Lindsey is a girl's name.
Lindsey is a girl's name
Good thing his name is Lindsay then
so what if it is? you afraid of girls, incel?
I've never met a woman called sheila who wasn't born in the united kingdom.
Nope, neither is Courtney or Ashley
it's Lindsey actually, which is a girl's name
It's the name of rapists. R@Pe!
I plan on naming my future sons: Lindsey, Courtney and Ashley.
your sons sound hot
How dare you assume that names gender
And? Boy named sue logic
It didn't keep him from being a fag, but he has some balls
stay away from my sons, you fruity leaf!
I'll crawl through your fuckin chimney and rape your whole family on christmas and it'll be your fault or leaving milk and cookies out faggot
>Leaf lookin for cheap milk
Post the prices faggot or accept annexation
The man makes the name. You could have some guy named Poopy-Fart Penis Puff who also lords over the wastes and annihilates all in his path and people would tremble in fear while you laugh at the name but can't figure out why others cower. You will learn.
I am not checking those digits, fucking Canadians I swear
yes it is. it's still nice to see Lindsey pulling McCain's necrotic phallus from his pussy, though.
Oh hell naw y'all didn't
Post the in-store prices and there will be an end to the horror!
So, you're a leaf........ (dog fucker)
i'll do it for you
In S.C. (the only place where ppls' opinion of him actually matters), certain (feminine-sounding) names denote high class. Lindsey is one of them. There's also:
It's actually Lindsay, you're misremembering it due to the Mandingo Effect
Don't forget Marion, Yves, and Jessie
>Mandingo Effect
There are IDs on this board lad
It's called the Mandala Effect in this timeline famiglia, unless I shifted again and didn't notice.
Great movie
you have autism
user, you need to look up Mandingo. You will get the joke.