>roughly 23,000 registration mistakes disclosed by the DMV last month.

Randall Marquis has lived in California for 31 years, but he knew it was a mistake when he received a notice last month that said he was newly registered to vote. He may have a state driver’s license, but he’s a citizen of Canada.

“When I saw that card, I just threw it out,” Marquis said. “I know I’m not going to vote. I’m not allowed to vote, it’s stupid that I should be registered to vote.”

The Newport Beach resident, who has a green card and is married to a U.S. citizen, was one of some 1,500 people who the California Department of Motor Vehicles said on Monday were wrongly registered to vote between late April and late September. These errors, which included other non-citizens, are in addition to the roughly 23,000 registration mistakes disclosed by the DMV last month.

Marquis contacted The Times on Sept. 30 to say that his attempt to get a replacement driver’s license at a DMV field office in late August ended with him being sent a registered voter notice by elections officials. DMV officials, in responding to a request for comment from The Times, then discovered additional errors that were blamed on employees making data entries.


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I thought that it was law that they were going to register all license holders regardless of legal status.

>be foreign national
>ask for drivers license
>get voters card
crooked fucks did this on purpose, we should halve their representation in the union

>“When I saw that card, I just threw it out,”

didn't even want or ask for the thing, wtf California

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Full story: archive.is/7zyWf

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Revoke their voting until federal and investigators audit their entire voter registration.

Yeah right whitey

Can it be memed that it's trap, like if they vote they will be deported?

its that simple, trump should do it by executive order as well, just to drive them truly insane ... who are they going to appeal it to ... the supreme court!!!!

we should meme that contacting the ACLU or immigrant "rights" lawyers is actually a trap

I ponderify why they failed to mention that he was registered as democrat...

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Yeah no shit lol.

When I had jury duty in Los Angeles county, we had to sign a contract during eliminations verifying that we spoke english fluently. Court house workers asked everyone multiple times, even in spanish, if they spoke english fluently. Then came the individual interviews and almost 1/8 of my group struggled to answer the judge's basic questions due to inability to speak english. It was appalling. One potential juror was even dismissed for impromptu translating for a non-english speaker. I fully believe these mexicans were just agreeing and signing things, having no idea wtf was going on, because they didn't want to get into trouble.

Jim Eason, who used to have a radio talk show on KGO and later KSFO in SF used to refer to the CA Motor Voter project as "Auto Fraudo".

thats where your wrong kiddo. trump can order an audit of californias voter roll, he could appoint a "special prosecutor" to look into it, he could even order the military to oversee the election, he can station ICE agents at every federal polling booth, he could put US marshalls and secret service and every polling station, he can send ICE right into DMV and have them stand at every counter! .... and theres not a goddamn thing california can do about it

put Cali under marshall law until this gets figured out.

Yeah, it is. The DMV even has tv's that scroll "everyone who gets a driver's license gets to vote". In spanish only, of course.

>If only you really knew how bad it is.

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None of them are blonde

Look at the roots

But...but......they reported that this was all unfounded. I read that in Buzzfeed, tyt and Huffington Post.

He won’t though


I saw an article in Breitbart saying Starr County TX just arrested some spic for voter registration fraud too. But of course according to Democrats this never happens.


The one on the right looks like a dirty blonde. The one in the middle is hot but she looks like she has a little jew and latino in her. The one on the left is a goblin who can probably trace her ancestry to Atilla the Hun and Genghis Khan

Most spics are illiterate. Worse, the average language comprehension (mostly do to low iq) is akin to a white 5 year old. They nod and nod, but seriously can't understand basic questions or requests.

Of course, if a gringo lowers themself to the level of the mexinigger, they will make up words and say complete gibberish, just to fuck with you. It's literally instinctual; they even do it to other dialect of beaner.

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Donald Bump. The corruption runs deep, my frens.

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Alright Pol it's time for everyone that hasn't already registered to vote to get registered! Tomorrow is the voter registration deadline in many states with other states soon to follow. No matter where you live your vote on November 6th is needed. Every Congressman and woman is up for reelection in addition to many other Senate and statewide races.

Register to vote online:


Complete list of candidates to support in all 50 states:


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they like the aryan aesthetic. id still shag em

>When your state is 50%+ red by county, but every single representative is democrat, including the most conservative district

Dems will never stop infecting Maryland.

Can we just isolate California until/if they get their shit together. I don't care if they want illegals voting in local elections that will only hurt other Californians, but they should not have a voice in any elections that affect the country as a whole. Voting for Hillary by a margin of 3 million+ votes should be reason enough.

it's fixable. Hang in there.

business as usual

Or move to swing state PA, which is superior.

Implying someone wasn’t hired to commit such treason

That's pretty much my filter for Jow Forums

how fucking obvious is it that illegals vote all the time in california. apparently no one cares, it couldnt be that difficult to prove


And there it is.

I've been telling people this since before the 2016 election.

Next Question: Did Hillary still win the popular vote?

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This is a misinfo article to say only 23,000 'mistakes', in reality its in the millions.

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they did this in NV first, in 2016

We have been saying this for years. It's very simple 1+1. California does NOT require proof of citizenship or legal status to obtain Driver's Licenses through AB-60, and because of that, those IDs cannot be used for federal purposes. Add to this, Democrats everywhere want "Automatic Voter Registration" when anyone obtains or renews their Driver's Licenses at the DMV. They make it illegal to question anyone's immigration or legal status when presented with an AB-60 card. Also, elections, even for federal office are a state affair, so it's very easy to see California allowing AB-60 ids the ability to vote. Polling places have non-English signage and ballots. These non-citizens may also get an absentee ballot in the mail.

It's such a fucking fraud, and California communists and the DNC are trying to take over the entire United States with this cheat in Sanctuary Cities everywhere. We need to give these fraudsters political HELL.

>>Be illegal alien before 2016 election
>>Maximum propaganda
>>A: Don't vote and get deported.
>>B: Vote and not get deported.
At what percentage do you think either option took place?

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23000 in one month


>23,000 registration mistakes disclosed by the DMV last month.
Oh no, it 's way more than that. 23,000 mistakes that they caught last month maybe. How did they catch them? Probably self-reported like Marquis - which means it's all white people self-reporting.

Perfect cover to have massive INS presence at polling places in November. CA doesn't matter. This only helps our cause.

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>“Boy, y’all want power. God, I hope you never get it. I hope the American people can see through this sham,” Graham said to the Democrats on the committee.

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Blond hair can result from long hair being sun-bleached