylan Roberts
> 19 year old me > frat bro > half of us are bro-type conservatives for the lulz > in the end, 90% of us were total hard line conservatives > We got shitlessly redpilled for years at college, one of the redpill was the token thots who got various STDs from darkies and came crawling back to whitey > we, obviously shunned the toll payers I used to track their trail down the toilet on Facebook, but it was too damn sad
this fsu girls are tier 1 the girls from earlier aren't even in the top 10 for adpi and adpi isn't even in the top 5 hottest sororites at FSU
user you have a lot of catching up to do in gainesville
Josiah Perez
Nah. The average one has about 150 more pounds on her, or no boyfriend to pose next too...
Parker Peterson
>Ugly fat nerds When I rushed I was an ugly fat nerd. However, being constantly rejected by most of the brothers was enough to get my ass in shape. Now I'm a standard frat clone who happens to be able to code too
Jonathan Gray
I'm in northern Illinois, it's a generational thing here. Millennials and older, it's either shit-tier divorcees or guttersluts that get with black guys, but Zoomers, doesn't matter if it's a 0 or a 10, rich or poor, you see white bitches walking around with niggers all the time.
Charles Allen
She's Caribbean.
>And stop acting persecuted
You might be confusing me with someone who cares what pol thinks.
Body ok (no tits) - face average . If she was 50 years old she would be a 10 , for a college age girl - a 51/2 (5 being middle of the road average) .
Jason Walker
What is your race?
Jace Long
a found her in less than 5 seconds why are you covering for some coalburner?
Jaxson Mitchell
Slav women don't look any better than American women and they are known for getting fat after marriage. Lot's of uggos in frats and sororities. You are all just conceited.
David Jenkins
>I knew about 5 girls off the top of my head who were blacked by football players but they were all whores who already had 20+ white cocks inside them
State of many women
Aaron Russell
>Slav women don't look any better than American women and they are known for getting fat after marriage.
Wyatt Sanchez
that's a higher res image than insta or vsco
Leo Cox
This guy is 75% white
Levi Collins
If your business fails they might not get their money back. The govt. Guarantees the banks get your student loans back.
Wyatt Cook
>FSU has some of the hottest girls and they are mostly coalburners.
Mason Sullivan
>proof There is none. Literally no girls fuck black guys here. FAMU is essentially segregated
Evan Smith
>Lot's of uggos in frats and sororities. You are all just conceited.
You're just mad you got rejected from all of them. Cope harder.
Christopher Evans
Correct. What tends to happen in immigrant cities is that various newly arrived groups end up mixing somewhat with each other due to proximity.
Henry Watson
The only exception is with white men and asian women.
Recently moved to the south and I've seen plenty of mixed race people and couples. That being said most of them are drug addicted hags or land whales. A good looking white girl is rarer but you will see it occasionally. In those cases I imagine drugs are involved though.
Seems like if you burn coal down here it's tolerated but you're forced to live with niggers and deal with the consequences. The ones I've seen seem to be living in black neighborhoods.
Jose Gray
Please tell me these 2 chicks are a dyke couple.
Easton Hall
imagine thinking being in a frat is cool
Nicholas Sanchez
Hudson Russell
But they do though. This board is all about race mixing, they brag about it constantly. You are not some lone persecuted hero promoting race mixing here. You're among friends in this disgusting shithole. I don't see any proof of that, but women only get fat after marriage because their men let them. Take her to the gym with you.
Daniel Young
asian women exist for the successful white guys who aren't charismatic or attractive. they get a relatively non-uggo wife and she gets status and financial gain. previously he would have married unhappily or never at all.
Samuel Kelly
Attractive women almost never would touch a nigger for any reason,, save gold diggers. Niggers are ugly. Nobody wants them. The kikes and fags are just mad because Kavanaugh is on the court and the BBC crap is all they have to try and fuck with us about. Im loving it.
It's more of a class thing in the south. Most blacks are poor as shit so they get trashy white girls. Anytime I see an attractive white girl with a black guy, he's the type that acts white and has mostly white friends.
Logan Adams
terrific. the idea that some geek would come up to me now and brag about his sick Florida State frat status is a laugh riot. stay humble fag, you a'int shit yet.
Jaxon Morris
This entire thread says otherwise
William Evans
>Anytime I see an attractive white girl with a black guy, he's the type that acts white and has mostly white friends. That was the point I made in the OP. In the off chance the former does happen, it's because she's with the child of a dentist or diversity hire.
Kayden Mitchell
Because people under 25 think the blacked meme is true.
Justin Allen
the reason for this simple: there are only very rare cases where a black man is ever a better option than a white man for someone who has the choice (a white woman). that case is STATUS, namely celebrity. to marry a quality white woman a black man has to be famous.
Aaron Peterson
The South is actually cancer and so are colleges. Be sure to thank your local black bull ball handling team for winning the SPORTS GAME.
Parker Russell
>This board is all about race mixing >persecuted again
You are objectively bad at reading. Anyone who spends any time here knows damn well the overwhelming majority of this board is against race mixing. For Christ's sake there are entire threads devoted to it on a daily basis and anyone talking about finding a nice Asian gf is called a piece of shit for wanting to mix.
Andrew Watson
>OkCupid Kek, how about you get off your PC and talk to a girl face to face?
Asher King
>white women are either gold diggers, or complete whores who will never settle down Wow who knew, it's literally the same everywhere I go. Of course there are exceptions, but few.
Cameron Brown
Ya basically a beta cux provider for a gook wife instead and his hapa children will look like mongrelized basturds that look 90% asian.
Ya, no thanks. I'm not that desperate
Austin Gonzalez
You are absolutely incorrect. This board either in dedicated threads or casual posts loves to brag about race mixing. Again, you're not a lone persecuted minority. If I had a dollar for every thread or post where some effeminate Jow Forumsack talked about their non-white gfs I'd be one rich son of a bitch.
Kayden Nelson
>entertaining a memeflag who jerks off to interracial porn user, think about these things.
Brayden Perez
He didn't get anything.
Elijah Cook
Yup. My best friend's sister is nasty and fat and she settled for a black guy. When we talk he likes to subtle brag about the nudes he still gets from random white girls and shit and how hard it is not to cheat on her all the time.